From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 283 Here comes the troublemaker, Edward Witten: Prove the non-existence of 2.5 dimensions!

Princeton University, a small three-story half-office building.

Edward Witten was sitting in the office, frowning slightly and looking at the computer screen. On it was a message from a scholar——

"Edward, you may not know that Broderick applied to attend the Annihilation Theory Conference held in China."

"I knew this guy would be a traitor!"

"At Christmas last year, I found out that he started to study the theory of annihilation, but I didn't expect to apply to participate in the conference now."

"The school approved the application, and I can't help it. Now Berkeley also supports the research on annihilation theory..."

Edward Witten looked at it carefully and squeezed his forehead hard, feeling very depressed.

Since the news of the Annihilation Theory Conference came out, many string theory scholars have applied to participate in the conference.

This time is different from last time.

Last time, string theory scholars headed by Paul Phil Jones went to China to attend a superconductivity theory conference, not for the purpose of learning and communicating, but because of the conflict between annihilation theory and string theory.

The purpose of their attendance is to defend string theory.

Scholars of string theory used to attend conferences, hoping to communicate more with other scholars and find research and development directions related to annihilation theory.

to be honest.

These are the people who are going to abandon string theory and study annihilation theory instead.

Edward Witten knows many string theory scholars, and he is also the leader of international string theory research, so he can naturally know a lot of news.

He already knows more than five string theory scholars who are determined to attend the Annihilation Theory Conference, and each of them can be said to be a hardcore string theory scholar. At worst, they are also researchers and lecturers in top universities, and some are even full professors.

Don't underestimate the researchers and lecturers of top universities. Being able to serve as researchers and lecturers in top universities is basically an excellent Ph. D. in top universities.

A full professor in a top university can also be called a tenured professor. If there is no international achievement in personal research, there is no need to think about it.

They are all upper-middle-class figures in string theory research.

Many backbone scholars of string theory have attended the conference on annihilation theory, which can even be said to mean that the academic building of string theory is on the verge of collapse.

This is the reality.

Because of the rise of annihilation theory, string theory has been questioned by public opinion and even academic questions all over the world.

Princeton University is very affected, and many students no longer believe in string theory.

Princeton University can be said to be the cradle of string theory and the world core of string theory research, not to mention other universities.

For example, Harvard University.

Originally, a large number of scholars at Harvard University did not believe in string theory at all. When Harvard University decided to introduce string theory, some famous scholars resigned and left directly.

Now Harvard University has simply made a decision to no longer hire scholars in the field of string theory. String theory scholars who have already worked at Harvard University have naturally been greatly affected.

For a while, string theory seemed to collapse.

As the leader of string theory research, Edward Witten's understanding of the theory is naturally different. He believes that string theory has not completely collapsed.

Even if some studies are proven to be wrong, there are many results in the field of string theory, and not all of them are completely wrong.

Even the latest research on annihilation theory uses the mathematics of string theory for some of its mathematical arguments.

The basic conflict between the two theories is also difficult to judge.

The theory of annihilation holds that the most basic composition of matter and energy is the unit of mass (energy), and the mass of all things is formed under the reaction of the annihilation force.

String theory holds that the most fundamental building blocks of everything are strings.

So here comes the question - can the unit of mass be considered a string?

Some string theory scholars go to specialize in demonstrations. In fact, in Edward Witten's view, this work is meaningless.

Even in a certain form, it is proved that the unit of mass is a 'string', because of the existence of annihilation force, the subsequent structure is also very different from the string theory.

"The existence of the annihilation force is the key." Edward Witten is very clear about this, but the sad part is this. Even after reading a lot of research, he also believes that the annihilation force exists.

Edward Witten was still very reconciled, he frowned and thought, "Maybe some of the content of string theory is wrong, but it is absolutely impossible to be wrong."

"Most of the research content of string theory has merit..."

"String theory cannot be completely denied!"

The last is the key.

Edward Witten knew he had to do something, so he decided to go to the Annihilation Theory conference. He couldn't just sit back and watch decades of string theory work go to waste.

If string theory is completely denied, it is equivalent to his life being completely denied.

Edward Witten is not unprepared. He is over seventy years old, but he still has some ideas for a new research, and he can do research with very professional mathematics.

When carefully studying the photon structure paper, Edward Witten found that the mathematical formulation of some of the dimensional problems was inaccurate and had no direct relationship with the subsequent framework research.

After patiently doing research, he completed a theoretical study --

"Demonstration of 2.5-dimensional framework, non-existence in three-dimensional system".


