From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 388 New technology achieves catch-up, big order? Wang Hao: Sell, why not sell!

The natural constant, symbol e, is a constant in mathematics, it is an infinite non-repeating decimal, and it is a transcendental number, its value is about 2.718281828459045.

It is the base of the natural logarithm function.

In the mathematical system, the natural constant e, like pi and the imaginary unit i, is one of the most important constants.

Many people know pi, but they don't know much about the natural constant e, because the existence of the natural constant e is not as easy to understand as π.

Give an example in reality, you can understand the magic of the natural constant e.

If you have 100 yuan in your hand and deposit the money in the bank, the annual interest rate given by the bank is 100%, that is to say, 100 yuan will become 200 yuan after one year.

However, a year is too long.

You want to calculate the interest every six months, and ask for a half-year interest rate of 50%.

The bank agreed.

Then you think about it carefully, and think that you can withdraw the money for half a year and then deposit it in, so that the operation of rolling interest can be realized, and the money withdrawn after one year becomes 225 yuan.

Since you can get more interest, you consider depositing and withdrawing once every three months, with a fixed interest rate of 25%, so that you can withdraw more money after one year.

Then proceed to subdivide.

Once a month, once a week, once a day...

In this way, wouldn't you be able to directly become a rich man by relying on deposit and withdrawal operations?

of course not.

No matter how fine the division is, even if you save and withdraw money every second, the money you withdraw after one year will approach an extreme value--


This is how the natural constant e is defined.

In mathematics, as long as concepts related to growth are involved, the natural constant e will still appear.

In nature, whether it is the growth and reproduction of organisms or the decay of radioactive substances, growth methods similar to compound interest problems abound.

e represents some kind of "limit value of growth", which is an internal law.

If π represents a perfect circumference, then e represents a perfect increase.

When e is understood as the "limit value of growth", and considering that the number of "limit value of annihilation energy" is close to e, it naturally makes people feel that it is not a coincidence.

"So, e may be closely related to the structure of energy particles and the annihilation process?"

"If e is the limit value of annihilation energy, then is there a certain limit for the 'upgrade change' of atoms, and is it related to e?"

"There seems to be no relationship between the two..."


Wang Hao thought carefully.

If e is the limit value of annihilation energy, there must be a very important principle in it, but it is very difficult or even impossible to determine the value through experiments, because there must be deviations in experimental detection.

From the theoretical analysis, e is the limit value, which is much more reliable than the experiment.

"Theory, how to start researching?"

Wang Hao thought deeply for a long time, but didn't have any clues, and then decided to give up temporarily and focus on the technical improvement of field strength.

The experimental group continued with the material layout design improvement problem.

Half a month later, the research team completed a new experiment.

The results of the experiment are remarkable.

They created a strong annihilation force field with the property of 'dark space', and measured the strength value to be 4.23.

"The annihilation energy data is also out..."

"96 percent!"

He Yi said excitedly, "This data is no worse than the strong annihilation force field compressed inside the spiral force field!"

Not only He Yi was very excited, everyone was very excited.

Two months of hard work have yielded very fruitful results. They have developed a new technology to create a strong annihilation force field. Without the intervention of strong magnetic field repulsion means, the field strength is still close to the strong annihilation force field compressed inside the spiral force field. .

It's incredible!

After He Yi finished talking about the data, he sighed, "This is the best way to create a strong annihilation force field, rather than the complicated way of superimposing force fields..."

"Yeah, this should be the best way."

"It was too complicated to do before. I didn't expect that DC strong pressure is the best way."

"The technology has improved, and it can create a strong annihilation force field in an area instead of the original thin layer. The most important thing is that the equipment cost has been greatly reduced!"

The back is critical.

It turns out that the way to create a strong annihilation force field is "anti-gravity field superposition", which is to use several devices to separately create an anti-gravity field and superimpose them, and combine them together to form a thin layer of a strong annihilation force field.

Now it is using a piece of equipment to directly create a strong annihilation force field area.

At the same time, other gains are also great.

At the meeting of the research group, Yan Jing was holding a document and said seriously, "In the past two months, we have conducted a total of eleven experiments, and the highest strength value was created with a strong annihilation force field of 4.23."

"Except for the experiment that determined the critical value of annihilation energy, the data of other experiments have improved compared with the previous one, and the numerical comparison is also very stable."

