From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 239 Did you see it? This is called professional! The paper is officially published, and it i

Mason Number Science Lab.

second floor.

In the large work room adjoining the central laboratory, a group of people gathered at Birkar's desk, staring at the mathematical work he had completed on the manuscript paper.

Lines of clear characters are written with a black pen, which makes people feel intoxicated. Through the connotation displayed by the characters, it seems to see the huge changes in the future technological era.

Everyone is focused, everyone is holding their breath, everyone is suppressing excitement.

There were two smears of black and blue at the corners of Birkar's eyes, obviously lacking of rest, but he looked very energetic, and he was also very excited, and suppressed his excitement to complete the last part of the content.

Compare and judge.

Detailed calculations.

Substitute numbers, transform, and then determine and convert equations.

When he finished writing the last symbol, Birkar clenched his fists without checking it at all, and everyone else cheered excitedly, "Yeah~~~"

"It's done! It's finally done!"

"Katchel, your method of geometrically inverting the transformation equation is brilliant!"

"Your graphic splicing logic is also excellent!""

"This is the best research ever!"

"We're done!"

Everyone is very excited, everyone is very excited.

Wang Hao and Bill Carr embraced together, and Lin Bohan, Luo Dayong, He Yi, Yan Jing, Zhang Zhiqiang and others who were watching also came over to hug them.

This moment is indeed exciting.

Everyone knows how significant the research done is.

If there is any record in history, they relied on theoretical research at this moment to officially open the "superconducting era" of human technology.

After being excited, Wang Hao asked Zhang Zhiqiang to help organize an internal celebration, and then he also talked about the thesis, "We can start preparing the thesis, take a day off today, and start writing the thesis tomorrow."

"Our main thesis should be completed together. Also, your respective papers should also be prepared. It is best to publish them together. I will contact academic journals in advance."

"Let's go back to rest first, keep your spirits up, and go out for dinner together at night."

"I'll talk about the thesis after I rest!"

During this period of time, everyone is very busy, they put their heart and soul into their work, and it is good to be able to sleep for six hours a day.

Just look at Birkar's mental state, and everyone else is similar, even Wang Hao, who is doing research except for sleeping.

Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Hao returned to his office. Instead of resting immediately, he wrote an email to Baker Campbell, head of the Physics Department of Nature, to make an appointment for publication in advance.

The content of the email is as follows--

"My team has made new progress in the follow-up research on the superconducting mechanism. I can submit a paper probably next week. Can I publish it in the next newsletter?"

Wang Hao didn't consider the issue of reviewing manuscripts. He had submitted two manuscripts before, and published consecutively the contents of 'The Law of Superconductivity' and 'The Yang-Mills Equation Prediction of Particle Collision Experiments'.

He is the leader of the new field and the most authoritative figure in the world.

Publishing follow-up research results in the same field naturally does not require review.

In addition, reviewing manuscripts will be very complicated.

For the content of their research, if they want to find professionals to review the manuscript, they must verify the conclusions, and even the verification of two elements requires a long period of calculation by a team, and experimental verification is also required.

That's just too complicated.

There is a time difference of more than eight hours between China and Eagle Country. Campbell only saw the content of the email sent by Wang Hao when he came to work in the morning.

"New developments in superconductivity-related research? Wang Hao's team?"

Campbell suddenly realized that it was a big study.

I saw that Wang Hao said to catch up with the content of the next issue, and the next issue of "Nature" is a week away, and even the next issue of "Nature-Physics" is only two days away.

Then there must be no review time.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to agree first, "Dr. Wang Hao, of course your research can be published. I will arrange the layout in advance and wait for your submission at any time."

After sending the email, Campbell was still a little hesitant. Wang Hao's two results were published in the journal "Nature". The first time was a study related to the "Law of Superconductivity", which was reviewed in detail.

The second time is the 'Yang-Mills equation predicting particle collision experiment', because the prediction has already happened, which means that the research has been confirmed, so it is naturally different reviewers.

This time is different.

Based on the AC gravity experiment, the direction of studying the superconducting mechanism has attracted international attention, and some experimental groups in American have made progress related to the experiment, and some will submit papers to the journal "Nature".

Wang Hao's research progress will definitely attract attention, but if there is a result, peer review is required, right?

The journal Nature must guarantee the quality and correctness of the paper.

