Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1289: Where are you funny?

"Uh... Team Han, I have every reason to suspect that you just played so aggressively just to slap cats." Tang Yin said to Han Wenqing, who had already picked up the little mica, while he had time now, to be reasonable. , This scene of Han Wenqing licking the little mica really has a feeling of tenderness from an iron man. Dare to have a sense of disobedience, after all, just imagine a tough guy like Han Wenqing, stroking the folded-eared short-legged cat that has always been small and cute. Thinking about such a picture, it would be incongruous, let alone appearing in front of Tang Yin and the others.

In fact, it wasn't just them, Han Wenqing himself was a little surprised. Originally, it was just because the character died, and I had nothing to do, because before the little mica woke me up with a voice, like touching the little mica to thank it. As a result, this model became a little fascinated, and finally I simply took the little mica directly into my arms and rubbed it.

And Little Mica seems to like Han Wenqing very much, and doesn't make trouble in his arms. It was like coquettishly enjoying Han Wenqing's touch. This time, Han Wenqing wanted to **** even more, so this scene appeared.

"What? Since Han Wenqing is playing with little mica?" But because Tang Yin didn't turn off his voice, this sentence was directly heard by all the people. There were a lot of surprises from Team B.

And there are two kinds of pictures in everyone's mind, one is the version of disobedience, the other is the version of Tie Han's tenderness, but no matter which kind, this feeling is very high!

For a while, they had bullied the two teams that were very nervous, and had a very curious and friendly discussion about Han Wenqing's current appearance. The picture is cheerful duck batch. If it weren't for the fact that they are still on the field, some people even think that the fierce and exciting game just now was just imagined by them. But the two people who died in the battle clearly told them that it was not a fantasy.

However, such a happy atmosphere did not last long, because the sixth man of the two teams had already entered the field.

Team a, Xiao Shiqin, is dead.

Team b, Yu Feng, is in a mess.

While waiting, Ye Xiu was also replying to everyone. Just as Team A had guessed, Ye Xiu used a high-level recovery skill, and until the sixth person on both sides came, the cd of his skill was still not good.

However, other low-level recovery skills have fewer cds. Although the recovery is also very limited, it is better than nothing. And just letting Ye Xiu keep brushing it can really allow this Ye Bushi to brush out some obvious advantages. So although it seems that both sides are waiting for the sixth man, in fact, the initiative is still on the B team.

Because this goes on, the longer the time is, the more advantages the b team can create, and their a team can't help it after all.

So in everyone's opinion, team A should be the first to launch the attack, but the fact is that team B is the first to start the war.

And now Team B felt like they didn't really need Ye Xiu's reply to take the initiative, but their rhythm needed a break here, so they stopped. The treatment is really just like what Tang Yin said, it is completely idle.

After all, neither side has a healing profession now, and both players are mainly based on explosive output. No one is stingy when it comes to using skills. Sometimes I don't even want to cycle the bun skills like a tug-of-war.

And the result of this is that after so many battles just now, the rhythm of both sides is a bit uneven. That's the reason for both sides to really stop.

On top of this, the dislikes of Ye Xiu's scattershot and Tang Yin's special style of play were also highlighted. Gu Su

Take Ye Xiu, for example, in terms of burst output ability. He may be the weakest of all characters, after all, most of his skills are low-level, and even if there are high-level skills, they are level 1. But what he lacks is the most versatile and multi-faceted style of play. Thinking about this time, he can treat everyone, and their depressed skill cycle is not a problem at all for Ye Xiu.

With Tang Yin's style of play, his burst output is stronger than Ye Xiu, because he has too many skill points for small skills, and he is relatively limited in burst output alone. But he wouldn't think that Ye Xiu's burst output was so different from that of a normal class. Tang Yin's output was very limited. In exchange, Tang Yin was able to explode his hand speed without worrying about the problem of skill circulation, which was absolutely worth it.

Therefore, when the two sides are facing each other, the roles of both sides do not move very much. Lord Grim, who had only one Ye Xiu, was very happy to add blood to Team B. And Tang Yin wasn't idle either, Ye Xiu was adding blood, so he made a false move to attack every once in a while. After all, he is the only one here who doesn't need to adjust the rhythm. So the two tried frantically on the edge of danger and jumped repeatedly. Have fun playing.

But there is no way to take these two people who are not human, it is very annoying......

Therefore, because of Han Wenqing's happy style of painting, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu made only Team B happy, while Team A was all depressed, and Sun Xiang was the most depressed. After all, his One Autumn Leaf is now bloody. minimum amount. UU reading www.uukanshu.com If he had been beaten for a little longer before, he would be gg. You must know that they don't have a private chat now, and his equipment doesn't have the attribute of automatic recovery. What's more, what's the point of this character's automatic recovery in front of a guy with recovery skills like Ye Xiu?

And because of his health problem, Tang Yin molested him the most, which made him nervous throughout the whole process.

Seriously, think about his role now. It's not much different from death. A wave of attacks from Team B can take him away. Everyone can see this, but it's just like Tang Yin is still picking on Sun Xiang, as if he doesn't force the other side to take the lead.

But how you look at it now is that the later you start, the more advantage you have over Team B, right?

Even the commentary didn't understand Team B's behavior, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

In the end, Team A still couldn't use it up, so he thought of hoping to make the most of One Autumn Leaf's last use. Rather than being harassed by Tang Yin all the time, causing the whole team to be held back by this inappropriate guy, he might as well give it a shot. Although their skills are not all good now, aren't there two people in the B team who are normal occupations? Can't find much on the output.

Thinking of this, everyone in Team A was ready to attack Tang Yin, who had been annoying them, but Team B took the lead!

This is something that no one expected. After all, Team B was forcing Team A to do something before, but now they are attacking again. This, this, this... What's so funny?


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