From Twin Cities: Unlimited Rewards for the Beginning of the War

Chapter 117: The congratulations that shocked the audience, the new proposal at the wedding

All eyes turned to Lin Feng.

Not only is this tall and tall man dressed up very attractively today, but more importantly, the words 'Underground Manager of Zaun' are tugging at the heartstrings of all the guests.

Getting to the point.

Under the watchful eyes, Lin Feng walked onto the ceremony platform calmly.

Coming to Jess and Mel, Lin Feng took out a beautiful box from his arms.

Everyone's eyes came to the exquisite box, and when Lin Feng opened the box, everyone was shocked.

Like a morning star, a dazzling yellow light is pumped out of the box.

When they saw this clearly, surprise and doubt appeared on the faces of the guests at the same time.

Inside the box is a gem.

But this gemstone is very different from the general hex gemstone. This gemstone presents an irregular shape, and the overall color is not as clear and transparent as the hex gemstone.

Not only that, but around the gem, the vision seems to have been affected to some extent, making the gem look like it was covered with a layer of chaos.

They were amazed that this magical gem had a wild orderly beauty that none of the guests had ever seen.

But doubts also exist. No one understands why Lin Feng sent such a thing to Jess and Mel.

You know, in terms of rarity, there is almost nothing more precious than those two Hexian rings.

It is precisely because of this that the other nobles did not think about sending similar things as gifts.

Some people know another identity of Lin Feng's scientist, but this thing is not the core of Hex.

And when Lin Feng began to explain, all the guests were deeply shocked once again.

"This is a rare crystal from Shurima, one of the shards that fell from the sun's disk. It is given to you as a gift on behalf of Zaun, and wishes for your marriage."

Lin Feng handed the box containing the gems to Jace and winked at Jace:

"The gem is very hot, be careful when you study it, but don't explode it again."

For a while, the scene fell silent.

'Shurima', 'sun disk', these keywords are caught by people.

It is well known that the origin of the hex gemstones actually comes from Shurima.

But no one has heard of gem fragments taken from the sun's disk.

What is the solar disk?

That's where the hallmark of Shurima is, where the soul of Shurima is!

Not to mention picking up a shard, even approaching the sun disc is a kind of foolish behavior. The Philos family has never had a shard on the sun disc so far.

And Lin Feng has such one!

No one knows how Lin Feng's shard came from, but they can be sure of one thing.

This man is not easy!

If it is Lin Feng's own fragments, it is enough to show the depth of Lin Feng's heritage.

And if this is a fragment from Zaan, it can even show that Lin Feng's power is so great that he can even find this kind of thing and take it out!

No matter from which point of view, it is enough to make those who have just dismissed Lin Feng, the 'temporary overlord', re-examine the status of this new overlord.

This time, it doesn't seem to be a joke.

Fragments from the sun's disk, combined with Jace's own identity and origin.


Absolute gift!

Looking at the wonderful gems in the box, Jace was stunned for a moment.

This gift is too precious. If it is placed on a normal day, even he can't take it easily, otherwise it will be no different from taking a bribe.

But this is at a wedding.

The wedding of the nobles is also a platform for the nobles to show their strength to the outside world.

Whoever gives the better the gift will have more so-called face, and innuendo can also see its different status.

These are unwritten habits and customs.

Therefore, on such occasions, no matter how precious the gift is, it is acceptable.

But when Jace thought of what he had done to Lin Feng before, a sense of guilt arose spontaneously.

He didn't want to let Lin Feng's technology pass into Zaan's hands before, but Lin Feng not only didn't do it, he also ignored the things he had done before, and gave such a big gift on this stage!

Although part of the reason is that Lin Feng wants to show the strength of Zaan, if he simply wants to show his heritage, there are many ways.

Jess knew that Lin Feng was a scientist.

And for such a gem of infinite research value, Jess doesn't believe that Lin Feng has a second one, and this is the gift specially chosen for him!

What Jace didn't know was that he had only guessed one of them.

There is indeed no second piece of this gem, but Lin Feng is simply too lazy to study it.

If you understand it through research, you will also increase your knowledge. What big effect can this gem have? Not mass-produced either.

"Lin Feng, I apologize to you for what happened before. I hope we have more space for cooperation in the future."

Jace silently closed the box and solemnly said to Lin Feng.

This time, Jace was serious.

It is rare for the groom at a wedding to apologize for a guest, but no one finds it abrupt.

If Lin Feng can give them this gem, they will apologize a hundred times!

Even the corners of Caitlin's mouth twitched.

She thought that she knew enough about Lin Feng, but she didn't expect that Lin Feng had some treasures that she couldn't imagine at all. God knows what else Lin Feng has.

Compared to this, her hex rifle was a bit insignificant, which made Caitlin feel a little better, otherwise she didn't know what to give back to Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also smiled and patted Jess on the shoulder:

"Definitely has released a new task]

[Task content: Completely change Jace's view of Zaun]

[Quest Reward: Telepathy Ability (Elementary)]

[Task time limit: 30 days]

[Punishment for mission failure: will enter a state of chaos. 】

The long-lost hero mission was finally triggered at this point in time.

Lin Feng remained calm, he had long been accustomed to the release of new tasks.

As for this reward, Lin Feng was still a little shocked.

Professor X's telepathic abilities.

Although it is only an elementary level, it is also a superpower that sells from 3,000 gold coins in the system.

Looking at the time limit of this task, it is still a long-term job, and there is no rush.

It's not that simple to change someone's point of view.

Jace and Lin Feng looked at each other and smiled, and reached out their hands tacitly at the same moment.

Two rough hands clasped together.

Zaun on one side, Leather City on the other.

Peace between the two cities is also Jace's wish.

If you want peace, whether it is Picheng or Zaun, there is a price to pay.

Jace has grown a lot in his political life for so long.

After reading the copy drafted by Lin Feng in the Philos family, Jace has made a decision.

Jess and Lin Feng turned their heads and faced the crowd:

"At this wedding, Mel and I will be making a proposal as MPs!"

"Peel City will reach a peace agreement with Zaun, and in exchange, Zaun will become an ally of Peel City, and will no longer accept the jurisdiction of Peel City!"

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