From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 400 Huge impact of the results! Inspiration is more important than effort!

Each of the three papers published by "Annihilation Physics and Theory" is very valuable, and the first two are of great value.

The first paper was "First-Order Lithium Elements", which attracted countless attentions with just a title.

When it comes to upgrading elements before, first-order iron can be thought of, but now there is first-order lithium, and everyone knows what it means.

After checking the content of the paper, I immediately knew that I was right, and that I had indeed discovered first-order lithium.

First-order lithium, as the second upgraded element discovered, is undoubtedly of great significance. The simplest is like discovering that a certain element has a special state, and it turns out that other elements have similar properties. sex.

This suggests that the behaviors found are universal.

Ascension, that's all.

The iron element that undergoes electronic transitions has been discovered before. Even though most people think that other elements can also undergo electronic transitions, there is no evidence to support this after all.

Now that the first-order lithium has been discovered, it means that many elements can undergo 'electronic transition', not just iron.

Iron and lithium are metal elements.

Therefore, it can be briefly summarized—under the environment of annihilation force field of sufficient strength, the electronic transition phenomenon occurs in metal elements, and reaches the stable element behavior of "elevated order".

This is an important conclusion.

Mathematics is very rigorous; physics and chemistry are also very rigorous.

Even if the first-order iron has been discovered, no scientist can say for sure that other elements can also undergo electronic transitions. As long as they are not discovered, it is only a theoretical deduction.

From this we can see how important the discovery of first-order lithium is.

From the perspective of scientific research, lithium ranks third in the periodic table of elements and is the most active metal element, which itself has extraordinary scientific research value.

In terms of market significance, lithium element compounds are commonly used materials in industry. Because of the active state of lithium ions, lithium element compounds can be used as the main component of batteries.

As an advanced element, first-order lithium has full potential and value in scientific research, application, and economy.

The second is "Anomalous Ionization Properties of Magnetized Lithium Element Compounds", which directly illustrates the potential of first-order lithium element compounds.

The research topic is that under the environment of strong annihilation force field, the ionization characteristics of the magnetized lithium element compound are greatly enhanced.

This result has the greatest impact.

Many new discoveries and theoretical things are only concerned by scholars. Various lithium element compounds are widely used chemical materials in the battery industry.

The enhanced ionization characteristics of the magnetized lithium element compound means that the lithium battery manufactured by this method will have enhanced storage capacity and discharge performance, which contains huge economic value.

think about it...

Lithium element compounds only pass through a strong annihilation force field once, and the ionization characteristics are generally enhanced by more than two times. The manufacturing process is relatively simple, but the performance has been greatly improved, and a wide range of applications can naturally be realized.

The impact of the publication of this achievement was directly reflected in the securities market.

The share prices of all companies and sectors related to lithium batteries have increased significantly, and 29 companies in China have directly increased their share prices.

Large fluctuations are allowed in foreign stock markets, and the market reaction will naturally be more intense.

The stock price of a supplier of lithium element compounds tripled directly, and was still rising before the market closed.


The volatility of the stock market has radiated to the auto industry, and the stock prices of new energy vehicle brand manufacturers have also risen rapidly.

Some domestic experts predict that "in the next week or even longer, lithium batteries and related sectors will continue to rise."

"New research discoveries will become a powerful boost for related sectors."

"In the future, the application technology related to lithium batteries will become broader in terms of market and application prospects."

From a market perspective, new energy vehicles are a good example.

New energy vehicles generally refer to electric vehicles, most of which use lithium batteries as energy devices. In the past ten years, electric vehicles have developed very rapidly, and now they have a huge market.

But at the same time, electric vehicles also have some shortcomings that cannot be concealed.

Battery performance is one of them.

Generally, the battery life of civilian electric vehicles is less than 600 kilometers, and the limited high-speed driving and long charging time of electric vehicles are difficult problems to solve.

High-speed driving is limited because there is an upper limit to the battery output power.

For example, when the speed of some electric vehicles reaches more than 100 kilometers per hour, there will be problems such as insufficient power and high power consumption.

Another problem is the long charging time.

Some manufacturers provide solutions for high-power charging, but even high-power charging takes time and increases certain safety risks.

The enhanced ionization characteristics of the magnetized lithium element compound can make the output power of the manufactured lithium battery higher, which can perfectly solve the first problem.

For the second question, the solution of "ultra-long battery life" is given.

If the ionization characteristics are more than doubled, the storage capacity of the lithium battery produced can be doubled. The original battery life is only 600 kilometers, and it can directly become 1,200 kilometers.

This improvement is decisive and can support electric vehicles to achieve long-distance travel without worrying about charging problems.

This boost is not yet fixed.

