From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 287 Quench protection? Wang Hao: What a coincidence, we are going to develop SMES batteries!

Antigravity Behavior Research Center, large meeting room.

Sitting under the stage were He Yi, Xiang Qiansheng, Liu Yunli, and Ke Jinnan, the technical representative of Aerospace Corporation.

Wang Hao sat on the main seat and said, "Everyone should have news in advance of the aerospace group's resolution this time."

Ke Jinnan and He Yi both nodded.

The aerospace group's resolution is big news, and if there are internal channels, they will definitely know. Because of this, they will focus on the research of anti-gravity aircraft.

Wang Hao continued, "I just listened to your discussion. I believe that we have no problems with anti-gravity technology and the overall design of the aircraft."

"The key is just like Team Leader Ke said, it lies in the motivation..."

Everyone listened and nodded.

If the power problem can be solved, high-power electric energy can be provided, and the others will not be a problem.

Wang Hao continued, "If there is any problem, we will solve it. Since it is a power problem, we will find a way to solve it."

Ke Jinnan couldn't help but said immediately, "Academician Wang, the power is not a small problem, we can't be on the aircraft..."

Wang Hao waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Leader Ke, I've already thought about it."

He looked at everyone and said, "I am going to set up an electromagnetic energy group, based on SMES technology, and concentrate on developing high-power superconducting batteries."

Everyone in the conference room was stunned.

He Yi, Xiang Qiansheng and others were better off. They always supported Wang Hao's decision 100%, and even worshiped Wang Hao himself.

On the side of the aviation group, that is, the people in Ke Jinnan's team, they have a completely different idea.


For SMES power storage technology, only American has a research team that has completed the experimental research and is preparing to build the first ultra-large power storage device.

The domestic SMES power storage technology has been under research, and no relevant results have been disclosed yet.

As a result, they are going to 'skip' the part of the large power storage device and go directly to the development of the 'SMES battery'?

No matter how you think about it, it's unreliable!

After the meeting ended, Ke Jinnan immediately followed Wang Hao and asked, "Academician Wang, Academician Wang, SMES is not a small problem. The domestic research group has not yet achieved results. We decided to develop batteries, is it..."

"At least try it?"

Wang Hao didn't say anything to death, and explained, "And we are not without foundation."

"Have a foundation?" Ke Jinnan suddenly felt a little confused. He didn't meet the SMES-related research team at Xihai University.

"Of course there is a foundation." Wang Hao said as a matter of course, "Isn't there a team in China? We will refer to their design, and then improve, upgrade, and shrink..."

He thought about it and continued, "Talent is also a problem. In this regard, let me think about it again. Team Leader Ke, your team is still responsible for aircraft design. You must do a good job in this aspect."

"At that time, we have built the battery, but there is a problem with the design of the aircraft, which will hinder the progress..."

Ke Jinnan quickly nodded and said, "That won't be the case. In terms of aircraft design, Academician Wang, don't worry!"

"That's good."

Wang Hao walked out after speaking, and also reminded, "Don't worry about hybrid, it's battery power."


Ke Jinnan agreed, shaking his head helplessly. He doesn't even have SMES power storage technology. Want to study SMES batteries?

No matter how you think about it, it's a bit unreliable.

He Yi came over and said with a smile, "Leader Ke, if you ask me, you think too much."


"Academician Wang decided to study SMES batteries, so we just support it, and it's not for you to do research, it has nothing to do with our work!"

"Besides, the aviation group has the funds. For Academician Wang, what's the big deal if it costs a few hundred million? The aviation group has a billion dollars a year. Isn't it a waste if you don't use it?"

"Um... that's right."

Ke Jinnan thought about it carefully, and this is really the truth.

Even if you throw a few hundred million with your eyes closed, without even a splash, the aviation group will not blame Wang Hao, and maybe they will support another few hundred million, so why should he worry about it?


Wang Hao left the Antigravity Behavior Research Center and went to the newly established Mathematical Center.

The Mathematics Center was established by Xihai University to develop the Faculty of Science. Luan Haiping, the dean of the Faculty of Science, served as the director and handled some related work. Wang Hao was the nominal deputy director. He only came here occasionally to see what interesting research the Mathematics Center had.

