From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 403 Abnormal Phenomena and the

This year's Nobel Prize ceremony was really exciting.

After the award ceremony was over, media reporters made a lot of reports about it, and the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics has also become a topic of much attention.

One of the most prominent is Paul Phil - Jones.

Paul Phil-Jones did what he said, giving his acceptance speech 'unforgettable to all', wearing a suit of Superman, comparing himself to the Superman who came to Earth, and other scientists to 'Superman's hometown' Kryptonians'.

The metaphor in this speech sublimated his behavior.

In fact, science is very similar to his metaphor. There are always very few people who can win international awards. Are other scientists who have not won awards worse than those who have won?

Not always.

Many scientists have been working hard. The basic research they have done has played a very important role in promoting the development of science, but they cannot win international awards just because their personal contributions are not outstanding, or they lack some luck.

They are the unknown Kryptonians.

Nobel laureates, either because of their insignificant personal contributions, or because of their luck, successfully came to the earth to be known by everyone, and became "supermen" in the scientific community.

This award-winning speech was widely reported by the media and received many comments from the public.

Some people dismissed this, thinking that Paul Phil Jones' behavior was grandstanding.

Some people who knew Paul Phil-Jones just smiled indifferently, because it looked like something Paul Phil-Jones could do.

The vast majority of people's evaluation of this is still positive.

Even more so in the mass sphere.

Most people talk about this matter with relish, but they don't care about the formality of the occasion of the Nobel Prize award ceremony. On the contrary, they think that Paul Phil Jones has a very good personality.

think about it...

When everyone is wearing formal attire, Paul Phil Jones dressed up as Superman in a unique way. It takes courage to think about it.

That is definitely something that ordinary people can't do.

Although the academic circles have mixed opinions on this, the public opinion is very admirable for Paul Phil-Jones, which also makes Paul Phil-Jones have a lot of followers, or 'fans'.

Paul Phil Jones has become the focus, and his personal resume has also been dug out.

Then everyone discovered that Paul Phil Jones did have the qualifications to become a 'star', at least an academic star and a genius star.

In recent years, there is nothing to say about the experience of Paul Phil Jones. He is a professor at Xihai University and has completed theoretical research one by one.

Before, there was too much to say.

Paul Phil Jones' resume is pretty amazing.

At the age of 23, he received a Ph.D. in mathematics from Caltech.

At the age of 26, he already has three doctorates in mathematics, physics and philosophy, and a master's degree in law.

It seems unbelievable that so many degrees are placed on one person's head.

At the age of 29, with his in-depth research contributions to string theory, Paul Phil-Jones was appointed as a full professor at Caltech.

This post is amazing.

Foreign universities also have positions similar to "staffing". "Professor" is also called "tenured professor", which is a position similar to the "staffing".

However, full professors in top prestigious schools are not easy to get.

The full professors of every top international school are top international scholars in their own fields, and 29-year-old Paul Phil-Jones has made outstanding achievements in string theory research, and is recognized as a representative of young string theory scholars, and even Considered the successor of Edward Witten.

As the top three figures in the field of string theory, Paul Phil-Jones' future was naturally bright until the annihilation theory appeared.

Paul Phil-Jones is "very discerning". He gave up the research of string theory, and under the name of "traitor" of string theory, he quickly switched to the research of annihilation theory, and quickly achieved a lot of results.

After that, it is now, when I was less than forty years old, I have already won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

This resume can be described as a legend.

"God man!"

"Super genius, real super genius, Paul Phil Jones' resume completely crushes the so-called genius..."

"From now on, he will be Superman Paul!"


Paul Phil Jones has indeed received a lot of attention, but in the academic field, it is still Wang Hao who has received more attention.

At the Nobel Prize Ceremony, Wang Hao's performance was very formal, but when he answered the host's question later, he talked about his recent research, which still attracted the attention of scholars.

Anomaly Theory!

A new theory within the realm of annihilation theory.

Although Wang Hao only used a few simple sentences to make his statement, his statement talked about the problems in the manufacture of first-order iron raw materials, and talked about the analysis of the problems.

