From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 433 Invisible Airship 2? Impossible, it must be alien technology!

Chapter 433 Invisible Airship-2? Impossible, it must be alien technology!

When it comes to upgrading materials and related technological issues, American's views are somewhat confused, and there are many different voices inside.

Some views are even diametrically opposed.

Some people call for no longer buying any expensive upgrade materials, and to conduct independent research and development based on the original foundation.

Someone mentioned the Groom Lake project, saying that support for Gamow-Shapley's research should be increased, and that upgraded materials are an opportunity to catch up, and they need to purchase upgraded materials on a large scale to develop strong annihilation force field technology , and use the best team of scientists to achieve future catch-up in annihilation force field technology.

Some people think that we should cooperate with more countries, gather more outstanding scientists and more high-end technologies, learn from each other's strengths and focus on research and development.

There are also people who believe that they should put down their arrogance and show sincerity to contact and cooperate with the anti-gravity form research center that represents high-end annihilation technology.


The last view has the lowest degree of support, because competition and confrontation have always been the mainstream in the past ten years or so.

Wang Hao's team represents flower growers.

In this contradictory atmosphere, they were unable to make a decision for a while.

They are still inexperienced.

In the past hundred years, none of them have encountered similar problems.

The previous situation was completely reversed. When they had high-end technology in a certain field and mastered the technical advantages, no matter how they made a decision, it was beneficial to them.

Now it's reversed.

High-end annihilation technology and high-end material technology are manufactured in the hands of other organizations, and they are not under their control at all.

Upgrade materials are very important.

Everyone knows that upgrade materials represent the future and must be researched, otherwise they may fall behind others.

Now something even more unacceptable has happened.

Even though they are willing to spend a lot of money to purchase materials, Annihilation Technology Company has suspended manufacturing on the grounds of 'equipment maintenance'.

"Too much deceit!"

Facing competitors' moves, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Don't buy upgrade materials anymore?

Do not make jokes!

If the purchase channel of upgrade materials is blocked, wouldn't it be tantamount to closing the country to the outside world, competitors can conduct research at will, and they don't even have the qualifications for research?

That's not a limitation on competitors, it's a limitation on themselves.

However, they could not think of other effective means.

"It would be great if the negotiations go well, but the appetite of the technology department is too great." In the negotiations, they thought they had shown some sincerity, and they had already decided to relax restrictions in some areas.

It still failed.

Of course, they also know that failure is normal. The other party definitely hopes to buy high-end equipment in key areas, but there are some areas that must not let go, otherwise the other party will develop faster and more comprehensively.

What now?

If things keep dragging on, they will definitely be questioned by the public as 'insufficient ability'.

In the end, American executives decided to use the old method.

Since there are two voices, and cooperation negotiations are not smooth all the way, as long as the way of negotiation and cooperation is cut off, naturally no one will call for negotiation and cooperation.



Several influential figures stood up and made various criticisms from the perspectives of various fields.

After the atmosphere of public opinion is created, other deterrent methods must also keep up.

American publicly announced to the media that it is preparing to launch a "regular" exercise with other countries.

The situation suddenly became tense.

The focus of public opinion in the international media has also shifted to the tense situation, with related reports and discussions everywhere.

If you just read the media reports, it seems that the situation will collapse in an instant.

These did not affect Wang Hao.

He carried out the research normally according to the plan, and also established a new task——

【Task 3】

【Research Project Name: Manufacturing Technology of Micronized Granular Metal Superconducting Materials. (Difficulty: S)]

[Inspiration value: 0. 】

This task is fairly easy to set up.

It has been a long period of accumulation of demonstrations before, coupled with the new achievements of Cao Dongming and Qu Gui, they have successfully laid the research foundation.

It is still not easy to complete the S-level difficulty task.

Wang Hao has already applied for the project, and the application is still in the process of approval. There must be no problem in passing it, but the higher authorities need time to coordinate the scientific research institutions participating in the project.

