From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 13: Harvest Begins

The black hunter is much stronger than ordinary hunters in terms of defense, strength and speed.

Chang Wei tried to fight ordinary hunters and soldiers of Black Watch with it, and the result was that the black hunter easily tore the hunter apart with his hands. The ease was just like the first time Chang Wei fought with the hunter in the four-armed overlord form.

In fact, Chang Wei did pass on the four-armed overlord form as a gene to that drop of blood, so this black hunter has four arms, and it is completely okay to call it a four-armed hunter.

Moreover, the black light virus in the body is very stable, and there will be no uncontrolled spread of the black light virus, unless the four-armed hunter wants to spread the virus, and then the object of the virus will not become an ordinary infected person, but only a "pseudo hunter".

This is a hunter that is much smaller than the ordinary hunter, but faster, at the cost of reduced strength and defense, which is equivalent to a degraded version of the hunter.

This looks like a disadvantage, but how can this black light creature that has evolved specifically for weaponization be a disadvantage?

First of all, this kind of degraded hunter ensures quality. No matter how it spreads, the blacklight virus will not continue to degenerate. Degraded hunters will only infect degraded hunters. The weakness of degraded hunters is relative to hunters. In fact, it is far beyond the powerful infected people such as infected people and fat people.

Secondly, the energy consumption of manufacturing is reduced. It does not require such strong defense and strength. The energy and blacklight virus consumption of manufacturing a hunter can be used to manufacture ten degraded hunters.

Degraded hunters only need to strengthen their speed, as long as the enemy cannot lock on and attack themselves. Anyway, the main responsibility of degraded hunters is to "quickly", "spread" and "stably" spread the blacklight virus at the fastest speed to infect a city!

Just like aliens, as long as there is enough flesh and blood, aliens can be produced in large quantities!

Finally, degraded hunters are equivalent to gene point storage tanks. When they harvest and plunder enough lives, Chang Wei can recycle them at the fastest speed.

From the beginning to the end, he just wanted to get Elizabeth's ability to produce black light soldiers. He looked down on most of the soldiers designed by Elizabeth and firmly believed that his own was the most suitable and the best.

The four-armed hunter got the order and ran away.

Chang Wei felt that the strength of this super hunter was just average. Even if he didn't use the strong current attack of the first kill, he could crush it.

This is the ability that Chang Wei evolved specifically considering the nature of enemies like insect swarms in the future. It can even be said that I am the insect swarm.

As for the super hunter or the supreme hunter, Chang Wei got the complete version of the super hunter in Elizabeth's gene bank information. He knew that the super hunter in the original plot was a defective version that had not yet evolved completely.

Even if this super hunter can continue to evolve and become stronger, it seems that there are no shortcomings, but it has lost the ability of the complete version...

Of course, reference opinions are still necessary. Fantasy cannot become the strongest, and practice is required.

As a result, he was stabbed out by Alex Mercer with a needle. I don’t know why Elizabeth didn’t continue to brew the Super Hunter. Maybe it was too late? Or maybe that needle made her completely lose the key information and couldn’t produce it?

"The fully evolved Super Hunter, unfortunately, it’s useless to me."

The complete version of the Super Hunter was designed and created by Elizabeth, and she was ready to brew it to deal with Alex Mercer, the disobedient "son"!

What's more, to go to the next world, he needs to pay 100 million gene points as a price. I don’t know if the standard for each world and each time it crosses is different, or it is a fixed 100 million points.

Completely destroy the target.

After the four-armed hunter, it is the "Death Hunter" who gets several form bonuses from Chang Wei and even has strong acid ability.

"Go, create a degraded hunter, and then find Alex Mercer for me."

The size of the Death Hunter is similar to that of the Four-Armed Hunter, but the color is very different. The body surface is bright red. In order to release strong acid spray on the body surface, it naturally does not need a thick shell. The positioning is to create death. Chang Wei judges that there is no way to recover the gene points and will send the Death Hunter.

After absorbing Alex Mercer, Chang Wei plans to go to the world, plunder this world completely, store enough gene points to go to the next world, so that he can evolve in time if he gets any good things in the next world.

As for the electric shock ability, Chang Wei does not intend to give it out. If Alex Mercer absorbs this ability, it will be quite troublesome for him. In comparison, although the strong acid ability is also very strong, Chang Wei has a shell that evolves specifically and is not afraid of strong acid at all.


"Captain, why are there so many casualties among the Marines and Black Watch soldiers recently?"

At the Black Watch headquarters, Peter Randall, a one-armed general with a broken arm, questioned the captain in front of him.

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