From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 648 Everything goes according to plan, high-profile publicity, open interviews!

Alwalil Muhammad Alshat is a member of the Saudi royal family, to be precise, a prince of the Saudi royal family.

The royal family of Saudi Arabia is a huge family system, which also includes a large number of princes. There is no accurate data on the number of princes, but it is roughly estimated to be more than 2,000.

Muhammad was just a fringe prince.

He graduated from King Saud University and has experience in joining the military. He also has a special profession that is different from other princes - astronaut.

Saudi Arabia once signed a large order of 30 billion US dollars and let their astronauts enter the Flower Gardener space station.

When this plan was first discussed, it was planned to be implemented in seven years. As a result, Sartre directly spent 30 billion US dollars.

The decision-makers discussed with the space agency and immediately decided to let the other party's astronauts enter the space station with the next manned spacecraft.

Alvalier entered the Flower Gardener space station on behalf of Sart and continued to work and live on the space station for more than three months.

After returning to the ground, Alvalier became the only astronaut from Sartre to enter space. It can also be said that he became a real astronaut.

He also went from a fringe prince to a well-known figure.

Now that Alwalir has come to the space base on behalf of Saudi Arabia, there is also strong sponsorship from the Saudi royal family. Specifically, there are orders of US$50 billion in equipment and materials, and direct sponsorship of US$7 billion.

This is an offer that simply cannot be refused.

So Alvalier successfully became a member of the boarding team. Even though he is not a scientist and has no specific plans to conduct research in space travel, it does not prevent him from conducting this special space mission on behalf of Sart. journey of.

Before coming, Alvalier had been mentally prepared for a difficult environment for more than a month. After visiting with the team, he discovered that he was basically on vacation.

He had no specific work plan, only a few research institutions and simple tasks assigned by the king.

For example, biological samples of special strains of bacteria are brought to the spacecraft and returned to the earth before being returned to the agency.

For example, feel the annihilation technology on the spacecraft, and give a report when you come back to further understand how wonderful the gravitational field technology is.

For example, the king promised to make good friends with some scientific people, and it would be best to recruit a few people to work at the Sart Academy of Sciences.

This last point is not mandatory.

Alvalier also felt that it was impossible to do it because every scientist involved in the project had a background from the state and large companies.

Among the people boarding the ship, Alvalier behaved very low-key.

He is indeed a bit out of place, because he is surrounded by top scientists, but he is an astronaut and knows very little about theory and technology.

Additionally, there are very few white faces on the team.

The others are all flower growers. They have been communicating in Chinese, but he only knows some simple Chinese and can't understand it at all.

Alwalir still stood in the "foreign group", but because he was the only Arab, he still felt very awkward.

Others behaved more casually.

They were very satisfied with the internal environment of the spacecraft, and even felt that the voyage plan was like a vacation.

Of course, the premise is that there is no job.

The vast majority of them came with work assignments, and only a few had no definite work content.

Alvalier is one.

Ding Zhiqiang is also one.

James can only be regarded as "half". He needs to participate in the scientific research tasks of Moned Company, but because he is not a core researcher and is only responsible for the ray control part, the work content is relatively much less.

Ding Zhiqiang and James are located very close to Alvalier.

He was talking to James, "The most correct decision I made was to participate in this voyage plan."

"I especially begged Teacher Wang to get this opportunity. Paul is the main candidate and chief technical advisor, and I am just the deputy."

"I'm a deputy, so the work content is very small. Unless there is a problem that cannot be solved, there is no need for me at all."

"Of course, Paul might tell me to do my job, and I really don't want that, so I have to stay as far away from him as possible."

James pursed his lips vigorously and nodded with full approval, "You are right, very right. Don't get close to that guy. He will feel uncomfortable when he sees that you are leisurely."

"Of course I know."

When visiting the experimental cabin, Ding Zhiqiang pointed to a workshop and introduced, "That's my workshop, to be precise, mine and Paul's. However, I'm sure he prefers to stay in the control room."

"I installed several games on my computer and downloaded several T-rated movies and TV series, all done by myself."

"I have a great idea."

"After the plan starts, we can play cards to kill time. The voyage will last more than a month. It will definitely be boring if the spacecraft cannot connect to the earth's network."

James shook his head and said, "This is not a good idea. What's the point of playing cards? It's not Vegas."

Ding Zhiqiang thought for a while and said, "We can turn it into Las Vegas. We just need to add chips and it will be very exciting."

James was obviously not very interested. He shook his head and said, "Betting is illegal in flower growers."

"Of course it is illegal to grow flowers. The question is, we are in outer space. Which law can control outer space?"


James tugged at the corner of his mouth.

He deeply suspected that Ding Zhiqiang knew that he had received a check worth tens of millions of dollars, so he suggested that they play card games with chips together.

Alvalier's eyes lit up when he heard this. He suddenly said, "Professor Ding, your suggestion is really great. What's the point of two people playing cards? Take me with you!"

Ding Zhiqiang asked, "Are you...that prince? Sorry, I don't know your name."

"Alwalir Muhammad Ben-Ale..." After Alwalir said a long list of names, he finally added, "You can call me Alwalir."

After he finished speaking, he added, “I’m also very free.”

Ding Zhiqiang reacted and immediately extended his hand with a smile on his face, "Welcome to join, Prince Alvalier!"

James stared at Alvalier, his eyes lit up and he said, "Ding, I suddenly think your idea is great!"

The visit of the boarding team is over.

After that, the personnel outside the base were arranged into fixed living areas. They were not allowed to move around the base at will. Some areas involving confidential technology were prohibited from entering.

Of course, many people also have to focus on their work preparations, while some simply rest, hoping to maintain a healthy body before the plan begins.

