From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 203: Webcast (Part 1)

In the evening, Zhang Beichuan left Musashino early, and he went to Uncle Takada's place.

Knocking on the door, Zhang Beichuan found that there was no one here.

"Strange, did they go out?" Zhang Beichuan muttered to himself, also blaming himself. Before coming, he forgot to tell Uncle Takata and the others in advance.

He called Uncle Takata.

"It's Beichuan, what's wrong?" Uncle Takata's voice sounded breathless.

"Uncle Takada, aren't you at home? I'm looking for you for something, and I'm at your door."

"I'm at home, you wait for me, I'll go out right away."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Beichuan stood at the door waiting. After a while, Gao Tianyicheng came out sweating profusely.

"Uncle Takada, am I disturbing your work?"

Gao Tianyicheng heard Zhang Beichuan's hidden meaning and couldn't help but give Zhang Beichuan a brain break, and said in a bad mood:

"What are you thinking, do you think I can't hear it? I was running on the treadmill in the back room just now?"

Zhang Beichuan chuckled: "Uncle Takata, you misunderstood me."

"What's the misunderstanding, do you think I can't hear it?"

Walking into the house, Zhang Beichuan looked inside and asked, "Where's Aunt Zhezi?"

The aunt Zhang Beichuan referred to was Mrs. Takata.

"She took Lunzi back to her parents in the countryside, so I'll be alone these two days."

"I see."

Takada Kazunari wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, then took out tea from the kitchen and handed it to Zhang Beichuan.

"Uncle Takada, do you have time the day after tomorrow?" Taking the teacup, Zhang Beichuan briefly recounted what happened on TV Tokyo's webcast.

"Well, I don't have a problem with the time, so I can participate."

"That's great. I'm really afraid that you don't have time, so I will participate alone. Fortunately, you can accompany me."

Kazunari Takada laughed: "You are still afraid of this guy."

Zhang Beichuan smiled.

"Do you have any new plans for Musashino?"

"Supervisor Kinoshita has it, but now I'm helping recruit people." Zhang Beichuan smiled bitterly, and suddenly he remembered something: "Uncle Takata, do you have anyone around you who is looking for an animation company? Experienced ones are better, and newcomers are also welcome. Give it a try, we're hiring right now."

Zhang Beichuan remembered that Mr. Takada Kazunari has been in the script industry for so long, and the script is also somewhat related to the animation industry. Maybe there is something unexpected?

"I don't know much about this, but..." Gao Tianyicheng smiled slightly: "I heard your aunt Zhezi often tell me that the girl who rents a house next to me is planning to find a job, so I'll check it out for you. "

"Excuse me, Uncle Takata." Zhang Beichuan said.


After talking with Takata Ichicheng for a while, Zhang Beichuan said goodbye and left.

In the past two days, on the Internet, the news about the supervision of "Magic Girl Madoka" and the screenwriter's going to broadcast live has also been publicized among some fans, so it has attracted a lot of people's attention, and the amount of attention is very high, even now It hasn't started yet, and the live broadcast also has a lot of barrage.

In terms of qualifications, Zhang Beichuan's resume in the animation industry is still very shallow, but in terms of popularity, it is quite high. On the one hand, "Angel's Heartbeat" and "Magic Girl Madoka" are both super dark horse works. It is natural to be loved by people. On the other hand, it may also be related to Zhang Beichuan being a Chinese.

It is true that there are some people discriminating against Huaxia in the 11th district, but these people are still a small part. It is natural that some people have paid attention to the fact that a Huaxia person has created such a high popularity one after another.

In the morning, at ten o'clock, the TV TOKYO headquarters building.

"Supervisor Kitayama and Mr. Xu Yuanxuan, hello, I'm the host this time, Kono Yamakawa." A beautiful girl with heavy makeup introduced herself to the two of them.


Zhang Beichuan and Takata Ichicheng shook hands with her respectively.

"I'll be the host of this afternoon's live broadcast, please bear with me."

"Where is it."

Yamakawa Koto smiled and said: "It will start in a while, here are some drafts of my question, take a look, have you revised it? Or if you have any sensitive or inappropriate questions, you can directly say it, we are here. It can also be modified at any time.”


Zhang Beichuan took it over and took a general look at the problems. These are some production problems, but some of them are... very gossip, but they really don't involve confidential matters, so Zhang Beichuan doesn't care.

"I have no problem."

"Okay, I made it clear to the two of you yesterday. This is just a live broadcast of asking some questions. It's not a big show, it's just a live interview. It's that simple. The two teachers relax, don't be nervous." Shan Chuan Qin Nai looked at Zhang Beichuan a little nervously, and said with relief.

"Okay." Zhang Beichuan smiled stiffly.


