From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 645 This is releasing the strong S-wave area into the Mediterranean Sea! ?

"What a great voyage plan..."

"That is a big plan for humans to go to Jupiter. They will work on the spacecraft for more than a month. They will also be able to watch Jupiter up close and participate in every work that will be recorded in history."

"Then you will be Vice Captain Ding Zhiqiang..."

"Interesting, right?"

Paul Phil-Jones said with anticipation, and even regretted it later.

Ding Zhiqiang reluctantly agreed. He really wanted to participate in the voyage plan. It didn't matter whether he was the deputy captain or not. The most important thing was to be able to board the spaceship to go to Jupiter.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be gone.

Ding Zhiqiang was so excited that he didn't sleep for half the night. At six o'clock the next morning, there was a knock on the dormitory door. He went to open the door with sleepiness all over his body, and saw Paul Feier standing at the door with the same red eyes. -Jones.

"I've thought about it again, it's better for me to go," Paul Phil-Jones said. "I've thought about it for a long time. Research can be done at any time, and Wang Hao won't do research during this period."

"The voyage plan will only take a month at the earliest, and there is still time to do research when we get back."

"You have been doing research for a long time, and there are still many unresolved problems, right?"


Ding Zhiqiang suddenly became energetic. He was happy all night, but then he heard that the other party had changed his mind, "Isn't this okay? We all agreed, Paul."

"Why? Don't you want to go?" Paul Phil-Jones looked puzzled.

"This, this..."

Ding Zhiqiang had no way to explain that he was deceiving the other party, so he could only keep his depression in his heart and continued to persuade, "Paul, is that a wormhole?"

"It's so interesting to study wormholes. Can you really bear to stay on the spacecraft for so long?"

"I'd better go, I'm of no use to research anyway..."

He said it in a disparaging way, but Paul Phil-Jones was insistent.

In fact, Paul Phil Jones has considered it very comprehensively. It does not mean that it is impossible to do wormhole research when participating in the voyage plan, but it is just relatively delayed.

Wormhole technology is definitely not something that can be completed right away, it may take a long, long time.

Wang Hao also has to devote most of his energy to the voyage plan. Naturally, he cannot concentrate on researching other technologies. He can wait until he comes back to participate in the research.

Ding Zhiqiang found that it didn't make sense at all, and his mood became much worse.

If it hadn't been for what happened yesterday, he wouldn't feel depressed. It would be like buying a lottery ticket and finding out that he won a special prize and could get millions in cash, only to find that the winning number was from the previous draw.

That kind of depression...

Anyway, Ding Zhiqiang couldn't sleep anymore, even though he only slept for more than two hours at night.

Later, the two simply went to have breakfast together, and they also saw Wang Hao in the cafeteria.

Wang Hao came over with a dinner plate. Seeing that both of them had red eyes and looked listless, he asked in confusion, "What's going on? Didn't you sleep?"

Ding Zhiqiang explained, "Yesterday Paul said he would give me his spot, but today he went back on his word, Teacher Wang~~"

He put on a sad look, as if asking Wang Hao to make the decision for him.

Wang Hao said nonchalantly, "I talked with Academician Zhu and Manager Zang yesterday. People can be added to the list. Xiao Ding, don't worry, I have already reported your name. You two can go together." "


Ding Zhiqiang jumped up from his chair excitedly, and there was no longer any depressed look on his face.

Paul Phil-Jones asked with a puzzled face, "Don't you want to go? Do you want to do wormhole research?"


Ding Zhiqiang thought quickly, "That's right. I just heard you say that you can study it again when you come back. I think it makes sense. Paul, you think about things very comprehensively."

"Of course."

Paul Phil-Jones calmly accepted the praise. He asked Wang Hao, "The voyage plan is over. It's not too late to study wormhole technology together after we come back, right?"


Wang Hao looked at Paul and then at Ding Zhiqiang, thinking about what happened. He suddenly thought of what he had said to fool Paul, and nodded, "It's really late, don't worry, you can wait until you come back to participate in our research."

"That's really nice."

Paul Phil-Jones was immediately relieved.

Now he is 100% sure that there is wormhole technology, and he is full of expectations for technological research.