The maintenance and development of the mathematics center mainly depends on the financial subsidies from the school, Beijiang Province and the country. At the same time, the funds of the mathematics center will also be subsidized to the mathematics projects in the school.

Just as Wang Hao walked to the door, he bumped into Zhou Qingyuan who was coming out.

Zhou Qingyuan was overjoyed when he saw Wang Hao, and immediately dragged him to the office on the first floor, but didn't say anything specific.

With doubts, Wang Hao chatted with Zhou Qingyuan.

Zhou Qingyuan wanted to talk to Wang Hao about the subsidy issue. He did not apply for a national subsidy for a research on partial differential equations, so he could only rely on the funding from the school and the mathematics center.

The school did provide funding, but it was only a pitiful 20,000 yuan.

It is not easy to apply for the Mathematics Center, and decisions need to be made at an internal meeting every six months.

Zhou Qingyuan wanted to ask Wang Hao about funding. He also wanted to attend an academic conference on partial differential equations, but he couldn't even get reimbursed for air tickets and hotels.

He was embarrassed to say it directly, but he kept talking about him, and he also cared about Wang Hao's work and life, "Wang Hao, it's time for you to start a family, and you will be thirty years old soon. age……"

Wang Hao's scalp tingled when he heard that, "Okay, okay, I got it."

Zhou Qingyuan asked about attending the meeting again, "How was it this time? Did you gain anything?" He didn't know the specific meeting, so he knew that Wang Hao was going to attend the meeting, so he asked casually.

Wang Hao also answered vaguely, "Some cooperation has been reached, and the purpose of going to the meeting is to discuss funding."


Zhou Qingyuan regained his energy immediately, "How much money did you discuss?"

"Per year……"

Wang Hao hesitated, and said a vague number, "A few hundred million."

"How many billion a year?!"

Zhou Qingyuan opened his mouth wide in shock, thinking that he was running around depressingly for tens of thousands of subsidies, and even came here to look for Wang Hao.

On Wang Hao's side, hundreds of millions per year... Drought died of drought, flooded died of waterlogging!

He suddenly felt even more depressed, so he said directly, "Wang Hao, I came to you for funding. I have a research project, and the project application failed, so I can only raise money by myself and get some subsidies from the school."

Zhou Qingyuan spoke patiently.

In the past two years, it has become very difficult to apply for funding for basic research projects in the fields of partial differential equations and number theory, because the Science Foundation's mathematics projects focus on the combination of semi-topology and algebraic geometry.

This direction took half of the funding, and other research was naturally greatly affected.

Wang Hao also understood the problem of Zhou Qingyuan not being able to apply for funding. The mathematics center had just been established and relied on the appropriation from the superior, so it was even more impossible to provide a large amount of subsidies.

Wang Hao thought for a while, and said, "How about this, Mr. Zhou, I personally contribute..."

"That won't work!"

Zhou Qingyuan immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not that poor yet, I just want to do research and attend academic conferences, so I can't always pay for it myself?"


Wang Hao thought for a while, and said, "Teacher Zhou, don't worry, the funds will be available after a while."

"Really?" Zhou Qingyuan was a little confused.

"Do not worry."

Wang Hao gave a definite answer, but did not specify the specific source of funding.

In fact, he personally funded it.

Last month, he received a $1 million prize from the Ameriken Clay Institute for NS equation problems.

In addition, the Japanese Shimada Jingpu Company has also issued a bonus of 400 million yen for the NS equation problem.

The sum of the bonuses of the two parts is nearly 30 million RMB.

Wang Hao plans to set up a mathematics foundation to provide certain financial support to scholars doing basic mathematics research.

The Mathematics Foundation is being established, and it will be completed almost by next month, and it will be able to officially start operations.

With a budget of 30 million yuan and social donations, it is still very easy to maintain operations.

Although the support for each scholar is not high, it is not a problem for the approved scholars and research projects to receive a subsidy of tens of thousands.


a week later.

A team sent by the SMES power storage research team came to Xihai University. Unexpectedly, the team leader was a female researcher in her twenties.

At the door of the conference room of the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, Wang Hao looked at the person who came by in surprise, and stretched out his hand with doubts, "Liang Jingye?"

"Academician Wang, hello."

Liang Jingye has short shoulder-length hair and two big eyes with piercing eyes, giving people a lean and bright feeling.