Musashino, Miyamori Aoi is also waiting for the live broadcast at this time, not only her, but the rest including Imai Ryayasuhara Ema and many employees came to watch it, and it is also fortunate that Musashino did not have any serious plans at this time, and the squid girl is still there During the preparation, Kinoshita Seiichi didn't go too deep into it, and even lifted the stool and waited quietly before collecting.

"I don't know what questions will be asked later?" Taro Taro asked curiously.

"It is said that this question was screened according to the opinions put forward by people on the Internet." Erica Yano said.

"Hey, I'm suddenly looking forward to it."

"Hey? Komori-senpai, it's starting, it's starting." Imai Ryo babbled, her voice really caught the attention of all the speakers.

Sure enough, everyone's mobile phone showed that the live broadcast was on.

At this time, a similar conference hall appeared in the live broadcast room. Zhang Beichuan and Miyamori Aoi were sitting opposite, and in front was the host, Yamakawa Kono.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of the live broadcast of 'Industry Persons'. I am the host Kono Yamakawa. Welcome to watch."

Yamakawa Kotano smiled and smiled at the camera: "I believe that everyone is familiar with the super popular animation "Magic Girl Madoka" that has recently become popular in various circles, and this time, the guest we interviewed is the "Magic Madoka". Supervisor Zhang Beichuan and editor Mr. Xu Yuanxuan, let us take a look at the story behind the creator."

At this time, the camera was also aimed at Zhang Beichuan and Xu Yuanxuan.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Beichuan, the supervisor of "Magic Girl Madoka".

"I'm the screenwriter - Xu Yuanxuan!"

"Wow, is this the supervisor? So young and handsome."

"I didn't expect to be so young, aren't the supervisors all middle-aged men with beards? For example, the screenwriter next to him."

"The screenwriter next to him is really a tough guy, tall and strong."

"But it looks very restrained."


In order to observe the barrage at any time and cooperate with the speech, the TV station arranged a mobile phone for their desk so that they could see their live broadcast and the barrage above.

Yamakawa Koto asks: "According to the current barrage, many people are amazed at the appearance of the supervisor? So the supervisor looks really young. Can you tell me when you came into contact with the animation industry?"

"I just started making animations three years ago, but I was fighting for this goal when I was in college."

"Three years? Supervision?" Yamakawa Koto was surprised. This is not a program effect, but it is indeed true. Because it is a live broadcast, and this is very free, there was no so-called dress rehearsal before, so she was also the first Hear the answer once.

"Well, almost." Zhang Beichuan touched his nose.

Although she was surprised, Shanchuan Qinnai quickly came back to her senses, and the topic led to the magical girl Madoka. Although Zhang Beichuan has a lot of places to dig, the live broadcast itself is to help the pre-sale of Xiaoyuan discs. The live broadcast is naturally going to get to the point.

"For the "Magic Girl Madoka" produced by the two teachers, we collected some comments from netizens on the Internet, and wanted the teacher to answer them in person."

"Please ask."

"May I ask what you thought of making a story like "Magic Girl Madoka"."

Zhang Beichuan smiled and replied: "This was originally a script given to me by Mr. Xu Yuan. The relationship between the two of us started as neighbors. Mr. Xu Yuan took great care of me. He once said, I'm very poor and I don't have anything to give, so I'll give you a script, and the script is the script of "Magic Girl Madoka". After I read it, I thought it was very good, so I wanted to make it into an animation. ."

Yamakawa Koto smiled, "I didn't expect that the animation that shocked a large number of fans would have such a method at the If Director Beichuan hadn't moved out, is it possible that this animation might not appear."

"Maybe it's true." Xu Yuanxuan said with a smile.

"Then how did you decide to use the title "Magic Girl Madoka"?"

Xu Yuanxuan: "At that time, I had discussions with Supervisor Beichuan, and there were a lot of backups at that time. I even mentioned a magical girl apocalypse, which was immediately rejected by Supervisor Beichuan with 'Isn't this a spoiler?'. "

Yamakawa Kono: "Is the title of the words what Mr. Xu Yuan thought?"

Xu Yuanxuan smiled like cutting corners: "Well, yes. ... Under the coordination of the overall format, the iconic lines are selected as the title without revealing the plot. It was decided unknowingly."

Zhang Beichuan: "It's really nice."

Yamakawa Koto: "Did the script decide not to change it from the beginning?"

Xu Yuanxuan: "No, I haven't thought about the principle of the small circle at the beginning. When I was discussing the script meeting with Supervisor Beichuan, Supervisor Beichuan felt that it was not very good in the end, and proposed this setting, I think It was very good, so I revised the script, when Beichuan's supervision was tight, he kept urging me, and gave me a phone call almost every day."

Yamakawa Koto: "It's really hard work!"

Yamakawa Koto: "What did the rest of the production crew look like when they saw the entire script?"

Zhang Beichuan: "At the beginning, the script was only completed to the tenth chapter, but after reading the script, the production staff went berserk on the spot. It was the first time to do such a crazy action scene, and we were stunned.




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