Sudong City, the office building of the School of Mathematics and Physics of Sudong University.

Zhou Yun was visiting Sudong University to talk about the conference on annihilation theory. He was talking with several professors along the way, but he couldn't let go of the scholar applications received at the conference.

He talked about the matter with others, "Now this conference has encountered a problem. Some international scholars are coming to participate, and I don't know what to do..."

"Isn't it a good thing for international scholars to participate?"

Zhou Yun said directly, "Witten from Princeton University."

"Edward Witten?"


The others stopped talking, they naturally understood what Zhou Yun meant.

There are few factions in the international academic circle, but physics theory is a special field, and there are various academic factions.

In the past, string theory was the biggest faction, but now that annihilation theory is rising, its direct opponent is string theory.

The underlying foundations of the two theories also conflict.

Now that the Annihilation Theory Conference is about to be held, Edward Witten, as a leader in string theory, is naturally not here to send blessings or communicate.

To put it bluntly, the other party is probably here to mess things up!

But can you say no?


Academics are an open field.

If the Annihilation Theory Conference refuses Edward Witten to participate, it will definitely have a considerable impact on public opinion, and may even become a stain on the Annihilation Theory Conference.

How can an open academic field refuse famous scholars to communicate?

How can we reject different opinions?

"Otherwise, Professor Zhou, you can ask Academician Wang Hao and see what he says?" Someone made a suggestion.

Zhou Yun pondered carefully and couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, he also wanted to ask Wang Hao, but at the beginning he said that he would not bother Wang Hao, and the review of the participants was an internal job, so it seemed awkward to ask Wang Hao.

In the end, Zhou Yun went to ask Wang Hao. In order not to delay the review work, he even called directly to ask.

Wang Hao didn't care about it at all. Academic research is an open field, so naturally it is impossible to reject different opinions. "Mr. Wei Teng wants to come? Then let him come, it doesn't matter."

This next week Yun is relieved.

Of course Wang Hao knew that Edward Witten was not here for an academic exchange, and he also knew that there was a direct academic conflict between the two sides.

But so what?

He was sure that the Annihilation Force existed, and based on that, what was there to worry about?

Wang Hao continued his research.

They have found the research direction, which is to start with the Riemann ζ (Zeta) function corresponding to the extraordinary point, to construct the boundary of 2.5D and 3D.

The content of research in this dimension is very profound, and the relevant mathematical expressions are not understandable by ordinary people.

Therefore, the staff of the research team has also changed.

Qiu Hui'an was the first to withdraw.

Zhang Zhiqiang also voluntarily withdrew. He hoped to make contributions in research, but he didn't even understand the basics, so he persisted for a few days, and simply expressed his intention to leave.

Then he heard Luo Dayong's second sentence, "Don't you understand?"


Last time it was "Do you understand?" This time it became "You don't understand." Two different modal particles represent different meanings.

Zhang Zhiqiang stood there for a long time, not knowing how to refute, until he saw Zhu Ping approaching with a big wavy head, he immediately shouted, "Zhu Ping, take care of your family's bravery, he is really too talkative. It's annoying!"

Zhu Ping rolled her eyes, and immediately defended, "Our Da Yong is very honest, and we are telling the truth."

"Is it true that you were said to be stupid in the office?"

"Aren't you stupid?" Zhu Ping immediately countered, "Yeah, you're not stupid, you're a terrific genius, terrific!"

After she spouted angrily, she left with a big wave.


Zhang Zhiqiang touched the sparse top of his head, and the pain in his heart increased a bit.

Ding Zhiqiang also applied to leave the research team. He also thought that his level was not good enough, but Wang Hao sincerely kept him.

Not only Wang Hao, but also Paul Phil-Jones, both of them agreed that Ding Zhiqiang is a genius, even if his level is somewhat insufficient, but what is the most important thing to study?

Be inspiration!

Ding Zhiqiang provided the most important inspiration. The lack of proficiency is simply a small problem. If there is any problem in the research, maybe he can help?

Finally Ding Zhiqiang agreed with tears.

Now he feels that he is not being PUAed by Mr. Wang Hao alone, but by the entire research group, including Paul Phil Jones, Helen, Chen Mengmeng and other seniors.

This environment is terrible, not worse than the MLM.

What can he do?

Where can he escape?

Even after leaving the Mason Lab, the staff and students of Xihai University all said he was a genius.


Ding Zhiqiang could only let out a long sigh.

The research team's work went smoothly and achieved a series of results quickly, but they were still stuck on a problem.

