From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 633: Release of results, shocking the world: Wang Hao can already destroy the world?

Kollot James has long understood that it is impossible to resign calmly after serving as the leader of the Groom Lake Project Team and receiving a high salary of tens of millions of dollars.

Empoli-Cubo's resignation was the best way to go. He was dismissed by the No. 1 decision-maker. He was later sent to work in an international annihilation theory organization. It was impossible to come back in a short time.

Other leaders, such as Gamow Shapley, have been labeled liars and lost their university lab jobs.

Gamow Shapley's bad reputation has also directly affected his life. He may be beaten up even when he goes out, and he may be shot when he meets extreme people.

He didn't even dare to appear in the public eye, and he didn't know where he was forgotten.

Ronald Nolan was relatively miserable. After being fired, he was not only fired from the original organization, but also suffered betrayal from his wife, and all his property was transferred to his wife.

Now it is said that he has become a homeless man, and I don’t know which street he lives on.

Prior, the No. 2 person in the project team and a famous scientist who could compete with the person in charge, has always remained in people's hearts as a hero of the explosion.

Langa Gobin Korana, also the second-in-command, started independent research when he came to the project team and asked other teams in the project team to cooperate.

The person in charge at the time, Empoli Kubodu, was helpless and could only ask his research team to cooperate with Corana's work. Later, a very serious explosion occurred in the first experiment.

Korana is now in prison and has repented.

Corot James is also very worried about leaving office. What he has thought about most since taking office is not doing research, but how to leave calmly, and at worst he has to catch up with Empoli Kubo.

Therefore, James has always shown his love for science and research, and only asked the project team to do some basic research. Similar research can produce some small results, and there is no risk at all.

When the research might be risky, James would directly deny it, leaving the project team to calm down for a long time.

When entering a period of intense decision-making campaigns, the Groom Lake project became the core of scientific research issues.

This is not surprising.

The Groom Lake Project is no longer a purely scientific research project.

In the context of Amerikan technology lagging behind the flower growers, the Groom Lake Project was originally a hope for annihilation technology research, but in the end it failed to catch up with the Anti-Gravity Center and was left far behind.

If the team can be led to develop many new technologies, that is, to achieve the goal of the Groom Lake Project, the risk will naturally disappear, and the project leader will become the most famous scientific figure in the world.

However, there is no if.

Facing the high efficiency of the anti-gravity center and Wang Hao, who can be described as buggy, any competitor will feel desperate.

When Corot James took office, he knew that he could not do it, so he was cautious in doing research, only doing some simple and easy-to-produce content, and at the same time, he also established a good relationship with his superiors.

Externally, James shows his love for science and his love for Amrican.

Internally, he actively cultivates good relationships with colleagues, takes good care of everyone's work and life, and turns a blind eye to minor problems.

Now that the project team has become the focus of scientific and technological issues, James is not only not worried, but is even looking forward to it.

He began to wait for the opportunity.

He hoped to find the best opportunity to go to the White House to meet with the No. 1 decision-maker in person.

Then, resign!

This is different from a regular resignation. He has to show that it's not that he doesn't want to do the job or that he's not capable of doing the job, but that he leaves the project team out of political persecution and has no choice but to leave.

After leaving the project team, he will receive sympathy from many people, and coupled with his research contributions, he will have a very good reputation. He will continue to be respected by others, his life will not be affected, and he will find a good job. good job.

After that, I just looked for an opportunity to leave.

Colot-James still hopes to work in a flower gardener's scientific research institution. It is best to join Wang Hao's team to be exposed to and study the most cutting-edge annihilation physics technology.

As a top experimental physicist, he is also very passionate about science and hopes to participate in the most high-end research.

James is dismissive of Paul Phil Jones. In fact, he is very envious of him.

While sitting at his desk reading the news, he couldn't help but make plans, "Maybe I'll need Paul in the future."

"Paul has been very influential, done a lot of research, made a lot of contributions..."

"When I went to the florist's house and saw Paul again, I lowered my attitude and told him that I had realized my mistake. If I complimented him a little more, Paul would be very proud."

"When the time comes, he will definitely agree to whatever I ask for."


Collot-James isn't the only leading scientist who wants to work as a florist.

There are many scientists around the world who hold similar ideas.

This is due to the fact that the influence of annihilation physics has covered all aspects, especially in subjects such as physics and materials. If you conduct conventional research without annihilation technology, you will find that your results have no influence at all.

Many scientists with similar opportunities despair.

Not having access to the most high-end technology means that the research done is not taken seriously. There is a lot of research, even if it is done, it is just a replica of the experiment, or it is simply meaningless.

For example, many first-order element alloys are more than three times harder than special steels, and their melting points can even exceed 8,000 degrees Celsius.

In this context of material science and technology, what is the significance of the alloy developed with a melting point of 5,000 degrees Celsius?

There is such a big difference between the two!

However, they want to study alloys with higher hardness and melting point, but there are no available first-order element materials, which leaves them with no knowledge and no room to develop.

If you can work in a flower gardener's scientific research institution, you can obtain more first-order element materials, and the research you do will be meaningful and valuable.

With the continuous development of annihilation technology, the economy of flower growers has also taken off, and scientific research has become more and more important. The salary of scientific researchers has also increased along with the tide.

Simply put, if you have money, you can do anything.

The scientific research institutions of flower growers have the best scientific research environment and can obtain the best materials. Coupled with good salary packages and a broader future, the attractiveness will naturally become stronger and stronger.

Of course, there are still some fields that will be slightly affected, such as pure chemistry, composite molecular materials, biotechnology, etc.

In these subject areas, American is still at the top.