Just wait until the voyage plan comes back.

It is not that simple to participate in the voyage plan. All personnel who board the ship to participate in the plan must undergo a month of training.

Training is closed.

Except for professional aerospace personnel, everyone else has to go to the voyage training center two hundred kilometers away to participate in a one-month training plan.

There are more than a dozen foreign scientists among the boarding personnel, and they must also participate in training. Only those who pass the training and are judged qualified can participate in the plan.

This also includes Korot James, who is here on behalf of Monad Technology.

The Spacecraft Company sold seven additional and reduced quotas to three companies respectively, and Moned Technology was one of them.

Monide Technology is a leading company in biopharmaceutical technology. They will send scientists to study changes in microorganisms in the space environment.

In fact, Moned Technology's research on microbial space environments can be traced back to 20 years ago. They once sent scientists to the International Space Station. The mutations that occur in microorganisms in space may promote the development of medicine.

This time, Moned Technology sent scientists to participate in the voyage plan. Biological research was only incidental. The most important thing was publicity.

So they invited Corot James, because he is considered to be the first person in annihilation physics besides flower growers, and he has also become the focus of public opinion recently.

Corot James' participation in the voyage plan on behalf of the company will obviously bring a lot of public opinion content, and will also let everyone know that Moned Technology is at the forefront of biotechnology research and development, which will also increase the company's reputation.

Just for publicity, it is completely worth spending a lot of money to participate in the voyage plan.

Kolot-James' participation in the project on behalf of Moned Technology is not doing nothing. His work is to study the changes caused by cosmic radiation on microorganisms.

Although he is not a microbiologist, nor a genetic or pharmaceutical expert, James is very knowledgeable about various types of radiation. He is also a professional experimental physicist and can provide a lot of help to research.

Recently, Moned Technology has been constantly promoting, and Corot James is the cover character of the promotion.

This has also affected James' image. Some people in academic circles say that he is like a clown, like an actor, using his fame to make money.

James still cares about his image, but when he saw the check for tens of millions of dollars issued by Moned Technology, he felt that it didn't matter if he had a little personal stain.

Now he comes to the voyage training center.

Although it only lasts for one month, the training requirements are much simpler than those for astronauts, but for scientists who are generally weak in body, it is not that easy to pass the training.

James is not too worried. He has always attached great importance to physical health, otherwise it may affect his personal happiness.

After he arrived at the training center, he was very relaxed and quickly met Paul Phil Jones.

However, James turned a blind eye to Paul, as if he didn't know him at all, and even regarded Paul as air. Later, when they met head-on, he said symbolically, "Paul, we meet again."

Paul Phil-Jones was serious, "I've seen you a long time ago, why are you here?"

"Voyage plan."

"Impossible, how can you participate?"

"Representative of Moned Technology." James said with a smile, "Not only will I participate in the plan, but I will also get a check of tens of millions of dollars."

Paul Phil-Jones frowned, and it took him a long time to say, "It's your style. For money, you can do anything."

James was immediately dissatisfied. He felt that he was being ridiculed and curled his lips and said, "First of all, I am interested in the voyage plan. Even if I can't get the money, I still want to participate."

"Secondly, I don't want to see you at all. Have you forgotten the last time? I said never."



"Why did you do that?" Paul Phil-Jones looked puzzled.

The last time the two of them met, James apologized sincerely at first, but then suddenly changed his expression and completely overturned what he said.

James sneered and said, "The reason is simple. Paul, you lose your value when you get married."

He said and walked away.

Paul Phil-Jones was thinking about James' words, but he was still confused. What does his marriage have to do with James?

Others looked at me strangely.

Ding Zhiqiang couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Do you have any... special past? Of course I am not referring to the relationship between classmates or colleagues."

"You and that guy just now must be very different, right? How did you accept this kind of relationship? Isn't it... uncomfortable?"

"Why didn't you continue later? You also decided to find a woman to get married. This kind of change..."

After listening to Ding Zhiqiang's words, Paul Phil-Jones became even more puzzled.

What did James mean just now? Get married and lose value?

What is this guy talking about now?

relation? Feeling uncomfortable?

What on earth are they talking about!