Paul Phil-Jones sums it up, "We create gaps in the permutation of prime numbers in units of mass, which are affected by the annihilating force."

"But because it is not a closed loop, as long as there is a gap, it will definitely be topological and squeezed. How can we return to perfection?"

The above is the lack of research, and it is also the work to be carried out in the future.

They have to complete a whole set of boundary theory, and the gap problem of prime number arrangement must be solved.

If we can solve this problem, we can explain the motion of particles.

The research team made no progress for a long time.

But Wang Hao still feels very satisfied. It only took a month, and the "Mission 4" already had "62" inspiration points, and the speed was quite fast.

It is impossible for any S-level research to be completed smoothly, and there will definitely be other problems.

Now they are going to attend the Annihilation Theory Conference together.


Wang Hao took a group of people to attend the Annihilation Theory Conference.

These include Paul Phil Jones, Helen, Chen Mengmeng, Luo Dayong, Lin Bohan, Bill Carr and so on.

Most of the research team came.

Some of them really want to participate in the meeting, while others are doing related research, just to show their faces and go through the motions.

The most important members of the group were Wang Hao and Paul Phil-Jones, who were invited to do work and research reports.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng also contributed papers, which will be officially published at the conference.

This is a test for both of them.

After the group arrived in Sudong City, they first settled in the arranged hotel, and then heard a piece of news.

Edward Witten also stayed at the same hotel.

The hotel they stayed in was very close to the conference center, and many scholars who came here stayed in the same hotel, as did Edward Witten, who was even on the first floor with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao didn't care too much, but Paul Phil Jones felt very embarrassed. When he came here on the first day, knowing that Edward Witten lived on the same floor, he even simply stayed in the room and couldn't come out.

Several people went downstairs to eat together, and Paul Phil-Jones simply asked the staff to deliver the dinner to the room.

He hadn't waited for dinner, but Parsons was waiting.

Parsons also lived in the same hotel. After knowing Paul Phil Jones' room, he took the initiative to find it.

"Paul, long time no see!"

Parsons pushed the door and walked into the room, with enthusiasm written all over his face, "I know your achievements, congratulations, many people are saying that you will win the Nobel Prize."

Paul Phil-Jones was angry to see Parsons, but immediately felt very embarrassed, even flushed with embarrassment.

He doesn't have Parsons' thick skin.

At that time, Parsons said that he would turn to study the theory of annihilation, and he scolded Parsons. As a result, they have now become the "second person" and "third person" recognized by the theory of annihilation.

How embarrassing is this?

Parsons came here to talk to Paul Phil-Jones about the old days. He has no bad intentions, because they have all become 'traitors' of string theory. In the circle of string theory, they can be described as notorious. Naturally, he thinks The two are a team.

Paul Phil-Jones held a different opinion. After a little adaptation to the embarrassment, he simply pushed Parsons out of the door, "We are no longer friends!"

"We all work on string theory, and now we're all working on annihilation theory."

"However, I am different from you. I am for academics and physical development, but you are for money!"

Parsons was very angry when he heard this.

He did study annihilation theory for money, but academic and physical development, doesn't it represent a career?

Career, isn't it equal to money?

The essence is the same!

Of course he knew that this logic could not convince Paul Phil-Jones, because Paul Phil-Jones had a 'pit' in his mind.

Now he doesn't care if he's friends with Paul Phil Jones.

His target is Wang Hao.

After waiting in the corridor for a while, he still waited for Wang Hao, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically, "Professor Wang Hao! Hello! Do you remember me? Ridley Parsons."


Wang Hao doesn't remember Parsons for a long time, but he has read Parsons' research and knows the interesting story of Parsons' "pit" Edward Witten.

He shook hands with Parsons and talked about the subject of Parsons' research.

The two talked a lot academically, and Wang Hao found that Parsons still has a certain level, not as good as Paul Phil Jones, but the difference is not absolute.

In addition, Parsons is a standard 'villain', he just kept complimenting Wang Hao, and finally took a photo with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao didn't pay much attention to it, he just had an academic exchange with a scholar of annihilation theory.

Parsons attached great importance to it, especially the last group photo, which was posted on the Internet the same day after it was taken, with a note, "Wang Hao and I. Let's study the theory of annihilation together!"

The decentralization of the message attracted a lot of comments.

This is the purpose of Parsons, to get to know Wang Hao, gain popularity, and let people know that he is an important figure in the annihilation theory.

In the past, he would definitely not have done this. Now the development of annihilation theory is very good, and Parsons is most proud of becoming a famous scholar of annihilation theory.


