From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 28 Monster VS Monster

A projectile is sandwiched between two parallel rails. A strong current flows from one guide rail through the projectile and through the other guide rail. At this time, a strong magnetic field is generated around the guide rail. The energized projectile in the middle is launched in the direction of force F under the action of the magnetic field.

Now Changwei can control high-voltage currents of more than 10 billion volts, enough to turn air into a conductor.

That's right, he's going to use his arm as a cannonball!

The electromagnetic gun is Sister Gun's famous stunt, but there are many problems in realizing it.

But it doesn't matter, Chang Wei has the black light virus and knowledge about rail guns.

It's still a bit digestible after chewing hard.

"Electromagnetic gun?"

The pariah's pupils shrank, and the next moment, a lightning fist hit him.

Chang Wei knew very well that reality is not a game that can stop and explain, nor is it a game where you can charge up without interrupting, so after he was knocked away, he had already finished charging up when the untouchables came over.

The fired "cannonball" instantly accelerated to a terrifying speed of three hundred kilometers per minute. The terrifying electric shock and storm emptied everything around it.

The untouchables couldn't believe it. He actually killed him so decisively?

Without these, human beings just don’t want to make progress and would not have come down from the trees millions of years ago.

"The treasure house of the ocean is there, and the black light virus is hidden in all life on earth. I have also obtained the knowledge, memories, and experiences of billions of humans around the world... Why do I want to plot your black light virus?"

The "cannonball" penetrated his body and evaporated most of his body in an instant. The rest also disappeared in the face of the ultra-high temperature brought by the terrifying heat barrier!

"So, Mr. Untouchable, Madam, the Old Man of the Mountain, Lu Bu, and the respected Mr. Einstein...did you feel the power of the earth shattering that day?"

"Human science is also very strong, but I underestimated the role of tools."

Light has appeared in the eyes of the untouchables, which is the sun blooming on the land.


Shamelessness, greed, and despicability are both human shortcomings and human strengths.

In the true sense of fusion, this guy doesn't care at all how many memories are working together and active in his mind.

"Hydrogen bomb...nuclear fusion? Have you evolved to this level?"

Chang Wei saw his doubts and said to the air when the untouchables were completely wiped out.

Isn’t it the instinct of the prototype to devour the prototype, let alone its prototype?

The untouchables know how strong human greed is. Capitalists can sell the rope to hang themselves to others for 300% profit, kill each other for a useless piece of gold, and fight for several years for a woman. war...

This can be regarded as a different kind of rebirth or "fusion".

The voices of the untouchables were a mixture of men, women, old and young, and the accent sounded very strange.

The memory can be read, and the main consciousness is still one's own, but if the memory is not controlled, Chang Wei will be "submerged".

"If you have a role model at the top of the food chain, you don't want to learn from it. Instead, you have to learn from things that have been eliminated on the earth. The food chain is time-limited. Any creature that does not evolve in time will be eliminated. Only humans can give up evolution lazily and arrogantly, because they have chosen the most Evolution that works.”

Chang Wei's body was torn apart and dissipated in the air.

Chang Wei's voice came from all directions.

The failed pariah was startled, and then dozens of light beams shot from all directions, vaporizing it!

Ninety-nine·Radiation hotline!

By shaping the structure, Chang Wei created atomic breath/radiation ray black light virus nuclear energy biological emitters in all directions, confident that even if the untouchables built a Big Mac, it would be melted and evaporated.

The disguised body only has the energy to charge one shot of the electromagnetic gun, and it is used to deceive and block the gun. How could a cautious person like Chang Wei fight with the real body?

Even after analyzing what a pariah was, Chang Wei no longer swallowed his thoughts. He was afraid that he would be driven crazy.

The next moment, Chang Wei was stabbed in the back with a sharp blade, the speed was beyond imagination.

However, this was not over yet. A monster shot its spikes from a distance at a very fast speed, hitting Chang Wei's position, followed by "Boom"! ! !

There was a loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

"It's really outrageous that a creature would be clicked by you to this extent."

"As for tools, I still underestimate them..."

He arranged a lot of backup plans, confident that he was immortal and could devour Chang Wei, an alien. However, he did not expect that all of this was just a trap. Chang Wei, the hydrogen bomb, was the ultimate killer. After confirming that "he" was here, he simply Destroy everything with nuclear fusion.

Chang Wei is used to being cautious, and given the characteristics of the black light virus, he doesn't want to spend all his time playing a hunting game with the untouchables for who knows how many years.

"No, it's just a trick, nuclear fusion is still a bit difficult..."

The yield was beyond imagination, especially since it exploded in mid-air, destroying Chang Wei's aerial nest and ground nest together!

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