In this way, the theory of abnormal phenomena was studied.

He also expressed the hope that more scientists would participate in the research in order to verify the theory, which naturally attracted the attention of many scholars.

All eyes are on the next issue of "Physics and Theory of Annihilation".


"Annihilation Physics and Theory" was officially released, and many scholars checked it immediately, and they also knew about the theory of abnormal phenomena.

The research basis of the theory of abnormal phenomena is the experimental discovery.

In the process of manufacturing first-order iron raw materials, experiments have found that pure iron is in the range of a strong annihilation force field, no matter how long it is left, the proportion of iron elements that undergo electronic transitions inside will not increase.

This finding may sound like nothing, but it's really unusual to think about it in depth.

Because, can't explain.

If it is like an ordinary chemical reaction, such as charcoal burning, as long as there is enough time, all materials will be burned.

The electronic transition of elements is a brand-new phenomenon, and it is difficult to simply attribute it to physical, chemical changes, or nuclear reactions.

But the phenomenon itself is just the effect of strong annihilation force field and elements. According to normal logic, given enough time, all elements should undergo electronic transition.

This is where the problem lies.

Based on this analysis, there is a "special phenomenon theory".

The core of the theory is that the first-order iron element produced by the strong annihilation force field is different from the first-order iron element that is constantly changing with the changes of the universe.

The difference in performance may be related to specific phenomena.

In addition, the peculiar phenomenon is also the reason why iron element undergoes electronic transition to the first-order iron element under the action of a strong annihilation force field.

Two questions are linked together.

Many scholars are very interested in the theory of abnormal phenomena after learning about it. Those who have the conditions start to study the first-order iron, hoping to find the answer from the study of the first-order iron.

They all know-

The solution of this problem may lead to a Nobel Prize in Physics.

Some physicists win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Luck is a very important factor. They occasionally have an experimental discovery that verifies a certain theory, and thus wins the award.

Of course, luck is also part of success.

at the same time.

Some institutions realized a problem from the new results, "The price of first-order iron is so high, it turns out that the raw material content is fixed."

Before, he thought it might be due to the 'slow increase in content', and the difficulty of manufacturing naturally came from maintaining a strong annihilation force field.

Now I know that it is not that the content increases slowly, but that it does not increase at all.

There is an essential difference between the two.

Many scholars have also discussed, "If we can discover the peculiar phenomenon, maybe we will find a new direction for the study of annihilation theory."

"That's not just the theory of annihilation, the study of advanced elements, annihilation physics, and electromagnetic force are all related..."

"Probably the most important is the electromagnetic force."

"The essence of electronic transition is that the electron layer jumps to the inner circle, and the atomic nucleus must also undergo some changes, otherwise it will not reach equilibrium with the outer circle..."

"This balance is related to the normal annihilation force field environment."

"Perhaps we can change the way of thinking, for example, to study the first-order iron element, if it is placed in the anti-gravity field, will there be any changes..."

Discussions in academic circles provide many ideas.

Including radiation research, magnetic field research, anti-gravity field research, and some people even proposed to conduct special nuclear tests.

At the same time, many scholars sent emails to Wang Hao, wanting to know his thinking on solving the problem.

Wang Hao received a lot of emails.

He looked at the content of each inquiry and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and then simply posted a message on Weibo, "I have received too many emails, I am sorry that I can't reply to them all."

"There are a lot of emails asking about 'unusual phenomena'. In fact, I can't find the direction for the time being."

"I and others have studied it seriously, and have absolutely no idea how to conduct experiments to develop."

"So, on this issue, I don't want to express an opinion. If my opinion is listened to, it may be wrong."

Some scholars saw Wang Hao's message and thought it was very reasonable.

If Wang Hao knew what direction to research, he would let his research group conduct experiments, and he would not disclose the theory early at all.

If you want to achieve results on the issue of abnormal phenomena, you need not only thinking, but also a lot of luck.

If luck is very good, a new discovery is made in a certain experiment, which can be connected with the problem of abnormal phenomena.

bad luck……

No matter how much you think and experiment, you may not find anything.


