Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1316: combat system

It was precisely because there were still some players who used vulgar play styles, which acted as an auxiliary buffer, and the results of using Team Wind Howl last season were good. But this season. Tang Hao completely adjusted all the players after the team had taken hold, completely unaware of the auxiliary power of the veteran Wu Howl players last season. On the contrary, along with other newcomers, he rejected all play styles related to wretchedness.

In the final analysis, he can't see the true soul of this team, and is just simply pursuing the improvement of his own strength, hoping that his strength can be better contrasted and amplified.

And he doesn't like sleazy support, and he is the core of the current team. The team's play style is all around him. The old players who were still in the main seat last season have no place, and they have fallen back to the second line and even come off the bench. seats. It can be said that from this season, unless they change their style, they will leave like Fang Rui and Lin Jingyan.

Giving up the wretched style is of course the end of the world. After all, most of the giants in the league with proud records rarely use the wretched style, or they are very limited in their frequent use of this style of play. But Wind Howl's problem now is that they are too anxious to choose to abandon their most familiar style of play, and they have a clear direction and idea for their next brand-new style of play?

Now Wind Howl wants to create a strong attack style with Tang Hao as the core. Even ordinary players can see this, but after this route is determined? What does this end result want to achieve? How do teammates work together to achieve this effect? And in this brand-new style of play, every member of Team Wind Howl has to assume the roles and responsibilities? How to deal with the highest damage in team battles?

These are the problems that Wind Howl has to face now, and looking back at every game of Team Wind Howl this season, everyone will find that Team Wind Howl has indeed begun to transform, the old model has passed, but his new model is still Not ready, after completely sorry for the wretched flow, they don't even have a more mature and complete combat system.

And such a whistling team can rely on the strength of Tang Hao and his players to fight against some middle and low-level teams in the league, but when they meet a slightly stronger team, they don't have a clear battle system. It's vividly reflected, which is why Wind Howl's results in the individual competition have always been good, but in the team competition, it's a mess. That's why there isn't a mature, complete system.

Now they can't find their own treatment, which may be because they are not thorough enough to abandon the wretchedness, and they do not have a complete system themselves. From this, it can be seen that the current Wu Howl team is chaotic, and such a Wu Howl team, even their special fans can't associate them with the word champion.

After all, the championship is not something that can be easily piled up by relying on excellent players and characters.

However, everyone in Wind Howl didn't act like a headless fly for too long. After all, even if he wasn't beside Ruan Yongbin, he could directly ask him where he was now, and Ruan Yongbin also realized the problem and sent out his location directly. And everyone in Wind Howl started rushing over there, but during the time when they were headless flies, Happy took the opportunity to output a good wave, and they lost the measure of Wind Howl, if it wasn't for Ruan Yongbin to report Out of their position, they almost don't know what to do.

After Ruan Yongbin reported the direct position, Tang Yin no longer only used the gunman's physical skills to fight, but directly opened fire, and the gunfighting skills directly hit Ruan Yongbin. Seeing Tang Yin's sudden burst of output, Zhao Yuzhe, Lin Feng, and Liu Hao directly unified the target and launched an attack on Tang Yin together.

But how could Tang Yin let them get close to them so easily? After all, now is the reason why he must do it. Under the siege of the Whistling crowd, Xingxin may have an accident except Tang Yin, and that is Ye Xiu. . And because of Ye Xiu's outbreak with Tang Hao, Tang Yin had no choice but to end his mission.

I saw Tang Yin used state skills one after another, rapid shot, burst shot, and curved shot. In the end, he started shooting randomly, his hand speed broke 650, and Tang Yin's ballistics were directly divided into two points. Zhao Yuzhe, Lin Feng, and Liu Hao, who had been suppressed by the range, attacked Ruan Yongbin alone. Relying on the blessings of the three state skills of quick shot, burst shot, and curved shot, Tang Yin forcibly beat back the support of Zhao Yuzhe, Lin Feng, and Liu Hao for a short time.

One person restrains three people, and at the same time blood abuses the self-treatment, it is absolutely impossible to continue like this! Liu Hao quickly realized the current situation was unbalanced, and immediately reminded the two people around him, but received a reply from Zhao Yuzhe, "Just leave it to me alone." Gu this

Liu Hao couldn't agree with this reply at all, because he knew that Zhao Yuzhe's words must be because of the anger of a young man. After all, he was suppressed by a junior like this. As the best rookie of the eighth season, he would of course be dissatisfied with Tang Yin. .

But now there was no time to persuade him, so he could only call Lin Feng to support the captain. After all, Tang Hao was being besieged by everyone from Happy. As a result, they had just left. Tang Yin turned the gun directly, and the center changed from Ruan Yongbin to Zhao Yuzhe. At this time, everyone in Xingxin seemed to be receiving a signal, and they all began to shift their targets to focus on Zhao Yuzhe. .

Directly forced Zhao Yuzhe to send out a distress signal. For a while, the whole team was in a hurry to support Zhao Yuzhe.

"It's good to come." Seeing Liu Hao coming to support him in time, Zhao Yuzhe's favor with him was greatly increased, and others also saw the key role of this wave of Liu Hao.


Tang Yin kicked Liu Hao away with a single kick, and Ye Xiu followed with a few displacement skills. Liu Hao was the one who landed and waited. This was a flow of attacks, and then Dancing Rain's cannon fire, an inch of ashes. Ghost array. They all wanted Liu Hao to come and cover him directly. It was Liu Hao who also saw the figure of Happy's cold hands.


Liu Hao didn't stop at all, and directly sent out a distress signal. After all, in the face of such a concentrated fire, Tang Hao knew very well that this was not something he could break through alone. How is your treatment going now? Now Ruan Yongbin is experiencing the situation when Zhang Xinjie was fighting against Tang Yin, and he couldn't use the skills that he needed to read, let alone provide any support.

Not only the treatment, but even everyone in their team was running around with Happy's back. They were exhausted. What was the difference between saving one and the other and being full of flaws? There is no doubt about the result of this competition. . . . .


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