Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1450: start the transfer core

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You must know that Tiny Herb still has a numerical advantage, and their opponent is right in front of them. But in such a situation, the first to adjust was Happy's loose people, and even the three of Happy took the initiative to attack.

"Tiny Herb won't lose the game just like that, right?" The two teams were in completely opposite mental states, so Pan Sen didn't dare to have too much confidence in Tiny Herb's current numerical advantage.

"It's not easy to say." This was Li Yibo, but suddenly he said.

"Oh? Why?" Pan Sen obviously didn't understand the meaning of his old partner's words. After all, Tiny Herb's aura was so low now.

"Xu Bin!" Ruan Cheng said that name.

But now he was also very shocked. He didn't expect Wang Jiexi to be sent away directly by Happy. But he didn't think so at first? He is not a fan of Tiny Herb, so naturally he doesn't have much insight into Wang Jiexi's exit. On the contrary, Happy paid a huge price in order to send Wang Jiexi away, and only took away the opponent's core at the price of two for one. This was not a wise decision.

Even in his initial view, such a result is undoubtedly a loss that outweighs the gain.

But soon Ruan Chenggong realized that he had misunderstood.

From the reactions of all Tiny Herb fans, the mentality of Tiny Herb players on and off the field has changed. He could fully appreciate that the current Wang Jiexi Tiny Herb was not just a simple core player, but a team captain.

He is the real backbone, foundation, hope, confidence, etc. of a team like Tiny Herb. Everything related to positive energy seems to be brought by Wang Jiexi and them.

But that's how it exists, and now he's down.

And what about the other players who stayed on the field? There is only surprise, unknown, confusion, nervousness, and even fear.

And only one of them is not among them.

That is the current first knight of glory Xu Bin!

The player who debuted in the sixth tournament, and then the player Tiny Herb exchanged from Team 301. He has also played in Tiny Herb for more than a year now, but since he entered Tiny Herb, he has greatly improved in all aspects. He was even directly selected as an All-Star player and officially became the first knight of glory.

And Xu Bin himself felt that he was very adaptable to Tiny Herb, but after all, he transferred over halfway through. Compared with other Tiny Herb players who were born and bred in Tiny Herb from their debut, he was very fond of Wang Jiexi. Dependencies are not as strong as they are.

But even so, when Wang Jiexi was forcibly killed by Happy. He still felt a great shock. But that's it, he didn't lose his mind because of this amazing scene, and he didn't stop himself because of it.

After he killed Rou Hanyan, he was ready to continue to attack, but at this moment he sent a letter to his teammates as if there was a delay.

Xu Bin's initial plan was to directly cooperate with Gao Yingjie to complete the encirclement and suppression of An Wenyi. After all, as long as they take advantage of this momentum and kill the opponent's healing, they will be able to stabilize the victory. In the end, he didn't expect Happy's reaction to be faster than him. Ye Xiu and Tang Yin completed the rescue right away. While supporting, Tang Yin also sent a wave of damage to them along the way. But these were not what made Xu Bin the most concerned, what made him the most concerned was that since Gao Yingjie was simply kicked away by Ye Xiu.

Even with some support from Tang Yin, it wasn't that simple. You must know that in terms of strength, Gao Yingjie really can't be hacked, and he also admits his talent.

But now with such a result, Xu Bin, who was ready to support him, had no choice but to fight on the spot. It was not until Gao Yingjie sent the message that he reacted. But just when Xu Bin thought that Gao Yingjie's command would be given, nothing happened.

Although it was only a year and a half since he came to Tiny Herb, he was even given the position of vice-captain. But Xu Bin himself knew very well that the future captain of Tiny Herb's team was only Gao Yingjie. He was destined to take over Wang Bu Liuxing from Wang Jiexi after Wang Jiexi retired and continue to lead Tiny Herb to continue the battle. that person. And whether he is now or in the future, he will be the assistant by his side.

Xu Bin himself has no opinion on this, after all, he himself has no ambition to be the captain. He completely accepts the arrangement of the team. So after Wang Jiexi came off, Gao Yingjie took over the game directly. And he was still the vice-captain, the knight standing beside the core.

As a result, when Xu Bin was here to assist Gao Yingjie to take over the game, after Gao Yingjie said "the game is not over", there was no more. On the contrary, the three people on Happy's side challenged very decisively. . He directly exited the tragic situation caused by the previous exchange, and made adjustments and counterattacks immediately.

Da da da da!

Tang Yin's bullet rain roared again.

But no matter how confused Gao Yingjie is, he is also one of the top professional players. Now he has also developed the instincts of some professional players. In the face of the enemy's attack, if he doesn't know how to dodge and parry, it is really unreasonable.

At this time, Liu Xiaobie and Yuan Boqing had already woken up from Happy's offensive, so they still faced the current situation of both of them.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they are still on the dominant side.

And the rest of the players are also aware of this, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But what to do next? At this moment, everyone looked like Gao Yingjie. Because then he is the core of Tiny Herb.

This is not only because he is the one who will replace Wang Jiexi in the future, but also because Tiny Herb itself uses a team tactic with a magician as the core of its tactics. All their offensives are also centered around this magic scholar. So now they both need a protagonist to drive them.

Before that, Tiny Herb only had Wang Jiexi, he was so reliable. It was as if he would always be on the field leading everyone forward and fighting. And now they have another Gao Yingjie, under the current lineup of dual magic scholars, it gives them a feeling of double insurance. But at the same time, we all know that this is a process of core transfer.


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