Croat James had the idea of ​​​​reconciling with Paul Phil Jones. He even thought about flattering the other person in the past, so that he could quickly obtain the other person's forgiveness, and even become best friends.

The advantage of this is that one day when you come to work for a florist, you may have the opportunity to participate in the most cutting-edge research with Paul Phil-Jones.

The premise is that you will only do that in private.

He didn't even want to talk to Paul Phil-Jones when there was a crowd around him.

He wants to keep up appearances.

As for the future...

Anyway, Paul Phil-Jones doesn't have much decision-making power. James feels that it may be more effective to persuade Wang Hao if he has the opportunity.

Of course, there is no telling whether he will become a flower grower in the future. Now that he has enough money, he can enjoy life as much as he wants.

Scientific research is also a pursuit in life, but there is no opportunity and no way.

Now James just wants to complete the training seriously and then successfully participate in the voyage plan.

Many people have the same idea. They are more focused on training and don't want to make any mistakes in the final stage.

Some people complete training more smoothly.

James is one of them. His body is relatively good and he performs very well in weightless training.

The situation of Paul Phil-Jones is completely opposite. He is the kind of person who is not good at sports at all and is afraid of many situations.

For example, weightlessness.

Paul Phil-Jones's performance in weightless training was very dismal, and his performance in a sustained unstable gravitational field state was also very poor, let alone completing some simple tasks in an unstable gravitational field environment.

All he could do was yell, or scratch his scalp and grit his teeth to endure, but there was nothing he could do.

The training center is very tolerant of Paul Phil Jones.

Although the training requirements are the same, Paul Phil-Jones is a privileged person. Many professionals provide guidance to him, and even a psychologist provides professional counseling, so that he can continue to persist.

Tianhang base.

The technicians are making final preparations, and the voyage plan is about to begin.

All parts were ready, and the spacecraft company released information for the second time, once again confirming the timetable of the voyage plan, and triggering a new round of international public opinion.

Many media outlets have begun to focus on reports on the voyage plan--

"This is the first time that humans have stepped out of the Earth-Moon system and truly embarked on a journey to the stars."

"More than 100 scientists will board the spacecraft and explore Jupiter across a distance of more than 600 million kilometers."

"The plan includes landing on Europa, which is the most likely planet in the solar system to harbor life."

"The people involved also include..."

Among a series of public opinion reports, there was one piece of news that was very surprising and attracted a lot of attention. It was called "A strange phenomenon occurred in the Mediterranean Sea."

On the sea 70 nautical miles away from the port of Naples, a special scene of boiling sea water suddenly appeared.

This discovery originated from a cargo ship from Kimchi Country. While the cargo ship was traveling, it suddenly experienced continuous tremors. Then it was discovered that the bottom of the cargo ship was seriously leaking. It sank to the bottom of the sea not long after. Fortunately, there were other ships around. , a distress signal was sent out immediately, and the accident did not cause any casualties.

When the accident occurred, the news did not attract much attention, because ship accidents occur every year. Even if the accident causes the cargo ship to sink to the bottom of the sea, but no casualties occur, it is difficult to attract attention.

Later, investigators arrived at the sea area where the accident occurred and found a large number of bubbles on the sea surface, and anomalies were detected locally.

Those were not ordinary bubbles, but a special reaction in seawater that produced a large amount of air.

Investigators determined that it was some kind of special hyperthermic reaction, similar to sea water being boiled.

Although the sea surface where the special reaction occurred was only about 20 meters, the abnormal phenomenon still attracted attention. In the following days, investigation ships came to the relevant sea areas.

Three days later, the survey ship discovered the same phenomenon again.

When the news was reported, many people discussed the content. Some people thought that there was some kind of change on the seabed, some thought it was caused by the cargo ship, and some thought it was caused by some kind of marine life. Some even called it 'Omen of disaster'.

With the last statement, there is a lot to imagine.

Wang Hao was concentrating on the voyage plan, and also read international news in his spare time.

His reaction to seeing the news was completely different from others. He immediately thought of Wang Qiang's experimental application.

change direction!

Strong laser test!

Plus enough experimental time...

Wang Hao suddenly stood up in shock, "So, they released the strong S-wave area into the Mediterranean Sea?"

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