When the international physics community was discussing the issue of abnormal phenomena, the high-level officials of American had convened many top scholars and were conducting a very important meeting.

One of American's high-level figures, Druk Bent, is making a report at the meeting, "The annihilation force field is not only the most cutting-edge scientific and technological experiment, after the discovery of the electronic transition phenomenon, that is, the creation of a new It has become the most important research in the world that can determine the dominance of future science and technology."

"The mass production of first-order iron has led to the production and manufacture of new materials, and they have also discovered first-order lithium. I believe there will be more discoveries in the future."

"It can be seen now that the research on the annihilation force field has a very significant impact in scientific research, military, economic and other fields, and mastering the most high-end annihilation force field can gain multi-directional dominance."

"We're far behind in this new technology..."

"I think it's important to pay attention to..."

After Duruk-Bent made his statement, the people at the meeting voted with a show of hands, almost unanimously agreeing to support the research on the annihilation force field.

Everyone can see the importance of Oblivion Field technology.

Both first-order iron and first-order lithium are very important.

Steel is a material that can be seen everywhere in life. First-order iron can effectively improve the physical properties of steel. It is widely used in military materials, aerospace and other fields.

In the field of superconducting materials, iron-based superconducting plays a very important role. First-order iron has been proven to effectively improve the criticality of superconducting materials.

There are many applications in other fields as well.

The first-order lithium has just released its results, which has greatly affected the stock market. The magnetized lithium element compound can directly cause a cross-dimensional impact on the lithium battery material market.


The next one to stand up was Jel Lockyer, an internationally renowned expert in quantum physics and director of the Magnetization Accelerator Laboratory at Fermilab.

Jere Lockyer has always attached great importance to the study of the annihilation force field. He had a face-to-face interview with Empoli Cooper, and went to the International Annihilation Physics Organization to conduct investigations.

Now Jere Lockyer has a very detailed report in his hand, he took the report and said seriously, "We can get all the technical materials of the International Annihilation Theory Organization, but the latest demonstrated annihilation force field generation equipment can The strength of the annihilation force field that supports the manufacturing is estimated to be only around 5 times."

"However, the strength of the annihilation force field produced by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center has reached 8 times or more."

"This gap is about three or four generations."

"We have discussed carefully and believe that there may be three main reasons for the gap in field force technology. The first point is that the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center has adopted a standardized technology research and development method."

"They put high-pressure mixed materials into sections of pipes that can be connected. These pipes are of different sizes and shapes, but they can be connected and transformed at will."

"In this way, it is like a Lego patchwork, which can form many shapes, so that it can be continuously revised to study the annihilation force field technology."

"The second is material research and development."

"The Antigravity Behavior Research Center is supported by Superconducting Materials Industry Corporation. This company has the most advanced superconducting material technology. The critical temperature of the iron-based superconducting materials manufactured now has exceeded 180K."

"They may be constantly researching high-pressure mixed materials and constantly replacing them with better materials to support the continuous increase in the strength of the annihilation force field. There may also be a first-order iron or some kind of magnetized material."

"The last is the possibility of new technologies."

"Relying on the conventional method of manufacturing equipment, we cannot continuously increase the strength of the annihilation force field, but need to manufacture new equipment, but their research and development speed is obviously far faster than the equipment manufacturing speed."

"The above three points, we are more inclined to the first two points."

"But no matter what it is, it requires a lot of investment..."

After Jayle Lockyer made a speech, the meeting fell into a heated discussion.

Even for the most powerful person in American, the research involving the annihilation force field must be cautious and cautious.

Because, too much investment.

If it’s just billions of dollars in research and development, decisions can be made directly, but when scholars open their mouths to tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars, it involves big proposals.

Even if a decision is made, it is still necessary to consider where the money will come from before convincing the House of Representatives.

However, the research of annihilation force field is too attractive.

Just first-order iron represents huge technological and economic benefits, not to mention other research, and there is no problem in passing a research and development proposal worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Next, the meeting discussed issues such as how to support, how to do research, and where to do research.


Duruk-Bent summed up the decision-making content of the meeting, and then drafted a new major proposal-"Groom Lake Plan".

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