From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 483 Unprecedented theoretical achievement? Solve energy with mathematics!

In the eyes of Helen and Chen Mengmeng, Ding Zhiqiang is a very talented junior.

They were still very unconvinced at first, but later found that Ding Zhiqiang was really thoughtful, and every time he did research, he could always come up with suggestions from different perspectives, and gradually accepted the reality that "students have more brains".

As for awards...

These are just things that laymen will fancy.

Winning awards for research in the academic field is a matter of luck. The content of the research and the criteria for the awards will have an impact.

They won the Nobel Prize in Physics, relying on the research directed by Wang Hao.

Ding Zhiqiang belongs to the unlucky type. Another very important point is that his brilliance has been covered up all the time.

He participated in many researches led by Wang Hao and played a very important role, but in the eyes of others, Wang Hao is the one who mainly completes the research. Even if the papers and results are signed by Ding Zhiqiang, they will be considered as " Wang Hao is promoting students'.

One of the very typical examples is the study of higher order particle functions.

The higher-order particle function is the analysis of the structure of the mass point. In the part about the proof of the Riemann conjecture, in the third paper, Ding Zhiqiang is the first author. Judging from the author's signature, he is the person who has contributed the most to the research, but the outside world It is believed that it was Wang Hao who promoted the students and gave him "One Work".

"Xiao Ding is very thoughtful."

"If you can do research with him, you will definitely gain a lot."

Both Chen Mengmeng and Helen thought so.

They began to fight for Ding Zhiqiang.

Helen said, "Ding Zhiqiang, Paul and I are doing research on the combination of quantum physics and annihilation physics. We are going to shape the electromagnetic structure..."

She talked about her research in detail.

Their research revolves around the force between the tiny particles in the atom, and the ultimate goal is to analyze the electromagnetic force in the direction of "annihilation physics".

Ding Zhiqiang twitched his lips.

Isn't this the analysis of electromagnetic force? Such a major study sounds a bit unreliable.

Chen Mengmeng said, "My research is not that advanced. I just followed the direction of Teacher Wang, demonstrating the boundary characteristics of tiny particles, and analyzing the principle of releasing photons."

Ding Zhiqiang pulled the corner of his mouth again.

This is not high-end?

Particle tremors release photons, which involves energy, particles, various physical and chemical effects, and can be related to all aspects of physics.

It sounds less reliable than Helen's research!

Ding Zhiqiang doesn't want to do research, if he has time to play games, how about taking a break? Life is about enjoying...

"Cough cough."

He was full of embarrassment and said, "Senior sisters, I really want to be with you, but I can't help it. I have to go back to the project team next month, and I don't have time at all."

"My work is too busy."

"No matter who you join in the research, I must first understand the basics, and when I understand the basics, I will leave..."

Helen and Chen Mengmeng looked at each other, but they were still unwilling to give up.

However, what Ding Zhiqiang said is also true. He has been away from the Mason Number Laboratory for several months and is indeed busy with the work of the nuclear fusion engineering project team.

The two can only give up temporarily.

Seeing the two seniors leaving decisively, Ding Zhiqiang immediately picked up his phone happily. Before he was happy for a long time, he saw Chen Mengmeng came back.

Only then did he think of an important question——

Two people in one office!


After the research progressed, Wang Hao went to the annihilation force field experiment base.

For Wang Hao, the most important thing is to grasp the main direction of research. As long as he grasps the main direction, he can find the technical direction.

that's enough.

As for the incidental theoretical research, just leave it to other people to do it.

He no longer cared about any research results. After he had a clear direction, it would be fine for others to study it.

Unless it's something other people can't solve, he doesn't really want to get involved.

When he arrived at the Annihilation Force Field Experimental Base, he went directly to the Material Testing Center, found Shen Huiming and said, "You can use some method to increase the energy level."

He went into detail.

There are currently two methods of producing first-order waves, which are exciting radiation and using the reflection properties of brown gold. Either way can be understood as "enhancing the energy of particles releasing photons".

This direction is certainly correct.

But the correct direction does not mean that there is a definite method, because from a physical point of view, there is actually only one direct way to increase the energy of photons, which is to release high-frequency light waves.