At the same time, they also receive final operational training.

These operational trainings are all related to the use of equipment, including emergency devices, safety devices, etc., as well as the operation of equipment related to gravitational field technology. There is concern that if the equipment fails, it may seriously endanger the life safety of personnel.

Everyone needs to know how to turn off the gravity equipment. Being in a weightless environment is always much safer than being in an environment with enhanced gravity.

The voyage plan entered the final preparation stage, and public opinion became heated as the planning time approached.

After the spacecraft company released the news for the second time, it has not released any more news until now, so that there are many related concerns in public opinion.

For example, they worry that the voyage plan will be delayed, and some even worry that the plan will be terminated.

"The voyage plan is too high-end, and we must make full preparations."

"The preparation time is completely insufficient. A huge plan like this will take several years or more than ten years. The time schedule released by the spacecraft company is too tight."

"There is no news so far, so the possibility of the plan being postponed is very high."

These public opinions are of the normal type.

There is a view among the public opinion in certain three countries that the voyage plan will definitely be postponed, and the delay will not only be a few months, but probably a few years, or even the plan will be finally terminated.

Related arguments are very popular in certain three countries. One is that they do not want to see the success of flower growers.

Second, the voyage plan did not involve personnel from certain three countries. Without the participation of personnel from one's own country, there would naturally be no hope that the plan would proceed smoothly.

Finally, they sincerely feel that it is normal for similar huge plans to be delayed, not to mention months or years. As long as they can be completed, it will be great.

For example, the aircraft carrier they built is more than ten years behind schedule, and it has not yet been perfected. Various problems still occur every time it sails.

That's just an aircraft carrier floating on the sea. The spacecraft is obviously much more complicated.

It is equipped with various ultra-high-end technologies, and some of them are not mature technologies at all, so the possibility of problems is higher.

This view has spread to a certain extent in international public opinion, but there are still many opinions holding the opposite view, and even direct refutations of the statements made by certain three countries.

That was a message from Sartre.

In an interview, a senior member of the Saudi royal family confirmed that the voyage plan will be carried out on time. "Alwalir's work is going smoothly. He has completed training and arrived at the space base."

"He saw the craft firsthand and knew the extent of the preparations."

"Everything will go according to plan, and we are very much looking forward to this voyage. This will be a great journey for Alvalier and even for Shat!"

Sartre really takes the voyage plan very seriously.

They spent a large amount of money to send Alvalier into the plan, not for the purpose of doing scientific research, but simply to have a quota.

Having a spot is an honor.

The boarding team for the voyage plan only included personnel from eight countries.

Except for flower growers, there are only seven countries left. Only four countries have obtained quotas through contacts between decision-makers. The others are representatives of large companies.

Shater got the spot through contact with the decision-making team. Thinking about it, it feels very honorable.

You know, even Amrican doesn't have a quota.

The fact that American people can participate in the plan only represents corporate cooperation and has nothing to do with the decision-making level.


The information released by the spacecraft company confirmed the statement of the Saudi royal family. They determined the time of the voyage plan for the third time.

This time it is not only said that it will be held in September, but also confirmed to be held on September 1st. September 1st is one week later, and the time is already very close.

From the initial determination of the plan to now, the spacecraft company has released information three times.

Now that it has been completely confirmed, it has given public opinion reassurance, and at the same time, it has also aroused a new round of heated discussion in public opinion.

In the information released by the spacecraft, in addition to confirming the time of the voyage plan, it also set a time for open interviews.

"The Tianjin Aerospace Base will open on August 29, when media reporters can enter the base to conduct interviews."

"On August 31st, the company will hold its last public press conference, and the next day it will officially launch the plan, launch the spacecraft, and start the journey to Jupiter..."

Such a high-profile interview by the spacecraft company was unexpected by public opinion.

The voyage plan is very large, and many of the technologies involved need to be kept strictly confidential. The plan itself also carries great risks, so open interviews are very high-profile.

What if something goes wrong along the way?

All the early publicity will become a joke and become meaningless, and you will feel sad when you watch it again.

In fact, high-profile publicity is a decision made by the spacecraft company and decision-makers together, because low-profile has no meaning at all, and the plan itself is so huge that it cannot be kept secret at all.

If something goes wrong during the voyage, as long as it is related to the power system, it will be a very serious disaster.

By then, it will be impossible for the spacecraft to return to Earth.

There is no chance that the people on it will survive, and the spacecraft itself can only drift in the solar system forever, and will be hit and disintegrated at some time in the future.

Such a catastrophic accident would also lead to the direct bankruptcy of the spacecraft company. The company could directly declare bankruptcy, and the flower growers would also suffer heavy losses.

In that case, what difference does it make to promote or not to promote?

So, just do everything as ‘it will definitely succeed’, and simply accept interviews publicly before the plan begins.

Time passed quickly, and it was the open interview day in a blink of an eye.

A large group of media reporters poured into the SpaceX base, but their activity areas were still restricted. They could only conduct interviews in the square and living areas, and they could only photograph the spacecraft from a distance.

The spacecraft company attaches great importance to publicity, and management personnel openly accepted interviews and expressed their confidence in the voyage plan.

General Manager Zang Chun came to the square to be interviewed by the media. He was surrounded by a large number of reporters. He expressed his confidence in the voyage plan, "We firmly believe that the plan can be successful."

"We are ready for anything."

"Everyone was very focused on their work and tested every part in detail, and everything worked perfectly."

"We used the most advanced computer technology to simulate the voyage plan."

"The main goal this time is to detect Jupiter and Europa. The performance of the Thousand Falcon spacecraft is sufficient to complete the landing mission."

"At that time, we will also announce the login screen..."

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