"I have discussed with Xiao Xinyu, Xiang Qiansheng, and Professor Liu Yunli, and we all believe that this upward trend will continue until 6 to 8 times the field force is created before declining..."

This is the analysis conclusion of multiple experiments.

They have experience in researching anti-gravity technology. When researching anti-gravity technology, when a brand new material is used, the anti-gravity strength produced by each experiment will show a steady upward trend at the beginning, the closer it is to the material. The extreme value of strength can be produced, and the material layout inside the equipment can be improved, the slower the strength will increase.

After hearing the estimated figures from Yan Jing's report, Wang Hao nodded with a smile, and said, "I also did the calculations, and the figures are similar."

Yan Jing breathed out suddenly, as if she had gained a lot of confidence, she continued, "At the same time, we will measure the corresponding ferromagnetization reaction value for each experiment."

She said and pointed to the projection screen.

After briefly operating the notebook, the corresponding relationship between the intensity of the annihilation force field and the intensity of the ferromagnetization reaction appeared on the screen.

She walked to the screen and introduced, "Look at this connection."

"Comparing the two data, it is obvious that as the annihilation force field strength exceeds 3, the growth of ferromagnetization reaction strength shows a downward trend."

"But for now, the downward trend is not that great."

"According to this curve, we can roughly predict the intensity of the original F-rays. Our analysis results are in the range of '7 to 8'."

Yan Jing looked at Wang Hao again as she spoke.

Wang Hao didn't make a judgment immediately. Looking at the numerical comparison chart on the screen, his expression was very serious, and he was constantly doing calculations in his mind.

When it comes to mathematical analysis problems, his thinking is much more rigorous.

It's been a long time.

Wang Hao sat motionless in his seat.

While waiting patiently, the others discussed in low voices, "What is Academician Wang thinking?"

"Could it be that the F-ray intensity is calculated based on the data? Isn't this a comparative analysis of the data? There is no way to do the calculation?"

"What might he have thought of?"

"I don't know, just wait."

Yan Jing, Xiao Xinyu and others were also very puzzled. Their so-called "rough prediction" was a very simple judgment made by a few people getting together and combining the experimental data and the experimental results related to F-rays.

As for whether it is correct or not, it does not seem to be very important.

The main reason is that they do not think that the intensity range of F-rays can be calculated based on some experimental data.

While the others were still talking quietly, Wang Hao stood up suddenly, walked to the whiteboard at the side of the meeting room, picked up a pen and started writing.

The first thing he wrote was a data comparison table.

Next, various data are substituted in to start the analysis and calculation, and then some original experimental data are substituted in, and the column formula becomes more and more complicated.

One line, another line...

By the time I wrote more than a dozen lines, the people in the conference room could no longer understand it.

Wang Hao continued to write with a pen, his hand movements were uninterrupted, and he didn't even think about it until later, as if he was copying something for comparison.

one line.

Another line.

After writing the contents of half a large whiteboard, he listed an algebraic sequence combination, and then performed a calculation with the previous function, and obtained the final result.

After Wang Hao finished writing, he reviewed it from beginning to end, let out a sigh of relief, turned around and said, "There is a 34% possibility that the F-ray intensity is 6.8."

"Other intensities may be in the range of 6.6 to 7.9. In terms of probability, it basically presents a uniform distribution..."

At this moment, the conference room fell silent.

Everyone was digesting what happened just now. They never thought that the intensity of F-rays could be accurately predicted by mathematical methods.

Most importantly, it took Wang Hao less than ten minutes to do the calculation.

He added some other experimental information midway, such as magnetic field strength, iron magnetization response data, etc., which made the analysis more complicated.

In the subsequent calculation process, he also quickly solved a complex equation.

It was really a complicated equation, and when it was written out, no one else knew how to solve it.

They are doing experimental physics, but the level of mathematics is not low.

Wang Hao solved it easily.

"This is the gap!"

"If it wasn't just now, I would have almost forgotten that Academician Wang is a very good mathematician, and mathematical analysis is his old profession!"

"That's right, I remember when I first got to know Academician Wang, several of his research results were related to mathematical analysis."

"Effective and irrelevant carry screening, don't you know?"

"I heard, it's too complicated."

Xiang Qiansheng couldn't help sighing in a low voice, "Yan Jing, Xiao Xinyu and I have studied together for a long time. If I had known earlier, I would have let Academician Wang do the calculations."

"Then why don't you count?"

"The level is not enough!"