The energy of a photon depends on its frequency.

When the frequency reaches a certain level, the photon energy level will naturally be very high.

Wang Hao said with certainty, "If you can produce X-rays and gamma rays, there is a high probability that they will be first-order rays."

"Others still need to be studied."

"I've thought of two directions for you, one is to use high-frequency rays to create low-frequency electromagnetic waves."

"The other is to increase the strength of the reaction when producing electromagnetic waves."

The latter, is just an idea.

The so-called 'increasing the reaction intensity' can be understood as the intensity when producing photons, just like shaking a big tree hard.

If the force is relatively small, the big tree can only drop some dead leaves.

The force is relatively strong, and the fruits, green leaves and even branches may be shaken and fall.

By increasing the reaction intensity of releasing photons, it is also possible to create light waves with higher energy intensity levels, so that photons can not be degraded by energy support.

After listening to Wang Hao's words, Shen Huiming immediately had a main research direction, and couldn't wait to prepare the experiment with the team.

They still have to create high-frequency light waves first.

If the high-frequency light waves produced are confirmed to be first-order light waves, it will naturally prove that what Wang Hao said is correct, and follow-up experimental research can be carried out.

After leaving the material testing center, Wang Hao immediately returned to the main base of the annihilation force field experiment.

There is a lot of research to be done at the annihilation force field experiment base. They have created an annihilation force field with a magnification of more than 17 times. Only the manufacture of magnetized materials and experiments on physical characteristics will take up a lot of time and energy.

This part of the work can be delegated to others.

Wang Hao is still concerned about the research related to the improvement of the annihilation force field, and the granular materials of CWF-043 have been continuously manufactured.

CWF-043 materials are extremely complex to manufacture.

One is because the manufacturing of the material itself is complicated, and the other is the characteristics of the material. When heated, it can react with many elements, so that the inside of the material is filled with impurities.

The manufacturing process of granular materials will also be greatly affected.

At present, the production of granular materials for CWF-043 can only be carried out under laboratory conditions, and the production speed is very slow, but a small sample of the material has already been delivered.

Wang Hao looked at the materials, and then carefully read the data, but he was still very satisfied.

The manufacturing speed in the laboratory environment is slower, but the granularity becomes finer. The smallest size of internal particles is only 12 microns, and the largest is no more than 37 microns.

"This data level, the effect will be very good."

"Using this to create an annihilation force field may exceed the technology we have mastered at the very beginning." Wang Hao said full of expectation.

Xiang Qiansheng is also very much looking forward to it, "If it can be further improved, the rate will exceed 20 times. By then, we will definitely get a lot of new discoveries."

"I am most looking forward to the gold element."

"Brown gold can be found now, which means that the gold element is not specific, that is to say, it can be 100% upgraded to first-level gold. Academician Wang, can you understand it like this?"


Wang Hao also nodded expectantly, "Not only is it completely upgraded, but it also does not contain radiation. Like conventional iron-56, even if the corresponding β element is produced, it also contains radiation."

"The same is true for other elements. It doesn't matter whether it has radiation or not if it is upgraded to beta element."

"Gold is not specific. Brown gold has energy radiation, but only because it is in a β-reduced state. Our research believes that all elements in a β-reduced state have energy radiation because it has endothermic properties."

"After the gold element is upgraded, it will no longer have the unstable characteristic of β reduction, and there will be no radiation. This is very important."

Nod vigorously to Qiansheng.

When a certain element has radiation, the application range will be greatly limited.

The first-order gold element is indeed very much anticipated.

Wang Hao is also looking forward to it. The CWF-043 granular material will definitely be able to create an annihilation force field of more than 20 times the rate. They will definitely have many new discoveries.

Some discoveries may be unimaginable.

For example, is it possible to create second-order elements?

There are first-order elements, and second-order elements naturally exist. If second-order elements can be produced, it will greatly improve technology. At that time, room temperature superconducting materials may no longer be a theory, and can be directly manufactured through second-order elements.

In addition, can there be a major breakthrough in the study of waves?

With the strengthening of the annihilation force field, the research on waves can be further deepened, and many kinds of first-order waves can be tested in a strong annihilation force field.

In this way, the relationship between the wave and the annihilation force field can be understood better.


