Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1446: hard to escape

As for the roar of the knight alone? Although it is said that this skill has a very good effect of pulling hatred, it can be said that it is the nemesis of all focus and clearing, but Xu Bin did not dare to think too much about this skill, because the other party also has a treatment assistant priest who specializes in dealing with these situations. what.

Auxiliary professions like priests and guardian knights, except for the most important milkman. The second is to eliminate various negative states and attribute enhancements for teammates. It's just that the two professions differ in some aspects.

Of course, the priest also has a skill that can counteract the effect of hatred, that is, the purification of the altar!

And An Wenyi, who was behind Happy, was already thinking about guarding against the opponent's actions after using the sacred fire. After Xu Bin used the knight's roar, he directly purifies with a divine altar, covering everyone in Happy. Allied characters within the range of the Holy Light are relieved, immune to fear, ridiculed and other abnormal states.

The pastor of the other party was there, and Xu Bin also expected such a situation. Fortunately, he was very close to his own captain. While shouting, he also used a knight charge, which was very extreme and ended up being Tang Yin at the end. This sniper rifle. Although the penetrating ability of the sniper rifle is very strong. But the ballistic deviation that also appeared in breaking the wall thickness of the sigh failed to concentrate Wang Jiexi.

But just when Xu felt his defense, Lord Grim flashed to his side, and in the next instant, he was behind him.

With the help of Xu Bin's giant shield, Wang Jiexi flew at a low altitude. But at this moment, a knife light flashed again.

Arc Flash!

With this cold light, Lord Grim once again completed a close encounter with Wang Jiexi.

Change direction!

Although Wang Jiexi didn't want to, he changed his direction now.

Right now, he had no choice. He could either stop and fight Ye Xiu directly, or turn around and possibly be targeted by Tang Yin. As a result, he chose to trust his teammates.

Tang Yin's gunshots didn't sound, because a figure was directly between Tang Yin and Wang Jiexi. At this time, Liu Xiaobie, who was already separated from Shu and Jianying's clone, was coming.

In the face of several avatars of Liu Xiaobie, Tang Yin's direct firepower suppressed the extremely fast bullets and scattered Liu Xiaobie's avatars in an instant. After that, the avatar stood between Tang Yin and Wang Jiexi with difficulty, resisting the attack. Tang Yin's attack.

But obviously it's all right. Without Tang Yin's sniper rifle, Wang Jiexi is no longer a threat. You must know that in terms of mobility, can you compare to Ye Xiu's straggler?

The sword light flashed one after another, Lord Grim once again killed Wang Jiexi, and this time Wang Jiexi flew directly into the sky.

Ye Xiu also used the continuous rotor to continue chasing after him.

But seeing Ye Xiu's actions, Wang Jiexi felt a bit ridiculous. After all, continuing to rotate the wings only provided the ability to fly, but the flying speed was far less than the speed of a magician.

"Captain be careful!" But at this moment, the teammates that appeared in the ears and on the team channel were prompting sounds, and not just one person, but all of them.

But it was too late when Wang Jiexi heard their voices.

The angry dragon pierced through the heart, and the powerful fighting spirit and magic of the spear passed through the line directly through the heart.

A dazzling blood flower shot out in the air, and everyone saw it at this moment. The spear in Han Yanrou's hand directly hung Wang Jiexi in the air, and when he was still flying, this kind of situation always gave them a feeling of deja vu. He almost wanted to subconsciously look at Tang Yin who was pressing Liu Xiaobie to fight.

How could this be?

The audience at the announcement site didn't react for a while, and their expressions were a little stunned.

First, he was directly swallowed by two heat-sensing missiles, and then he was directly pierced by Xingxin's rookie Tang Rou. Is it really their captain Wang Jiexi who was hit by the forging one after another? The strongest player in their team, Wang Bu Liuxing's operator magician?

It's no wonder that their mentality is a little broken. There is nothing to say about losing to Tang Yin before. After all, no one has played Tang Yin in the ring match yet, and in the battle just now, if their captain is full of blood, it is not certain who will lose and who will win.

But now they are being directly strung in the sky by Happy's rookie like bacon, which is somewhat comical. So they couldn't accept it for a while.

However, although the audience at the scene couldn't accept this fact for a while, the progress of the match would not stop because of their thoughts. Tang Rou took the spear out of Wang Jiexi, and the Xingchen Xingchen in Wang Jiexi's hands had already hit Tang Rou. But right here, Ye Xiu's voice appeared on Wang Jiexi's head, and it was an eagle stomping on his face! Directly stomped Wang Jiexi to the ground.

Gravity grenade!

This is a brand-new ultimate move of the ammunition expert. It is a grenade specially made for output. It has no other properties except for a drop point to form a gravity vortex. Gravity Vortex can forcefully attract enemy units within range, followed by the most violent explosion! Tang Yin relied on extremely strong hand speed, and when using firepower to suppress, not only kept his skills constant, but also directly threw a gathering grenade at Wang Jiexi's weakness.

Liu Xiaobie laughed and tried to stop it, but because of the bullet rain suppressed by the firepower, he couldn't react a little.


Once again, a violent explosion covered Wang Jiexi once again. Once again, the floating magnetic cannon that was blown up was the core, almost seamlessly connected by Mucheng's magnetic cannon. And Wang Jiexi, who was bombed to the point of being in the air, was sucked in without any chance to resist.

At this point, Tiny Herb's support was still ineffective, and even their priest's hypnotist was interrupted at the last moment by a shot from Ye Xiu who had used up his eagle treads.

After all, none of them were Happy's targets. Their presence would not affect the focus of Happy's attack. Their tactical center would always be on Wang Jiexi.


With the explosion of the suspended magnetic cannonball, Wang Jiexi was swallowed by the fire again. It just doesn't look too miserable. As far as Happy's march was concerned, it could no longer be described as brutal, it was simply inhumane. Not only the current Tiny Herb fans can't stand it anymore, but the Tiny Herb teammates on stage can't stand it anymore.

You must know that it is their captain who is being treated inhumanly right now, the existence who has always led them. How can you be beaten by these gangsters like this?

Phantom Invisible Sword!

Forced open Tyranny to resist the attack and launched a counter-offensive against Tang Yin. And Gao Yingjie's speed was also very fast, and a whirlwind of broom immediately fell. Xu Bin directly activated his unique awakening skill: chivalry! And under the blessing of chivalry, a just and heroic jump fell down into a triangle, protecting their captain in the middle.


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