Of course, Campbell did not question the quality of the submitted manuscripts, but he still felt that professional review was necessary to rule out the "extremely unlikely possibility".

The internal regulations of the "Nature" journal are also "As long as the correct papers are not sure, they need to be peer-reviewed."

He hesitated.

Campbell picked up the phone and wanted to ask the editor-in-chief Magdalena Skipper, and then suddenly thought of the colleague Donald Conedy who met at the banquet.

Donald Conedy is the editor-in-chief of "Science". Like "Nature", "Science" is a general magazine and an academic journal. They have always had fierce competition.

What would you do if you were Donald Conedy?

Campbell simply sent an email to Donald Conedy, briefly talking about what he encountered and asking for his opinion.

Donald Conedy is the editor-in-chief of "Science", and she is also a female editor-in-chief. The heads of "Science" and "Nature" are both women, which is probably the commonality of the two top academic journals.

Conedy received Campbell's email and immediately replied, "Reviewing is a necessary process."

"No matter how famous the other party is, the scholar must also review the manuscript. Even if it is the winner of an international award, new research may make mistakes."

Conedy said a few words of his own opinion, and copied a section of the "Science" magazine's regulations - all research articles need to be peer-reviewed before being published. If there is any uncertain research content, it can be classified as "controversial" sex articles' ranks.

There are historical reasons for this provision.

Twenty years ago, the "Science" magazine retracted eight papers published by German physicist Hendrik because many of the data in the papers were fabricated by the authors.

Later, a cold country biologist, Huang Yuxi, published a paper on human stem cell cloned embryo research, which was found to be obviously fraudulent by Seoul National University.

During the period, other fraudulent incidents were detected, and Science magazine was therefore caught in a whirlpool of public opinion.

Later, the investigative committee established by "Science" found that although some papers were reviewed according to normal procedures, they were powerless to do anything about the deliberate falsification.

Therefore, the investigation committee recommends that the manuscripts received should be classified into non-controversial and controversial articles, so that controversial articles can be more strictly reviewed.

Campbell naturally knew these histories. After receiving Konedy’s reply, he thought the other party’s suggestion was very reasonable, so he wrote an email to Wang Hao, “Dr. Wang Hao, we will review your latest research quickly. Don't worry, it will be published in the next issue at the latest."

Wang Hao saw Campbell's email the next day, and he felt a little baffled.


In the direction of studying the mechanism of superconductivity based on the AC gravity experiment, does his research still need peer review?

Who are the peers?

Are there other scholars who are also studying semi-topological geometry and have achieved certain results?

Wang Hao couldn't figure it out. He was very confident in his research, but he didn't want to wait for the review process.

Reviewing manuscripts always feels like being 'censored'. My own research needs to be affirmed by others before it can be published, so I feel as if I am offended.

So he contacted Donald Conedy again.

"Science" magazine is also very concerned about him, and always sends emails to ask him for a manuscript, hoping that he can publish his research in "Science" magazine.

Wang Hao sent the same email.

Less than an hour later, he received a reply from Donald Conedy, "Dr. Wang Hao, I am very excited by your email."

"The moment I saw the email, I felt my blood boil all over my body!"

"Recent research on you and your team certainly doesn't require a review."

"In the field of science, you have already stood at the highest peak. You have no peers. Even scholars in the same field, whether it is mathematics, physics, or other disciplines, they can only look up to you."

"I think peer review would be offensive to you."

"On behalf of Science, I welcome your submission and look forward to your latest research!"

Looking at the contents of the email, Wang Hao nodded very satisfied.

Do you see it?

This is called professional!


a week later.

The main thesis has been fully completed.

Wang Hao considered the content of the paper for a long time, and sent the paper to the organization in charge of confidentiality, and made a description of the public content.

After everything was completed, he uploaded the paper to arxiv, and then sent a brief description of the results and the detailed content of the paper to Donald Konedy's mailbox.

Regarding the published content, Wang Hao has been researching for a long time, because some technologies cannot be made public, but the theory can be made public.

Even if it is only a theory, it should be published with due consideration. Their research includes direct calculation of the superconducting critical temperature of the element combination.

This part is also the most important.

They also conducted a detailed demonstration and determined that only calculating the combination of two elements would take a long time for a professional mathematics team to complete.