Now it is only a lithium element compound after simple magnetization treatment, and the ionization characteristics can be enhanced by more than two times. What if the compound is made entirely of first-order lithium?

"The improvement will only be higher!"

"Maybe three times, four times, maybe five times, ten times..."

"There is no specific data yet, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that the improvement can only be greater. By then, the electric car will be able to run thousands of kilometers at a stretch..."

It's so fascinating.

The third one is "Ionization Energy of First-Order Iron Element and First-Order Lithium Element".

This research is to measure the ionization energy of the two upgraded elements in detail through continuous experiments.

Except for scholars in related fields, few people pay attention to it.


On that day, the world was discussing the issue of first-order lithium and magnetized lithium element compounds. Public opinion mainly focused on the scientific research value of first-order lithium and its impact on the lithium battery industry.

Some related scientific research institutions pay more attention to the information revealed by the results - the strength of the annihilation force field.

The first paper talked about a data, the critical value of the electronic transition of lithium element is '7.2 times'; the second paper talked about the annihilation force field strength of twice the ionization characteristics of the magnetized lithium element compound as '8 times' '.

This is tantamount to a straightforward statement that the annihilation force field created by the anti-gravity behavior center has already approached or exceeded '8 times' in strength.

The International Annihilation Theory Organization spent tens of billions of dollars to create an annihilation force field that is only about 4 times as strong.

The gap is clear at a glance.

The international physics community was in an uproar.

Many scholars were surprised by this gap, but they did not have any doubts, because the experiment has already made conclusive findings.

The scholars of the annihilation organization felt very incredible. They first judged that the strength of the annihilation force field created by the other party was about 5 times stronger.

Later, after the discovery of first-order iron was made public, their judgment data became 6.6 times.

Then, the mass production of first-order iron was realized, and the judgment data became 7 times.

It's '8' now?


"How on earth did they do it!"

Bill Bryan was extremely surprised, "Why can they keep strengthening the annihilation force field? Or is the field force they created already high?"

Juraj Novotny was full of disappointment. He sighed, "I was not optimistic about the organization at the beginning, and proposed to cooperate with the florists."

"Later, we successfully created a strong annihilation force field, which brought confidence."


"Let's say two or three generations, a few more generations, ten or twenty years, I feel hopeless..."

Facing the huge gap in technology, Novotini felt a kind of despair.

Bill Bryan also looked responsible, "Jurai, how do you think they did it? Don't they and we do a research?"

Novotini thought for a moment, frowned and said, "You mean technology?"

"Their strength has been increasing." Bill Bryan spread his hands and said, "And we just hope to create the next generation of equipment."

Their research method is to conduct demonstrations and then manufacture corresponding equipment.

When the equipment is actually manufactured, because the underlying technology is very complicated, the internal structure has been fixed, and there is no way to adjust it. The strength of the annihilation force field produced is fixed.

The strength of the annihilation force field created by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center seems to be increasing all the time...

why is that?

Brian and Novotini fell silent together.

Brian had a thought, "Are they doing standardized research?"

"What's the meaning?"

"It is the standardization of the internal design. After it is manufactured, the internal design can be changed, just like Lego blocks... Do you understand?"


Novotini pulled the corner of his mouth vigorously, and denied, "To reach that level, the upfront investment must exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars?" He added, "Probably not enough."

"Either material?"

Brian thought of another reason, "Is the superconducting material they use improving?"

"Can superconducting materials be improved once, and can they be improved a second time?" Novotini denied again, "That is a material. Even if a new material is developed, it is a big problem to test it, it is impossible!"

The two remained silent.

Brian took a deep breath depressed and asked, "What about those people outside?"

"Are you referring to reporters, or officials?"


Novotini thought for a long time, pressed his forehead hard and said, "I don't know either. To be honest, I miss Empoli a little bit."

"me too."

The two smiled wryly together.

When Empoli-Kubo was head of the organization, it was his job to deal with reporters and officials.

Now that Empoli Kubo is gone, there is no new head of the organization.

Novotini and Bryan are the highest-ranked, but they don't want to face nasty reporters and officials in an environment of negative public opinion.

"Let the press officer come forward."

Novotini said with depression, "Anyway, it's already like this, so what can it do? Big deal..."

"I'm resigning too!"


Argonne Laboratories.

Duroinshev-J-Beck also saw three research results. Unlike others, he stared at the third "small result" non-stop.

There is an important data on it-

The ionization energy of first-order iron: 12.439eV.

Duroinshev felt a little confused. His team completed the determination of the ionization energy of first-order iron. After thinking that they had made a big discovery, they submitted it to the "Science" magazine and set a specific release time.


Already have the results?

"If "Science" magazine publishes the results, then I will probably become a joke of the whole world, right?" Duroinshev reacted suddenly, and was about to call "Science" magazine immediately.

