From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 130 The Endless Spirit

Gloribas didn't know that Meluzagarudo had lost his reaction, and looked at the invader in front of him with full confidence.

"You are the invader, right? I didn't expect that you could break through Meluzagarudo's interception, but that's it. I am the most powerful Gloribas among the three top fighters!"

Gloribas who appeared in front of Chang Wei was a green-skinned man with a head without any facial features except for the mouth. His arms had no fingers or anything, but instead had a mouth full of fangs.

It can only be said that compared with his two colleagues, Gloribas looked like a small fish.

His special skill was to spit out strong acid from his mouth, and he had learned some new special moves before coming to Earth, with a total of more than 20.

"Oh, it looks very powerful, I wonder how it tastes."

Chang Wei said with a smile.


Gloribas didn't know what Chang Wei said, and the next moment, he found that he only had a head left.

"What's going on, when!!!"

Chang Wei felt that his telekinesis was skyrocketing at a crazy speed!

About 100,000 kilometers per second, Chang Wei couldn't do that fast, so he wanted to get Boros's meteor burst.

But now it's different, he got a very suitable telekinetic gene, of course, the Hell Tornado might also be suitable, he can ask her for some genes another day.

After the Shenguang virus ate Gloribas, it analyzed Gloribas's genes, but for Chang Wei, it was better than nothing.

How could it be possible, it Gloribas...

"You have been fooling around on our spaceship for so long, you really don't take us seriously!"

Almost perceiving, Chang Wei had already appeared in front of it.

When Goluganshup uses superpowers, it can eliminate the friction between the controlled object and the air, so as to reach sub-light speed but will not disappear due to the intense friction between the object and the air.

The speed of light can be called the limit of matter.

Chang Wei's pupils shrank, and Goluganshup felt a terrifying sense of oppression acting on himself, and the sub-light speed stones it fired were easily knocked away by Chang Wei.

But that's impossible.

Boros's meteor burst was really fierce, and it was calculated to have a terrifying speed of one-third the speed of light.

Goluganshupu tried to struggle, but the telekinetic protective wall it built was easily penetrated and disintegrated by the opponent's telekinesis.

Sublight speed sounds awesome, but hundreds and thousands of times the speed of sound are all sublight speed.


Goluganshupu was stunned, and then threw out the telekinetic stone without slowing down.

Then Chang Wei absorbed everything from it.

But Tornado couldn't do this. If Tornado tried to throw objects at sublight speed, the objects would be destroyed by air friction.

Then, under the operation of the Shenguang virus, the T virus began to become active.

No matter when, the invisible killer is the most useful means for Chang Wei, not to mention that the invisible killer can now be as small as a molecule, which is difficult to detect and has an indestructible attack. There is no substance that the invisible killer cannot decompose, unless it has no molecular structure.

"Has Gloribas also been solved?"

He raised his head, as if he could pull down the moon and form a "moonfall" attack if he wanted to! ! !

It was a big scene on a macro level, but Chang Wei was not a scene person, he was a fun person, and he would not feel comfortable if he did not show his prowess in front of others for a day.

So, the T virus and the Shenguang virus now use this gene as a template to absorb and optimize this gene.

Chang Wei said with a smile, and Goliu Ganshupu screamed and broke into pieces.

Goliu Ganshupu was about to remind Gloribas to be careful of the invader. It was very likely that the guy had solved the problem of Meruza Garudo's loss of contact, but Gloribas's reaction was also silent, which made Goliu Ganshupu terrified.

"A little disappointed, can't you notice it?"

What he wanted more now was the octopus!

It was a little unbelievable, and then it found that the invader's life form seemed to be coming towards it.

In other words, either conceptual things, pure energy, or unscientific science fiction materials or something like that could possibly stop Chang Wei's invisible killer.

"It is invincible in attack and impeccable in defense. This is my telekinesis. Eating you should make my telekinesis stronger, maybe even reach the atomic level."

If you say that an octopus can throw a sub-light-speed stone at 880,000 times the speed of sound, then Chang Wei will admit defeat.

Chang Wei suddenly spoke.

The speed of light in the air is about: 300,000km/s=3000000000m/s, and the speed of sound in the air is about: 340m/s. In the air, the speed of light is about 300,000/340=882352.941176471 times the speed of sound.

"How is it possible, this level of telekinesis..."

Before, his telekinesis was limited to the limits of earthlings or earth creatures. Without the reference of biological gene templates that are good at telekinesis or have more developed brains, the Shenguang virus and the T virus grew completely wildly.

Teacher one even gave the setting that Goryuganshoop could create a black hole, but it seems to have been abandoned. After all, creating a black hole is not something that a normal-level monster can achieve.

Goluganshup did not panic at all, and used telekinesis to control the surrounding rubble to fly up.

This caused Chang Wei's mental power to explode exponentially. If Chang Wei's telekinesis could cover the entire world, telepathy could sense all humans like Professor X, and mental manipulation could control all humans, then now it was telekinesis that covered the earth and even the core of the earth, and could sense the movement of the core of the earth.

"It seems that you really can't feel... my telekinesis."

Gloribas was shocked and horrified. It was actually solved so quietly?


"Gloribas, it's bad, be careful, Meruza Garudo might be... Gloribas? Gloribas!"

"Not bad."

At the same time, it spread to outer space and covered the moon.

Below this value, even if it is infinitely close to the speed of light, it is only sub-light speed.

"It seems like we can do something cool like carving words on the moon..."

Chang Wei felt the surging telekinesis in his brain. If his telekinesis before was a well that continuously gushed out water, now it felt like the well had burst. His entire brain was filled with a vast sea of ​​spiritual power gushing out. He was squandering his spiritual power wantonly, but it didn't seem to be decreasing.

He was squandering perhaps eight digits of spiritual power per second, but the spiritual power that gushed out was at an astronomical level per second, such as ten to the power of a few.

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