This is a large-scale material technology research project, and the confirmed participants include the Institute of Aeronautical Materials, the Superconducting Materials Research Center, the Key Laboratory of Superconducting Materials of the Academy of Sciences, and Donggong Precision.

Wang Hao is the main person in charge of the project.

There are two other academicians involved, namely Wang Jinnan from the Superconducting Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences and Yang Yunhe, the chief expert of Donggong Precision.

Although it has been confirmed that they are the main participants of the project, Wang Jinnan and Yang Yunhe are a little unconfident. When they discussed in private, they all felt a little incredible.

"I never thought that Academician Wang actually applied for the project..."

Wang Jinnan said with a wry smile, "Just half a month ago, I thought the work was over. The idea of ​​granular materials is very good, but making materials with that precision is a bit of a fantasy."

"Not entirely..."

Yang Yun said, "Our demonstration is still very successful. If Academician Wang's theory is correct, the semi-topological structure can affect the external performance of metals, and it is possible to create that complex shape."

"You guys were at the millimeter level last time?" Wang Jinnan asked.

"Yes, it's complicated."

Yang Yunhe shook his head and said, "I and other people have been designing for a long time, and some processes are still done manually, and the cutting requirements of the bottom surface are too high, and the machine does not have that function."

"However, the principle is different now."

He continued, "The manufacture of millimeter-scale materials before was precision cutting and processing, and now it is very similar to the manufacture of microspheres."

"It is also impossible to cut and manufacture at the micron level."

Wang Jinnan pursed his lips vigorously, "No matter how I think about it, I still find it unbelievable. Can this kind of technology really be developed?"

"I am also not certain."

Yang Yun said softly, "If it was me... I would definitely give up, but, Academician Wang, maybe it can work? That's Wang Hao... the great god!"

He laughed as he spoke.

Wang Jinnan also laughed and said, "Indeed, that's Wang Hao. Anyway, we are not directly in charge, so let's do research."

"Yeah, just do your best."


Wang Hao knows that many people don't have confidence, but he doesn't want to explain too much.

The result speaks for itself.

If the research cannot be completed, there is no point in saying more, he just needs other people to use their knowledge and ability to cooperate.

This project has several large organizations participating, and requires a lot of technology, equipment and personnel support, but in fact, there is still a gap between the scale and investment of the project, and the research on the annihilation force field. After all, it is just a material manufacturing technology.

He just assigned the work step by step, let the participating organizations conduct various experiments, and then discussed according to the experimental results, and improved the technical content step by step.


Wang Hao also planned to take a trip to the F-ray experimental base, but he was dissuaded when he was just about to set off.

Liao Jianguo, Teacher Xu, and several other leaders all called to persuade him not to go to the F-ray experiment base.

"Too dangerous!"

"It's just an experiment, you don't need to make a special trip!"

"Everything is ready."

"Do not worry!"

There is a reason why they all came to dissuade them.

What the F-ray experiment base is doing is the miniature nuclear reaction experiment inside the device, that is, a miniature nuclear reactor is placed in the center of the anti-gravity field in the F-ray experiment device.

After the anti-gravity field generating device and the external spiral magnetic field generating device are turned on, the micro-nuclear reactor placed inside will be activated, and a high heat source will be continuously supplied from the inside to support the excitation of high-intensity and sustainable F-rays.

This experiment has been prepared for a long time, and the device is relatively well-made.

The nuclear reactor is located in the force field area on the upper part of the device. The outer layer is surrounded by a spiral magnetic field generator, and the lower layer is a thick heat insulation layer. The anti-gravity generators are all protected below and supported by a complete cooling system for continuous operation.

Now it is different from the original design, because the millimeter-scale granular material is produced, and the anti-gravity equipment below has been replaced.

Metal materials are much safer and more stable than high-pressure mixed materials.

The F-ray experiment team also gained more confidence. They started the equipment step by step according to the plan, and completed the ignition as expected.

Ignition is just the beginning of the experiment.

The duration of this experiment is at least one month. They need to ensure the stable operation of the equipment. After one month, they will consider exciting and releasing F-rays.

When the equipment was running stably for a whole day, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

The experimental team was under too much pressure.