If it is extended to the combination of three elements, the calculation will become extremely complicated. It may take a top mathematics team several months or even more than a year to complete it, and even if it is completed, the error rate is very high.

That takes a lot of work.

Therefore, the disclosure of the theory is still supported by the superiors. Similar research also requires the participation of a large number of mathematicians, physicists and experimental groups, so that the superconducting 'two-element' combination system can be gradually improved.

Only when the combination system of two elements is perfected, can we progress to the systematic research of three elements, instead of directly calculating the combination of three elements.

This will take a long time and involve many people, and it must be a systematic project.

Wang Hao has already known a three-element combination that is most suitable for the semi-topological system, which means that he has a huge advantage and can directly enter the research of ultra-high temperature superconducting materials.

Other institutions in the same field, even if they rely on their public results for research and consume a lot of manpower and funds, it will take at least five years to catch up to this step.

This is still a case of good luck. If you are unlucky, it may take longer, and it may not be possible to catch up in ten or twenty years.

In fact, technological advantage is a matter of time difference.

When a technology involves the civilian field, it is impossible to keep it completely secret. For example, as long as foreign high-end materials are involved in the civilian field, they will definitely be sold openly. Some domestic institutions can use reverse engineering to study the material if they obtain the material. Composing elements, and then studying how to manufacture them.

This will also be the case for superconducting materials in the future. As long as large-scale applications are involved, there will definitely be institutions to carry out reverse engineering. Even if the speed is slow, it will take several years or more than ten years to "reverse" it.

The so-called scientific and technological advantages are not completely kept secret, but are several years or more than ten years ahead of other institutions, so there are always enough advantages.

Other institutions have obtained higher-end products and slowly catch up in a few years, while institutions at the forefront of technology have developed higher-end products.

Wang Hao finished the submission of the main thesis and became a little bit looking forward to it.

In the next few days, he continued to submit papers, all of which were submitted to "New Advances in Mathematics". There were three papers in total, and the main authors of the papers were Luo Dayong, Bill Carr, and Lin Bohan.

The three papers are "Structure Logic of Complex Geometry Decomposition and Reduction", "Description of High-Dimensional Node Graphs by Inverse Composite Method", and "Topological to Semi-topological Definition Trend".

Wang Hao is a co-author of each of these papers, and he is also the first author of the main paper.


The publication of the latest research is a fast-forward start for the journal Science.

"Science" magazine is very similar to "Nature" magazine. The main journal publishes some newsletter, that is, the introduction of some latest achievements.

The introduction of the main journal is only one or two pages, just like reading a newsletter, but for Wang Hao's latest achievements, "Science" gave a full five pages.

It can be said that it is unprecedented for a research result to be introduced in five pages.

This is enough to show that "Science" attaches great importance to the results, and it also proves how influential the results will be. As soon as the new issue of the magazine comes out, the semi-topological results have attracted the attention of the whole world.

Just like the result evaluation in "Science", it was written by Donald Conedy himself, "This is a research conducted by Wang Hao and his team, which is an extension of the 'law of superconductivity' and 'Wang's geometry'. "

"The 'law of superconductivity' is not limited to the calculation of the superconducting critical temperature of a single element, but has been extended to double elements, triple elements, and even more, including all substances."

"We can imagine that in the future, we can even calculate the superconducting critical temperature of complex organic matter."

"Now we can announce that the problem of superconducting critical temperature has been completely solved, and the application of superconducting technology is about to usher in an era of great explosion!"

This is definitely a big breakthrough in the theory of superconducting mechanism, and it can even be said that the theoretical mechanism has been cracked.

Wang Hao's research closely related the elemental composition and the superconducting critical temperature, and he could directly calculate the superconducting temperature of a certain material without doing experiments at all.

After the new issue of "Science" was published, the research immediately aroused international debate.

"The previous research was only for single elements, but now it has been extended to multi-elements, and calculations can be done directly..."

"This is amazing. It is said that Stanford University has just established a project for this research. They gathered many mathematicians and physicists to conduct research together. As a result, Wang Hao's team has already achieved results."

"It seems that they can disband directly..."

"But the calculation must be very complicated, right? I heard an expert say that the calculation for a single element is already very complicated. If it is a double element or a triple element, the difficulty will definitely increase exponentially..."

"In any case, with this research, it will definitely be easier to develop superconducting materials with higher critical temperatures that can be used in industry!"

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