Then, the phone call came.

The response of "Science" magazine was also very fast. The editor-in-chief Hilt called. He said bluntly, "Mr. Baker, I think your results are no longer suitable for publication."

"I know."

"Then we're leaving?"

"Remove it!"

Duroinshev said with depression.

Although he had already made a note on the pre-publishing website before submitting the manuscript to Science, it was meaningless at all.

No one would believe that his research predates the Antigravity Behavior Research Center.

One is the content of the research. The Antigravity Behavior Research Center discovered the abnormal ionization characteristics of the magnetized lithium element compound, and discovered the first-order lithium element. At the same time, it also measured the ionization energy of the first-order lithium and the first-order iron.

Putting together so many research results is obviously not something that can be completed in a short time.

The second is data accuracy.

The determination of element ionization energy requires many experiments to determine, and they have done several experiments to determine the range is 12.2eV to 12.4eV.

The other side is 12.439eV.

Three digits after the decimal point, the data is undoubtedly very accurate, which means that the other party has conducted more experiments than them, and the measurement is more accurate.

Then the discovery time must be earlier.

"Just pretend you didn't find anything..." Duroinshev could only find a way to comfort himself in the end, and he walked out of the laboratory depressed.

This time I met Christopher Johnson again.

Christopher noticed Duroinshev's expression, and suddenly felt a little strange. In the past few days, Duroinshev was full of energy every day.

Now, what's wrong?

"Duro, do you know Wang Hao's new achievements?" Christopher asked, "First-order lithium, and lithium compounds?"

Duroinshev stared fiercely and walked away.

Christopher felt baffled. He felt that there must be some reason, so he took the initiative to ask other people.


Knowing the reason, he immediately gloated a little.

At the same time, Christopher still felt a little empathy, recalling the cooperation with the annihilation organization, they found that the first-order iron would not be affected by the strong annihilation force field to undergo a magnetization reaction.

Then they published the results together.

The Antigravity Behavior Research Center immediately released the research on the first-order energy wave, making their so-called 'big discovery' a complete joke.

Now Duroinshev...

"Thinking about it..."

"Duro's luck is really good. The results haven't been published yet, and others don't know yet." Christopher thought with the corner of his mouth curled up, but he thought he should help publicize it.

Even if only a small group of people know it, it can make them go through the same situation.

Empathy, naturally to be completely consistent.


"Just do it..."

After Christopher made his decision, he went to the laboratory's internal network forum and posted a post anonymously to give a brief explanation.


Mason Number Science Lab.

Wang Hao was sitting in the office, continuing to discuss the "unusual phenomenon" with others. He didn't care about the released results at all. As for the international influence, it was all expected.

The research on 'unusual phenomena' is still at the theoretical level.

They don't know how to do experimental verification, and it is impossible to do nuclear tests in a strong annihilation force field as Ding Zhiqiang said.

That kind of experiment is impossible.


Impossible on Earth for the time being.

Some outsiders say that a strong annihilation force field is a small black hole. Of course, similar statements are not correct, but if a nuclear test is carried out inside the force field, there may be uncontrollable risks.

At that time, what if a black hole is created?

Before the research has reached a certain stage, he will not conduct such a dangerous experiment.

But the discussion of 'unusual phenomena' has not progressed.

Helen suddenly had a suggestion, "Teacher Wang, maybe we can publish the theory? In most physical research, theory and experiment are separated."

"We don't necessarily have to do verification."

"When the theory is published, there will definitely be many people interested..."

Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "It makes sense, we don't have to conduct experiments by ourselves." He patted his forehead vigorously as he said.

He found himself going to extremes.

In the research of the annihilation force field, most of them research the theory by themselves, and then design experiments to verify it.

But in fact, in physics, there is a theory first, and then it is verified slowly.

Therefore, there will be theoretical physics.

"Special phenomenon" is just an idea, and its manifestation is not necessarily a specific magnetic field, but may also be other aspects.

For example, some kind of radiation that cannot be measured for the time being.

Only with more physicists and more teams interested in conducting research in various directions can it be more likely to complete experimental verification.

This does them no harm.

Just like the discovery of the Higgs particle, the theory was 50 years earlier than the discovery, and the physicists who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics were also engaged in theoretical research.

Theory is more important than experimental findings.

In fact, it is like doing a research, ideas are often more important than hard work.

After Wang Hao made a decision, he asked other people. Paul Phil-Jones and Ding Zhiqiang had no objections. They also felt that there would be no progress if they continued to argue.

They unanimously decided to publish.


They completed the thesis together, and the thesis is still submitted to "Annihilation Physics and Theory", and it will be published in the next issue.

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