Among them, Liao Jianguo was the one with the most pressure. As the leader of the F-ray experiment team, he never thought that one day, he would carry out nuclear reactions in the F-ray generating equipment.

Come to think of it, it's all crazy!

In the 24 hours after the ignition was completed, Liao Jianguo kept staring at the computer screen, checking the reported data at any time, always worried that problems might arise at any time.

Miniature nuclear reactors, also nuclear reactions, are also highly radioactive.

If something goes wrong during the research process, the equipment will not only be suspended, but will also be blasted, buried, and destroyed on the spot.

At that time, everything will start all over again.

Compared to Liao Jianguo's nervousness, Tang Jianjun was very excited because he saw the hope of realizing controllable nuclear fusion technology.

If the miniature nuclear reactor is replaced with a nuclear fusion reactor, the equipment can still operate stably, and it can be said that controllable nuclear fusion has been achieved.

Of course, that's just imagination.

The intensity of the nuclear fusion reaction is too high, and the current experimental equipment must not be able to restrain it, but at least the mouth is about the same.

Tang Jianjun was still very excited, he kept muttering, "Nuclear fusion research..."

"This is the first step to success!"


at the same time.

There has been a new focus of international public opinion. American plans to send two aircraft carriers, and three other countries, to conduct joint exercises around the disputed waters.

Florists also have corresponding plans.

The two sides continued to shout, and influential figures stood up one by one, directly forming a tense situation.

In terms of confrontation, of course, it is not just a drill.

Even if it is only a deterrent confrontation, it is carried out at all levels. In addition to being used for exercises on the bright side, there have already been actions in space.

The most advanced satellites are already detecting intelligence information in the military field.

The sky above Echeng is one of the key points of detection.

It is no secret that the airship aircraft experimental base is in Echeng. Public opinion can frequently see news about airship aircraft, and many of them were found around Echeng.

Airship series aircraft are very popular.

This kind of anti-gravity aircraft is unique to flower growers, and other countries cannot manufacture it for the time being, so they will naturally pay attention to the air-ship series of aircraft to judge the performance and threat of the aircraft.

the other side of the earth.

satellite center.

A person on duty is checking the information on the computer, which is full of camera pictures sent by the most advanced spy satellites.

They look for questionable images and analyze what they might reveal.

This work is very tedious and boring. Even if you look at pictures all day long, it is very difficult to find something.

While working, an employee named Weedon suddenly shouted in surprise, "Oh, God! Look, what is this!"


"then what?"

The others looked over immediately.

Witton transferred a picture to the big screen and found a black spot appeared on the picture. After zooming in on the black spot, he found that the edge looked blurry.

The person in charge of the center, Blanke, came over. He carefully looked at the black dots on the picture, and shouted to Witton, "Submit the data!"

Witton immediately said, "The time is 16:09, 28 seconds..."


"The diameter of the black spot is about 34.7 meters, plus the blurred position of the outer layer, it is about 35.5 to 36 meters..."

"Altitude, 15,300 meters..."


Bronke took out a pen and paper to record, then walked to the information room next to him, entered the data into the computer for review, but found that there was no radar information record.

He retrieved data from other satellites, but still found no records.

Then, he returned to the monitoring room.

Witton and several other colleagues immediately asked curiously, "Have you found it?"

Blanc shook his head slightly.

There was an uproar in the monitoring room, and many people couldn't help discussing, "That is to say, the camera caught it, but the radar didn't detect it?"

"why is that?"


"Could it be an alien spaceship? UFO? It has an invisibility function. This invisibility function looks very powerful..."

"With a diameter of 35 meters, could it be Airship-2?"


"Airship-2, with such a huge volume, how could it have the invisible function, and even if it is invisible, it will not be a black dot!"

"In comparison, I believe it is alien technology."

"Or is it a problem with the light? Just a coincidence? We often have similar discoveries. Many times, it's just the influence of light and clouds..."

"It's true, but it's the first time for such a round spot."

"I have a feeling this is going to be something powerful..."


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