Tony Marks is one of the most famous scholars in the field of international chemistry. He has many titles, including academician of the Amerikan Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Engineering, academician of the German National Academy of Sciences, honorary academician of a three-nation academy of sciences, and fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry of the Eagle Country. ,etc.

Tony Max has high attainments in many fields such as metal-organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical catalysis, spectroscopy, nonlinear optics and organic electronics, and has won more than 30 scientific awards and medals.

When the influence of annihilation technology spread all over the world, Tony Marks didn't care at all. He was talking to the students in the classroom, "Look outside, everyone is talking about annihilation physics, new technology, gravitational fields, and annihilation particles." ...It must be admitted that they are all very high-end technologies.”

"But it has nothing to do with us."

"Our subject is chemistry. No matter how wide the coverage and influence of annihilation physics is, it is just physics. Those so-called first-order elements, even second-order elements, their chemical properties will not change..."

Tony Marks said with some pride.

In the current international academic field, many disciplines have been impacted by annihilation physics, and top scholars in some disciplines have fallen from the altar.

For example, for scholars of astrophysics, many of their studies are considered to be meaningless or even directly rejected.

However, chemistry is not affected.

Tony Marks was thinking about it and was about to continue his lecture when he heard a student raise his hand high.

Max asked confusedly, "Mia, what's the problem?"

Mia stood up and said seriously, "Professor Max, I think you are wrong. Chemistry is not unaffected."

She picked up a magazine and continued, "This is the latest issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory". It announced a new result, saying that a new chemical substance was discovered - a special form of silicon carbide. , it has a very special 'inner electron covalent structure'."

"This new silicon carbide not only exhibits unusual physical properties, but its chemical properties have also changed."

"Chemistry is starting to be affected too!"

After Mia finished speaking, the classroom suddenly became noisy.

Max walked over with surprise and asked, "Can you let me see it? I haven't read the latest issue yet."

Mia handed over the magazine.

Max took it and took a look and noticed the big title - "Covalent Structure of Inner Electrons - Special Properties of Silicon Carbide".

"Covalent structure of inner electrons--Special properties of silicon carbide".

The results paper published in the new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory" introduces the latest manufactured special silicon carbide.

Silicon carbide is a very common material. Silicon carbide in nature is coal-like black ash. Artificial silicon carbide is called emery, which is a material widely used in the construction industry.

The special silicon carbide mentioned in the results is a colorless and transparent crystal structure. The formed special silicon carbide looks like a diamond, and can even be said to be more beautiful than a diamond.

This violates the academic understanding of the relationship between elemental composition and external performance.

After reading the results, they also knew why there was such an external performance. It was mainly because the molecular structure of the special silicon carbide had been completely changed.

The combination of carbon and silicon does not rely on the covalency of outer electrons, but on the covalency of inner electrons.

This kind of structure has never appeared before.

In nature, including man-made chemical substances, elements and elements are all composed of outer electrons covalently.

For example, carbon has four outer covalent electrons, so it can form four covalent bonds to combine with other elements.

Special silicon carbide is formed by covalent inner-layer electrons. In terms of its molecular composition, it can no longer simply be called a 'molecule', because 'inner-layer electron covalency' will cause new bondable covalent bonds to appear in the outer layer.

Such silicon carbide will have completely new chemical properties.

The above content has subverted the basics of chemistry to a certain extent. The emergence of special silicon carbide also means that a large number of new chemical substances may be discovered or manufactured.

What these chemicals have in common is that they all rely on the covalent structure of inner electrons.

After Tony Marks carefully read the results, he kept mumbling, "It's impossible!"


"Absolutely impossible..."

Although he said it was impossible, his face showed shock and despair.

When annihilation physics affects the field of chemistry, maybe in the future, like those affected scholars, his research will become ignored or even meaningless?

Max thought about this.

At the same time, more scholars are concerned about the process of silicon carbide manufacturing, and they noticed a word mentioned in the results--

Directional strong S-wave technology!

"What is directional strong S-wave technology?"

"Directional strong S-wave seems to have appeared in a certain theoretical physics paper... How did such a technology appear?"

"Directing strong S waves and producing special silicon carbide means that other inner-layer electron covalent compounds can be produced, right?"

"What kind of technology is this!"

After the publication of the silicon carbide achievement paper, it had a huge influence on an international scale.

Many media outlets reported on this.

Conventional research results are difficult to put into public opinion, but the silicon carbide results paper mentioned "directional strong S-wave technology", and public opinion is discussing related technologies.

After seeing the news, many scholars immediately found the source of the 'directional strong S wave', which was the "Annihilation Physics - Black Hole Theory" published by Wang Hao's team.

When this theory was published, it was considered pure theoretical physics. Only relevant theoretical physicists would be interested in pure theoretical physics. Of course, those who do annihilation physics research will also read the paper, but they only think it is theoretical. Expand content.

That's like the 'brane theory' of string theory. It feels very shocking, but it will never be proven.

The same goes for "Annihilation Physics-Black Hole Theory".

Although humans have observed black holes, studying the physical properties inside black holes is obviously not something that can be achieved in a short time.

Now that I see the ‘directional super S-wave technology’, I feel very incredible.

"It turns out that the black hole theory is not an inference, but that they have mastered the directional super-S wave technology!"

"They only released the theory after they mastered the technology..."

"In other words, the black hole theory is not a theory, but it was released because they mastered the technology to create black holes."

"This is too scary!"

"The Antigravity Center, or Wang Hao's team, has mastered the technology to create black holes?"

"If they use this technology for war, they only need to create a small black spot to destroy Amrican and even the earth..."

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