Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1432: fly forward

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It was still the simple and crude map, and in such a map, of course, there was no tactical movement to do. After the players on both sides refreshed, they all started to run towards the center of the map, and there was no communication between the two sides.

In fact, it's not just this game, there is less communication between the players in all the competitions today. Of course, many of them were due to considerable reasons. Thinking of Mo Fan, Tang Rou and the others were both capable of doing things and never saying anything. And Tiny Herb had been hurt by trash talk, so the whole team didn't like chatting in the game, and the only hand speed madman who could talk a few words, and because of the hand speed with Tang Rou Biao, they didn't have time to type.

In this round, neither Wang Jiexi nor Su Mucheng had any intention of saying hello to the other party. The two sides directly went to the middle of the map together, and soon the two sides came into the other's field of vision. Mucheng relied on the gunner's long range. Firepower attacked first.


The three anti-tank guns flew straight to Wang Jiexi.

But in the face of Mucheng's precise attack, Wang Jiexi had no intention of slowing down at all. He even rode the broom and flew directly towards the flying anti-tank shells, until he was about to collide with a slight deviation. None of the shells hit Wang Jiexi, and they were all avoided by Wang Jiexi's change. A set of movements goes smoothly and smoothly, in one go. The cannonball seemed to have no effect on blocking Wang Jiexi at all.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Facing Wang Jiexi's understated yet extremely precise operation, the audience immediately burst into applause. A single avoidance can arouse such excitement in audiences today. One can imagine Wang Jiexi's status in the hearts of fans.

"Humph! What a fuss." Chen Guo said unconvinced, and waited for the next round to see if he dared to fly around in front of Xiao Yin.

But this idea was quickly abandoned by Chen Guo. After all, if Xiaoyin played, wouldn't it mean that Mucheng lost. Even though Mucheng's health was now, Chen Guo knew that it was a bit of a fantasy to win. But between his brother and his own best friend, Chen Guo decisively chose his own best friend. So while cheering for Chen Guo, I hope Tang Yin doesn't have to play.

"But I have to admit that Wang Jiexi's move is really wonderful." Chen Guo was still cheering for her best friend, but Ye Xiu's voice was already remembered by his side.

Chen Guo didn't want to talk anymore. She had been studying with the team for so long, how could she still not come out with something like this? But now it's your girlfriend on stage. I really don't know why my Mucheng was taken away by this guy. Looking at her other best friend Tang Rou, Chen Guo felt even more tired...

"The incitement of this technique is really strong, and there are many gimmicks." Zhang Jiale also sighed, Wang Jiexi's strength is really not black. He admits that even now he loses more and wins less against Wang Jiexi.

After all, what Wang Jiexi just did was definitely the most time-saving and labor-saving way. Although it was the most effective way, it also had the highest requirements for character manipulation.

Grenade launcher!

Mucheng jumped back, a grenade launcher appeared directly in her hand, and it bombarded Wang Jiexi with several grenades.

Counting grenades, of course, such attacks also have precedence. This time, facing the continuous bombardment of shells, Wang Jiexi did not choose to dodge, but directly faced hard steel.

Three shells, of course, there are some precedences. Wang Buxing did not dodge again, and charged straight again.

What will Wang Jiexi do this time? Even Tang Yin had some expectations.

"Your sister!" Along with the exclamations of the audience, Wei Chen directly scolded the country.

Because seeing Wang Buliu riding on the broom, he leaned down slightly, and then the broom spun up and charged directly at the opponent's shells, while the impact was on the way. Wang Jiexi's speed improved significantly, but he started to sway a little. But that's what makes it look like the Ranger is swaying unsteadily, passing straight through a series of grenades.

In the end, the speed rarely reached an unbelievable level. At such a speed, since it was still possible to do such a delicate operation, even the Herald directly replayed the operation that Wang Jiexi had just done. And more than once, as if thinking about putting this scene into the top ten highlights of Honor.

"It's really strong!" Tang Yin couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene. He felt that Wang Jiexi had not fully shown it yet. His swaying arc should be larger, and his flexibility was estimated to be higher than ordinary air direction changes.

Wait, how does this feel familiar?

Suddenly Tang Yin felt an inexplicable familiarity. This feeling was encountered before, but it seemed to be a long time ago...

At this time, Tang Yin remembered the Spring Festival the year before when he visited Tang Rou's house to visit his parents. After Tang Yin and Ye Xiu completed several challenging missions to the realm of the gods, they began to analyze Tyranny's battle video. Among them, Zhang Xinjie also felt this way when he studied his own style of play.

That's right, Wang Jiexi's style of play definitely wants to limit his sniper rifle! In this way, as long as Wang Jiexi is in the sky, his strength can be significantly improved.

"It's really troublesome..." Tang Yin began to scratch his head, of course he knew that he couldn't be invincible, there was no best style of play, only the strongest players. But now the opponent has become stronger, and he is the next game. Tang Yin will inevitably have some headaches.

Tang Yin still has a headache here, Wang Jiexi on the stage has reached the fastest speed! With an unstoppable stance, he directly attacked Mucheng.

But Mucheng wasn't so easy to capture. Facing Wang Jiexi, who was close to her, she rubbed back with her flying cannons, while fighting back with all kinds of firepower. Of course, although Mucheng used aerial combat tactics one after another, using his skills to damage Wang Jiexi in the air, the distance between the two sides was still rapidly approaching.

Star rays!

Finally, Mucheng's Dancing Rain entered the attack range of his Demon Scholar, and Wang Jiexi's attack was thrown out. And the attacks of these skills are intended to be faster than the character's movement speed.

Faced with this attack, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Mu Cheng could only dodge the ground, but when the attack stopped, Wang Jiexi came close.

Spike Cannon!

This time, Mucheng had a wave of range skills directly in front of her. Trying to stop Wang Jiexi's advance.

Facing Mucheng's attack, Wang Jiexi immediately raised his height and crossed the falling thorn projectile. The stab projectile that exploded only after falling to the ground had nothing to do with him anymore.


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(End of this chapter)

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