Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1273: Liu Hao's unwillingness

"Chu Yunxiu played really well today. Even in the face of Lu Boyuan, he can show a terrifying pressure. Glory's first elemental master deserves it!" Along with the current cheers and shouts, Pan Lin and Li Yibo were also there. Passionate evaluation of this wave of Chu Yunxiu's outbreak.

"Team B played their match against each other in this round, and Chu Yunxiu was even more stubborn to not let the men score a point for the team. Now B is one-to-zero, temporarily leading!" The host also said excitedly, while the electronic The current score also appears on the screen.

"Next, we will continue to invite the second player from both sides!" The host continued with the enthusiasm of the audience. At the same time, he also looked at the players' seats on both sides to see who the next player would be.

"Oh, it was Team A who played first, and played a Samsara player again, and it was their vice-team Changjiang Botao!" The host said when he saw the person coming.

And after Jiang Botao came to power, the player from Team B has also appeared. It is Zou Yuan, the vice-captain of Team Hundred Flowers.

"It seems that there will be a direct confrontation between the vice captains. I am really looking forward to it. I wonder what kind of game the two will bring us?" The host said the most interesting thing about this confrontation. an element. It's a pity that neither of the two vice captains has any intention to communicate on the field. After the two sides greeted each other face to face, they walked to the competition seats. The duel started.

From the previous dodgeball, it can be seen that Jiang Botao doesn't particularly care about the All-Star, so it is easier to play. But Zou Yuan is completely different. Although it is said that this is his third All-Star appearance, it is the first time that he relies on himself to gain recognition from others, rather than relying on the role or the fame of his ancestors. It is precisely because of these reasons that he does not want to disappoint those who support him. Although it is a show-off game, he does not want to lose!

But winning or losing is not an absolute thing in itself, and it is not an exaggeration to say that things are impermanent. Zou Yuan, who didn't want to lose, still lost in the end, but Jiang Botao, who didn't care about winning or losing, won this competition.

"This vice-team battle is over, congratulations to Team A for successfully recovering a point in this game." The host said excitedly, mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene. While scoring a few points for Team A, Zou Yuan returned to the game somewhat disappointed. This look surprised everyone in Team B.

"Uh...then what, Vice-Captain Zou, do you have any grudge against Jiang Botao?" Tang Yin asked curiously, after all, he was already in the circle by saying that, Mucheng and Chu Yun Xiu also often chats about gossip in the circle, so he also knows a lot. But there is absolutely no such thing as a grudge between the two of them, right?

"No! Why do you ask that?" Zou Yuan looked at Tang Yin blankly.

"No...Since you don't have any grudge against him, why are you frowning?" Ye Xiu asked Tang Yin's question.

"Uh... I didn't lose!" Zou Yuan said.

"It's not the first time." Ye Xiu Tang Yin asked at the same time.

People: "..." Are there people who comfort others like you? You are the slasher!

As Zou Yuan's teammate and partner for the past two years, Yu Feng is still quite aware of Zou Yuan's current state of mind. He quickly pulled Zou Yuan over and went to chat and comfort, while the rest of the people cast a kind of glance at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, you are still personal.

"Who will come up next time?" But these eyes were obviously useless to Ye Xiu, instead he asked directly.

"The next one is me." Li Hua, vice-captain of Team B's Misty Rain, said and walked towards the stage.

On the other hand, the player on Team A's side was Liu Hao, the current vice-captain of Howling.

"Haha, today's lineup arrangement is very powerful, this is another game between vice captains!" The host laughed, but this time it was booed throughout the whole process. After all, this is an all-star, and the selected Almost all players are either captains or vice-captains. On the contrary, there are fewer ordinary teammates. So what a showdown between vice captains, a showdown between battles. It's not uncommon to be in the All-Star Game.

It's enough to say this kind of thing once, and if you say it repeatedly, it seems that the host has nothing to say.

And such an idea is indeed the truth, because the present host really has nothing to say.

After all, Liu Hao and Li Hua don't have any other communication except for the competition. It's like two parallel lines that don't intersect. What do you want him to talk about?

As for the analysis of the careers and playstyles of the players on both sides, this is not what he is good at, and the commentators will talk about it. This is also the drawback of Tyranny's use of letting the players arrange their own battle order. Because it is impossible for both sides to be the topic of the battle. If the official lineup is arranged, it can be more topical and targeted.

At this time, the excellence of Pan Lin and Li Yibo was reflected. Even in this situation, they could find a lot of topics, or find various topics as entry points.

And now the two are sighing that this is the first time Liu Hao and Li Hua have met one-on-one in an official match. UU reading www.uukanshu. com then conducted an analysis based on the previous records of the two sides.

It can be seen that sometimes there are quite a few topics that are not discussed, but you have not found the proper angle to see things.

As opponents for the first time, both sides are relatively unfamiliar with each other. And Liu Hao himself is the first time to enter the All-Star, and he is also very unfamiliar with this stage. And being able to enter this stage has always been what he is most looking forward to. But when he really entered this circle, he found out that he could only show a little face in the individual competition of the competition.

Liu Hao is a player who really wants to express himself, but on this stage. He really can't get any more heavyweight scenes.

As for the most interesting game like the team game, and a group of gods from Team B who wanted to get into the individual game, Liu Hao very much hoped that he could enter. Because he is very clear, no matter where. The players who play in the team competition are the highest combat power on behalf of the team. And the one who can play is undoubtedly the All-Star of the All-Stars. He wished he could be there.

but none.......

Even if it is round by round according to the number of votes, neither Team A nor Team B can get him. Their team lineup is Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Tang Hao, Xiao Shiqin...

Liu Hao looked at Team B and placed it on Tang Yin, one of his enemies, because he knew that this guy definitely had a spot in the teamfight!


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