Wang Hao ignored the surprise of others, but was thinking about the value of '6.8'.

Intensity estimation of F-rays is very important.

If it is possible to create a force field that surpasses the intensity of F-rays, or to produce F-rays with the same intensity using new technology, the new technology can definitely surpass the old technology.

Then they can ditch the old technology.

Now the research team adopts the new technology to create a strong annihilation force field with a strength of '4.23', which is already close to the strong annihilation force field inside the spiral force field of the old technology.

If repulsive means of strong magnetic field is added, the intensity of force field can be continuously increased, and F-rays can also be produced in the same technical way.

just the intensity...

"It's uncertain."

Wang Hao said seriously, "F-rays produced by the two different methods may have different repulsion effects when subjected to strong magnetic fields."

"In the original technology, the inside of the strong annihilation force field is an anti-gravity field, but now there is only a strong annihilation force field. The anti-gravity field that may exist in the outer layer cannot be detected for the time being."

"So, the next step is to continue to increase the intensity."

"But at the same time, we have to prepare to add strong magnetic field repulsion means, and we can customize special magnetic field generating equipment from the High Energy Institute."


When the research team was engaged in continuing research, the science and technology department sent someone to find Wang Hao and talked about the order of first-order iron materials.

Two large international material companies ordered large quantities of primary iron materials.

Negotiations have broken down before.

Because they could not take out 25 grams of first-order iron materials in one go, the two companies requested to purchase raw materials containing first-order iron.

Many meetings were held within the technology department, and the deal was ultimately rejected due to confidentiality concerns.

But rejection hurts too!

The research on the annihilation force field is simply a 'gold-swallowing beast'.

In the past two months, they were researching a new technology for creating an annihilation force field, and nearly 2 billion were thrown into it quickly.

One month, one billion funds!

The rate at which this expense was spent was astonishing.

The tech sector understands that.

It took the International Annihilation Theory Organization nearly a year to manufacture a strong annihilation force field device, throwing in nearly tens of billions of dollars in one go.

In comparison, one billion dollars a month is less than 200 million U.S. dollars, so it feels very 'saving'.

However, it is still very expensive!

The science and technology department felt a bit of a headache when they thought about the funds, but fortunately, the sale of first-order iron materials had a lot of income.

"If we can win this order, there will be no shortage of funds in the next year." There are many similar voices in the department, and they think it's okay to 'take a little risk of secrecy', and some basic results of the annihilation force field experiment group will also affect published internationally.

Anyway, the talks eventually broke down.

Something is different now.

The two companies seemed to be unwilling to buy materials, so they sent people over to negotiate a larger order. They offered a total price of three billion US dollars to purchase 45 grams of first-order iron raw materials.

That's three billion dollars!

There were many voices in the science and technology department, and there was no way to directly reject it, so they simply sent someone to Wang Hao to ask about the confidentiality issues that might be involved in the sale of raw materials for first-order iron.

Wang Hao said decisively, "Sell it! Why not sell it!"

Zhang Lin, teacher Xu's secretary, was puzzled by Wang Hao's reaction and asked in surprise, "If they got the raw materials, wouldn't they be able to analyze the proportion of first-order iron contained in it?"

"In addition, many things can be analyzed from other aspects of raw materials."

"We organized an expert group to discuss, and we came to the conclusion that if the raw materials are sold, they may be able to evaluate the annihilation force field technology we have."

"Even, it might be learned that we have F-ray technology..."

Wang Hao shook his head amusedly and said, "You guys think too much!"

He said, "Even if they get the raw materials, at most they can only estimate the technical strength of our annihilation force field."

"But so what?"

"It's like we know the world's top chip technology, and we know that American has perfect nuclear-powered aircraft carrier technology, so what? Even if we know it, we won't be able to catch up for the time being."

"Moreover, technology is not stagnant, it is always improving."

Wang Hao said amusedly, "You guys are still too unconfident!"

"Technology has been breaking through and improving, so what if they know it? By the time they catch up, we will already have higher technology."

Zhang Lin nodded thoughtfully.

"Be confident!" Wang Hao continued, "I guess you are still worried about F-rays, right?"

"Yes, F-rays are too heavy."

"There's nothing to worry about."

Wang Hao said with a smile, "If the delivery time is delayed by another two months, we can master the technology to quickly manufacture first-order iron raw materials."

"At that time, there will be no need for F-rays at all!"

"Is that so?"


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