From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1223 Teacher, you can’t just possess a girl’s body!

Before Asura's brain, which was equivalent to nothing, could figure out what was wrong.

The earth seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force. Deep cracks spread like scars on the earth. With a deafening roar, one red demon after another struggled out of these cracks. Their bodies were covered with blazing flames, and their eyes were like burning coal balls, flashing with the desire for life and the impulse of destruction.

These demons have different forms. Some are like giant beasts, wearing heavy scales; some are human-like, but with hideous faces and extra limbs.

Among them, a particularly huge demon is particularly eye-catching. Its body almost covers half of the sky, like a moving mountain, exuding a heart-pounding pressure.

The level of this demon is probably beyond 500,000. It is an unprecedented powerful existence. Its existence seems to be a mockery and provocation to the whole world.

This is not the result of Blito Luo's direct intervention, but due to Okas's earth-shaking blow just now.

Ogas not only pierced the surface of the earth, but also deeply touched the forgotten abyss under the earth's crust.

This blow not only shook the earth, but also sounded like a command, awakening countless demons sleeping deep in the earth.

They felt the vibration from the outside world, and those beings that were originally dormant in the dark were attracted by this power and began to move, ready to welcome their carnival.

The biggest hidden danger of the Vajra Earth lies here.

Once there is any large-scale movement, whether it is war, natural disasters or battles between gods, it is very easy to attract the attention of demons and Blito.

Demons, these monsters that exist to destroy all living things on the earth, usually only the weak ones wander around, searching for souls to devour.

The powerful demons are like cheetahs lurking in the dark, waiting for the appearance of prey. Their actions are often based on the movement of the outside world. Only when there is enough energy fluctuation or threat will they be awakened and show their terrifying power.

Blitra, the giant dragon known as "the one who fills the universe" and "the one who covers up" in Indian mythology, its name itself contains endless majesty and terror, as the personification of drought.

However, the true nature of Blitra is far more terrifying than this - it is a monster born by the planet to destroy human civilization, and it is the embodiment of the will of the earth.

Due to this special identity, Blitra has become an immortal existence. No matter how hard the gods and humans try, they cannot completely destroy it, and can only suppress it temporarily.

Every time a period of time passes, Blitra will wake up again, with more fierce anger, and continue its path of destruction.

Misra looked at these demons. Now she has killed the gods with her own strength and become a strong person who can protect mankind.

She no longer needs the hypocritical "protection" of those gods, because the tragic history of 12,500 years of massacres and collecting human souls has made her and the gods have a blood feud.

Those gods, with their high and mighty attitude, looked down upon humans as ants, trampled on lives wantonly, and deprived 7 trillion human souls of their souls. This blood feud was so deep that even if all the bamboos in the four seas were used up, it would not be possible to write down their sins; even if all the water in the nine heavens were poured out, it would be difficult to wash away their evil.

Mishra's heart was filled with anger and determination. She vowed to make those gods pay with blood and seek justice for the souls of 7 trillion humans.

The power of the mantras gathered around her, and finally condensed into countless dazzling light spears.

With Mishra's order, countless light spears cut through the sky like a meteor shower, shooting towards those demons. These light spears were not only as fast as lightning, but also extremely accurate. Almost every one of them could hit the target accurately.

Those weak demons were instantly turned into ashes under the attack of the light spears. Even those with stronger strength became scarred and wailed under the impact of this force.

As for the huge 500,000-level demon, although it has amazing defense and recovery power, it gradually showed signs of fatigue under the continuous bombardment of countless light guns. The flames on its body began to dim, and black smoke continued to overflow from the wounds, which was a symbol of its loss of vitality.

Misra still had no experience. It was too extravagant to use her mantra power in this way. It was so extravagant that Chang Wei couldn't stand it.

"Misra, this is not how the mantra power is used. Watch it!"

Chang Wei said and took over Misra's body directly.

"Hey, teacher!"

Misra was just a human girl, and the humans on King Kong Earth had not even established civilization. At most, the primitive tribes were a little more advanced, so Misra was not mentally prepared to be possessed and controlled.

She couldn't even believe it and couldn't imagine how her teacher entered her body.

Moreover, can a girl's body be entered at will? ! !

This question flashed through her mind, but was soon replaced by a more shocking scene.

Chang Wei collected all the power of the mantra, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and finally condensed it into a pair of clenched fists.

"Power of the mantra, lightning-speed punch!!!"

As his mind moved, Misra's body seemed to be pushed by an invisible force, and she rushed forward in an instant.

Her fist drew a perfect arc in the air, with dazzling light and whistling wind, and blasted towards the huge demon.

At this moment, Chang Wei used Misra's fingers and fists to punch hundreds of millions of light-speed punches.

Each punch contained the essence of the power of the mantra, and the speed was unimaginable.

What is the concept of light speed?

That is a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, which can circle the earth seven and a half times in one second!

When this punch hit the huge demon, the whole space seemed to be torn apart.

A powerful energy wave burst out from the fist, instantly squeezing and distorting the surrounding air.


A loud noise echoed in the air, as if the whole universe was shaking.

The power of the mantra bloomed brilliantly, and a punch was thrown, showing the power of destroying the world and slaughtering gods in the universe called "Asura's Wrath"!

I saw a straight beam of light passing through, instantly piercing the body of the huge demon.

Misra (actually Chang Wei) stepped forward and punched, passing by the 500,000-level demon and other demons, and standing behind them in a fist-waving posture.

That seemingly light punch actually contained the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Wherever the punch passed, the space was like a torn cloth, and tiny cracks appeared quietly, then quickly expanded, forming a distorted space storm.

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