When she shook hands with Wang Hao, she still had dimples on her face, but she was a little flustered, obviously nervous, and a little cute.

Wang Hao took a few more glances and was indeed a little surprised.

The team leaders of large domestic scientific research projects are generally experienced researchers, let alone those in their twenties, even those in their thirties are rare.

He let Liang Jingye and the others into the conference room, and after everyone sat down, he went straight to the point and asked, "Team Leader Liang, I heard something on the phone, but I don't know the specifics yet. Next time, what problem did you encounter?"

When talking about work, Liang Jingye immediately said seriously, "Academician Wang, we have a lot of research problems, and the biggest problem lies in the quench protection system."

"We have completed the overall design of the SMES power storage device and manufactured a model, but when testing..."

Liang Jingye spoke seriously.

The quench protection system of SMES power storage technology is a big problem.

Due to the influence of instantaneous overcurrent and thermal disturbance, superconducting energy storage coils will cause quench phenomena, accompanied by instantaneous resistance increase, overheating, and instantaneous high voltage. Therefore, superconducting energy storage coils require a quench protection system to ensure Safety of superconducting energy storage coils.

"We use electrical parameters such as detection resistance and voltage to determine the quench signal of the coil, but due to the large inductance of the superconducting energy storage coil, the working current of the energy storage coil is in a fluctuating state, which makes the detection of the quench signal difficult. There was great difficulty."

"We also thought of a way to monitor the quench signal by simultaneously detecting the volatilization of the refrigerant and the temperature change of the most prone to quench part of the energy storage coil, but there is a long time lag due to the thermal reaction."

"We have done a lot of improvement work, but there are still problems in the experiment..."

After Liang Jingye finished speaking, she took out a document and handed it to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao took it over and looked at it. It was the topology diagram of the SMES quench protection system. He looked it over carefully, then frowned and said, "Leader Liang, is this a systemic problem? Like this If you come to me, you can’t solve the problem in a short time, can you?”

Systemic problems, that is, problems caused by a series of factors, are like a newly designed new engine, which will definitely have various BUGs, and it will take a long time to slowly improve.

If complex aero engines are involved, it will take longer to perfect.

The first aero-engine researched in China took more than five years for the follow-up improvement alone, and after three years of debugging, it entered the mass production stage.

The current SMES power storage device is also the same, and the test product has just been designed and manufactured, and there must be a series of problems.

This is not a direct mathematical problem, as long as the answer is solved, it is a systematic system that needs to be corrected slowly.

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Liang Jingye also felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, before she came here, she had told Pan Dong that finding Wang Hao might not be able to solve systemic problems, unless she directly participated in the experiment and solved them together slowly, there was no other way to think about.

Pan Dong still insisted on asking Wang Hao for a question.

She just came here.

Wang Hao simply closed the file, changed the subject and asked, "Team Leader Liang, you are the team leader at such a young age, so you must be very familiar with SMES technology, right?"

Liang Jingye raised her head and said, "When I was a PhD student, I studied with Teacher Pan and participated in the entire project. I also participated in the initial design."

"In other words, you know a lot about SMES devices?"

A researcher next to him suddenly said, "Academician Wang, when it comes to the SMES device, no one in our research group knows better than Team Leader Liang. She has participated in almost every aspect of the design of the device."

Someone followed, "Don't look at the young team leader Liang, who just graduated with a Ph.D., but our entire team admires her."

"Without Team Leader Liang, the current progress would not be possible..."

Everyone else is full of praise.

Liang Jingye lowered her head in embarrassment, her cheeks were still rosy.

Wang Hao stared at Liang Jingye and nodded in satisfaction.

Liang Jingye was obviously a little shy, she didn't understand what Wang Hao meant, and couldn't help thinking about it.

Then I heard Wang Hao say, "Team Leader Liang, quench protection is a systemic problem. To solve this problem, the entire system needs to be re-examined."

"It is not advisable to correct slowly, otherwise one problem may be solved, and another problem may arise."

Liang Jingye was a little puzzled, obviously not understanding what Wang Hao meant.

Wang Hao continued, "In fact, we also have plans for SMES technology research."


Liang Jingye was stunned for a moment.