The next day, Wang Hao met Edward Witten, and they met in the hotel restaurant.

There were quite a few scholars in the hotel who came to attend the conference. They gathered together in twos and threes, and there were several people around Edward Witten.

Wang Hao came over with a plate and sat on the side table.

At this time, the atmosphere in the restaurant became very weird.

Many people looked in the direction of Wang Hao and Edward Witten, and the people next to them even took protective actions, as if they were worried that the two would fight directly.

Their worries are unnecessary.

Wang Hao and Edward Witten shook hands politely, and then chatted while eating.

Edward Witten praised Wang Hao's achievements, especially the semi-topological theory of the superconducting mechanism, and said with certainty, "That is an amazing achievement!"

"Thank you, your research is also amazing, especially in the direction of string theory." Wang Hao said politely.

Wei Teng said, "Many people came to participate this time, and they are all looking forward to your report. It will guide the research direction of annihilation theory, and I am also looking forward to it."

"Mr. Witten, I also look forward to your report."

Both of them had enthusiastic expressions on their faces, talking to each other what they expected from each other.

Although what they said was all 'face-saving projects' and maintained a superficial enthusiasm, in fact, both Edward Witten and Wang Hao affirmed and appreciated each other.

It is only natural that Wang Hao has achieved so many achievements and is definitely the number one mathematician in the world. He is appreciated and recognized by the seniors.


Edward Witten has been loyal to string theory all his life, and his incidental mathematical research has won the Fields Medal, which is also worthy of Wang Hao's appreciation and affirmation.

After breakfast was over, a group of scholars went to the venue.

This day is not a meeting.

They just came in advance. They came to the meeting site to understand the arrangement of the meeting. Those who are interested can also do academic exchanges in advance.

The main content of the meeting is still academic and work reports, and the invited top scholars will make reports respectively.

Among them, Wang Hao, Paul Phil-Jones, and Parsons are the three who have received the most attention. They are considered to be the first, second, and third persons of the annihilation theory.

The other is Edward Witten.

Edward Witten is even the one that has received the most attention. Many people know that Witten's participation in the conference is definitely not for academic exchanges.

So what will he report?

Nothing special happened that day. Except for Paul Phil Jones who was very embarrassed to see Edward Witten, everyone else was immersed in academic exchanges and anticipation of the meeting.

The meeting officially started the next day.

The opening ceremony was much simpler than other conferences. Wang Hao, as the founder and biggest contributor of the annihilation theory, made a report summarizing the results.

After that, invited scholars gave reports. In the morning, Paul Phil Jones' report attracted the most attention.

He made a work report, explaining his recent progress in the study of supersymmetry.

However, the best performer was not Paul Phil Jones, but Fang Huanqiang, a professor of physics at Jinkai University.

Fang Huanqiang made a research report, connected the annihilation theory with the cosmology, and made a very exquisite mathematical analysis work.

This study was unanimously affirmed.

In the afternoon, Parsons' report was a bit disappointing. He still used the same old content to explain the big bang with the force of annihilation. Compared with the public results, he did not come up with any novel content.


The meeting entered the second day, which was also the first day that attracted the most attention.

In the morning it was Edward Witten's report and in the afternoon it was Wang Hao's report.

What Wang Hao has to do is a work report, which is to summarize and explain the theory of annihilation, and make a detailed analysis to let scholars understand the theory better.

This is the most anticipated content.

The time is now in the morning, and Edward Witten's report is the most attractive. Every scholar who comes to the conference wants to know what kind of report Edward Witten will make.

It can't be an annihilation theory, can it?

Is it string theory?

Or other content... Anyway, Edward Witten, it is impossible to do academic exchanges normally, what will he do?

Central Auditorium.


Wang Hao sat in the center of the first row, which can be said to be the main seat of the venue.

Edward Witten's seat was arranged on the right side of the first row, separated from Wang Hao by three people. After he entered the venue, Wang Hao stood up and shook hands.

The first one was Edward Witten's report. Witten exchanged pleasantries with others, and immediately started to make preparations.

Time is up.

Edward Witten walked from the backcourt to the reporting platform. Facing the quiet audience, he had a smile on his face, and then he took a hard look at Wang Hao.

He said, "I have also done related research on the theory of annihilation, but unfortunately, the conclusions I have drawn are somewhat different. I hope my conclusions are wrong, but I can't find them."

"In this venue, I also hope that everyone can help correct me..."

"The title of my research paper is..."

"Demonstrate the non-existence of the 2.5-dimensional framework in the three-dimensional universe!"


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