Ding Zhiqiang still couldn't escape from Chen Mengmeng's grasp.

The two are in the same office.

Chen Mengmeng used to do research by herself, so naturally she didn't care what Ding Zhiqiang was doing, but now it was different, she hoped that Ding Zhiqiang would join her research.

She is much more urgent than Helen.

Helen has always worked with Paul, and for Helen, inviting Ding Zhiqiang to join him can be said to be the icing on the cake.

Chen Mengmeng does research alone, and scientific research itself needs to communicate and discuss with each other. When she encounters problems, she will naturally discuss with Ding Zhiqiang.

So Ding Zhiqiang's game career has been interrupted.

"Ding Zhiqiang, look at this."

"This is the combination of functions obtained from my study of the 2.5-dimensional topology of the photon structure. I was wondering just now, would the boundary of particles with mass have the same structure?"

"Is there a possibility that the energy of the particle is determined by this external structure?"

This question has always troubled Chen Mengmeng.

Chen Mengmeng used the photon structure to connect the boundary structure of mass-bearing particles. She believed that the external structure of mass-bearing particles may also be related to the 2.5-dimensional topological structure, but the composition should be larger and more complex, but she is not sure what she thinks Whether it is correct or not, I can only ask Ding Zhiqiang for reference.

Ding Zhiqiang rubbed his forehead vigorously. He was so affected that he had no choice but to think about it and said, "Sister Mengmeng, if the particle boundary has such a structure, how do you explain the particle tremor?"

Particle tremor can be understood as 'particle energy'. The greater the tremor amplitude, the greater the energy it carries, and the external manifestation is higher temperature.

Chen Mengmeng said seriously, "Of course, the two-and-a-half-dimensional structure of the boundary is larger and more complex, and the energy carried by the particles will be greater. Under the influence of the annihilation force field, the vibration of the particles will be greater."

"In this regard, I have thought about it carefully. The magnitude of the particle tremor depends on the number of 'exposed points' of its external structure, just like a single photon will be affected by the annihilation force field, and the ends of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure will be annihilated continuously. This results in a constant decrease in energy intensity."

"The situation is naturally different between 10 exposure points and 100 exposure points, so the particle boundary structure is more complex, which can explain the tremor problem by itself."

Ding Zhiqiang was shocked when he heard it, and he immediately asked the next question, "Wouldn't the quality increase as the structure becomes larger and more complex?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he had asked a stupid question.

Chen Mengmeng immediately shook his head and said, "Even photons are massless particles. Of course, the 2.5-dimensional topological structure has no mass. Even if the structure is huge, it will not affect the mass."

Ding Zhiqiang thought about it carefully, and couldn't help admiring Chen Mengmeng.

Although the content of the photon structure is only substituted into the study of particle boundaries, it is also very remarkable to be able to come up with so many explanations, and there is also an underlying mathematical analysis.

He turned his head and asked another question, "If you just enlarge the 2.5-dimensional structure, how can you release photons? It can't be, can the 2.5-dimensional structure also become photons?"

This moment stopped Chen Mengmeng.

Ding Zhiqiang smiled again, he finally found a question to ask the senior sister, so the senior sister can continue to do research with this, and will not disturb his entertainment and leisure anymore.

He was thinking too much.

After Chen Mengmeng thought about it for a while, she immediately came over and grabbed Ding Zhiqiang, "Ding Zhiqiang, let's think about it together."

"Actually, I have thought about this problem a long time ago."

"I hoped to connect with the core structure of photons to shape the particle boundary structure with mass, but later found that it was a dead end. Simply using the core structure to do mathematical analysis would conflict with the quality problem."

"Photons have no mass, and the core of photons has no mass."

"So the crux of the problem is, what is the essence of energy, and how to use mathematical methods to express energy."

"We're doing research together to solve this problem."

Chen Mengmeng said with some excitement, "This will definitely be an unprecedented achievement in theoretical physics, and it will become another major breakthrough in the theory of annihilation..."

Ding Zhiqiang was dumbfounded when he heard this, and he asked in a daze with his mouth half-opened, "Your thinking is so clear, you have found the key to the problem..."

"What are you doing with me?"

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