Others didn't understand what Wang Hao meant. SMES power storage technology is the only research group in China. Why is Wang Hao also planning to conduct research?

Wang Haodao, "We have cooperation with the Aviation Group and need to develop high-performance batteries. SMES technology is the most suitable."

"...battery?" Liang Jingye opened her small mouth slightly, her face full of surprise.

They even have a series of problems in the research of large-scale power storage. Wang Hao directly studies SMES batteries.


Wang Hao nodded affirmatively, "We will establish the project soon. What is most lacking at present is talents, especially talents like you."

He said "you", but he only looked at Liang Jingye with burning eyes.

Others also understand the meaning.

Ordinary researchers are everywhere, and talents like Liang Jingye are very rare.

no doubt.

If Liang Jingye agrees to participate in the research on SMES batteries, Wang Hao doesn't mind poaching their entire team.

on the contrary.

Liang Jingye disagrees, the value of other people is not great...

That's the reality.

The others immediately looked at Liang Jingye with burning eyes. It was simply too attractive to be able to join the research of higher-end SMES batteries, and to work with Wang Hao.

Even if it is only considered from the perspective of funds, the projects in Wang Hao's hands are never short of funds.

At that time, the salary and bonus will increase, and it will be very face-saving to do research with Wang Hao.

Each of them is very excited.

Liang Jingye, on the other hand, was a little flustered. She raised her head and looked at Wang Hao, and she became even more flustered immediately.

It wasn't because of any male-female issues, it was mainly because Wang Hao's poaching was so sudden that she didn't know how to react.

For one thing, the other party is Academician Wang Hao!

Second, she is not an ordinary researcher, she is studying with Teacher Pan Dong, so it is impossible for her to just leave.

Also, SMES batteries? Sounds a little unreliable...

But just like everyone else thought, coming to Wang Hao to work here is too attractive.

In the future, I will no longer worry about funding issues, and the pressure will not be so great, and I can still work with Academician Wang Hao.

Liang Jingye looked up at Wang Hao, tangled in her heart for a long time, and finally said, "Academician Wang, this matter is too sudden, I need to think carefully."

Wang Hao smiled and said, "I understand your feelings. You go back and think slowly, I really look forward to your joining."


Liang Jingye's group left.

Wang Hao has a good sense of Liang Jingye, and Liang Jingye is very familiar with SMES devices, so he can be the backbone of the research team if he is dug out.

Liang Jingye is still very young, obviously a very good talent, the future can be said to be limitless.

On the other side, Liang Jingye boarded the plane back with the others.

Liang Jingye was not the kind of character who could hold back things, and she even seemed a little restless along the way.

Ma Xuebing sat next to Liang Jingye, he couldn't help asking, "Xiao Liang, are you still thinking about Academician Wang?"

Liang Jingye nodded and said, "Ma Gong, you said Academician Wang, why did you suddenly want me to go there?"

"Why is it so sudden?" Ma Xuebing said, "You didn't hear Academician Wang say that they are preparing to set up a research team. This time, they probably saw your excellence and wanted you to come over."

"But, this time we are here..."

Ma Xuebing shook his head and said, "I thought I shouldn't come here at first. Is the quench protection system so easy to solve? Unless Academician Wang joins our research, but is it possible?"

After he finished speaking, he added, "If you want me to say, Professor Pan just lost his head and came up with such a way."

Liang Jingye nodded in agreement, and asked, pursing her lips, "Then what should we do? Academician Wang said..."

"That's up to you." Ma Xuebing said with a smile, "I'm definitely inclined to agree. Now that we are doing SMES research alone, it feels like a long way off."

"American is already preparing to build a large-scale project. There is a lot of pressure, and the superiors can't wait too long. A few years, ten years? Impossible."

"It's good to be able to go to Academician Wang and do new research, Xiao Liang, think about it, is this the truth?"


Liang Jingye also thought carefully.

She is naturally aware of the progress of the SMES power storage device research group, and knows that the future prospects are not good.

If you join Academician Wang Hao's research group, you will be able to further study SMES batteries. Moreover, Academician Wang Hao admires me very much, and the treatment here must not be bad.

Coming here is indeed a good choice...

It's just Teacher Pan Dong...

Liang Jingye bit her lip lightly, and fell into a tangled state again.

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