From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 5 Lightning, Electric Shock, Electric Eel Form

Mercer had no intention of letting the hunter go. When Chang Wei turned around, he found that Mercer had absorbed the hunter.

It is actually not difficult for Mercer to deal with a single hunter.

"Hello, my name is Alex Mercer."

Then he asked after seeing Chang Wei coming.

"Chang Wei."

Chang Wei said his name.


This strange pronunciation made Mercer startled.

"If you want to know the truth, go to Elizabeth Green."

Chang Wei's English was not very good at first, but after devouring so many infected people, he learned English.



Mercer's eyes widened. Chang Wei seemed to understand his situation very well?

"I can only tell you these things, Black Watch, Elizabeth Greene, find Elizabeth, and you will understand these things."

After the evolution is over, Chang Wei looks like a normal person, but in fact, power-generating organs have been spread all over his body.

Then the black light virus seemed to realize that if it continued to output current, Chang Wei might be burned by the electric heating effect, so it evolved some anti-electricity measures for Chang Wei.

Chang Wei didn't care that this infected area would disappear due to his crazy hunting. The early infected areas were of average importance. Anyway, after Elizabeth came out, there would be no shortage of infected areas.

His intuition told him that the big man Chang Wei didn't seem to be lying.

After leaving Mercer, Chang Wei returned to his normal self.

The super virus system started its second mutation and evolution according to Chang Wei's fantasy.

"The electric eel's genetic mutation evolved the power-generating organ... The power-generating organ shaped by the black light virus is much stronger than the electric eel's, right?"


In the end, he could only go back to find his sister to see if she could find this Elizabeth Green.

"It's amazing..."

Mercer remembered the name Elizabeth Green, but when he saw Chang Wei turned around, he wanted to leave. He also wanted to continue to communicate with this "similar person", but Chang Wei ignored him and jumped away from the spot. Got out.

"Next, I need to get a lot of gene points to strengthen myself and evolve into a lightning form."

Mercer couldn't chase him even if he wanted to, after all, he didn't have super muscles yet.

Chang Wei has systematic help and can clearly understand the changes in the body.

The crackling arc on Chang Wei's finger flickered. The arc on just one finger had a voltage of tens of thousands of volts. Chang Wei felt that if he tried his best, the voltage might reach one million volts or even hundreds of millions of volts, but he didn't If it is turned on so loudly, it is mainly due to high voltage, and the current will be incredibly weak.

As for whether Mercer will feel that he has deceived him later, Chang Wei can also explain that he did not know that Mercer lost his memory and was looking for his own memory. He just told Mercer the truth and source of the virus.

Chang Wei was the first to experience the feeling of being shocked by this high-voltage current.

After hunting a lot of infected people, Chang Wei hid and carried out his second mutation evolution.

"Besides, it consumes a lot of energy. Only an unreasonable virus like the black light virus can support me in generating electricity. Electric eels can only generate electricity for such a short time, but I can generate electricity for nearly an hour, and then I have to replenish it. Got physical strength."

After careful consideration, Chang Wei planned to speed up Elizabeth's expansion of the infection area. Of course, it would be better to instruct others to do the work, so Mercer was the best choice.

So there is no problem communicating with Mercer.

Chang Wei was very excited. Although high voltage means weak current, it only needs to be able to electrocute people and paralyze hunters and ultimate hunters.

Chang Wei found that the infected area really did not spread, but shrank. This was the credit of Black Watch and Mercer. Mercer killed too many hunters in the early stage, resulting in the Black Light Virus having no advantage against Black Watch. It can be said.

Otherwise, a super creature that can destroy main battle tanks, is very agile, and is not afraid of most small-caliber firearms would be very difficult for Black Watch to deal with in an urban environment, let alone a hunter. Move out in droves.

You can see the arc with the naked eye, and you can imagine how strong the current is. It is simply a high-voltage current.

The electric eel gene absorbed by Chang Wei was fused with the black light virus. Then Chang Wei felt itchy all over his body, and then he saw an arc appearing on his body. The crackling arc penetrated the air and made a creepy sound.

With normal voltage output, it can continue to generate electricity for close to an hour, but with ultra-high voltage output of full-body power generation that is turned to the limit, it may disappear in a few seconds.

This electric shock form can be used in the four-handed overlord form, which means it can be superimposed!

"We need to capture a hunter to see the actual combat effect."

Chang Wei thought that if the current output of tens of thousands of volts could cause obvious results to the hunter, then he would not need to worry about insufficient current intensity.

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