Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1456: Surprised Xu Bin

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Could it be that Ye Xiu was saying that he had been too **** Tiny Herb all this time? But that's not right. Speaking of force, didn't Ye Xiu carry this team on his shoulders abruptly when he was in Excellent Era? Wang Jiexi thought about this, and Tang Yin subconsciously confronted him.

"Is there any problem with Team Wang? I just won the free day ticket for your amusement park these two days. We don't have time to play. If you are interested, you can go and play." Tang Yin didn't hear Ye Xiu and Wang Jiexi clearly. What to say, but look at Wang Jiexi like this. He was also embarrassed, although he said that winning or losing is a matter of the military, everyone is a professional player, and it is even more impossible to do anything merciful.

But everyone is friends after all, and seeing friends unhappy always wants to do something. And the tickets for this amusement park are also brought to the other party. Right now.

This means that the communication between Tang Yin and Wang Jiexi is still relatively limited. If the opponent this time is Huang Shaotian, Tang Yin's ticket will be shoved directly. Where can I say this, it is a mockery to say it, and then Huang Shaotian is not convinced for two nights in private dating. Both have been like this in the last two games.

After all, Tang Yin is such a person, the better the relationship, the more casual he will be. Like Wang and Wang Jiexi, they are also friends, but obviously they are not as comfortable as they are when chatting with Huang Shaotian.

But it was Wang Jiexi who was relieved from the words just now, and subconsciously took Tang Yin's ticket. But when he looked at Tang Yin, he suddenly understood Ye Xiu's words. It was true that Ye Xiu in Excellent Era really gave people the feeling that he was supporting the entire Excellent Era with the strength of one person. But now he didn't feel like he was fighting alone. Not only Tang Yin, but Ye Xiu was supporting Xingxin, and everyone in Xingxin was also supporting him.

And he was really like everyone's backer in Tiny Herb, instead of setting an example for his teammates like Ye Xiu in Happy.

But when Wang Jiexi saw his rookie Gao Yingjie, he didn't worry anymore, because after this game, he had already seen the transformation of Tiny Herb. And these teammates are Tiny Herb's future.

"Thank you Xiaoyin, I'm still thinking about how to relax them." Wang Jiexi said.

"Hey, trivial matter. But this ticket is a reserved ticket and needs to be reserved on their official website. The deadline is until the fifteenth of next month, don't forget it." Tang Yin instructed.

"Understood, let's go! Come again next time. We will treat you after the game." Wang Jiexi said.

"I can have this, then I'm welcome. The local specialties are given priority. Hehe." Tang Yin smiled.

After talking to Wang Jiexi, the two waved their hands and signaled for the next one. There is nothing to say with Xu Bin and Tang Yin, after all, we are not familiar with each other. Although Tang Yin is now a professional player, his personality has not changed. He can talk to acquaintances in various ways, but he doesn't even know what to say to unfamiliar people, just like when he had just formally made friends with Loulan Zhan and the others, wasn't Tang Yin always there every time? At first, and then I don't know what to say.

It wasn't until everyone was familiar with it that there were more words. The simple reason was that in front of strangers, Tang Yin was social phobia, but in front of acquaintances, he was social bullshit.

"Uh... Where did I get Tang Yin?" Xu Bin, who shook hands with Tang Yin, looked confused. After all, Tang Yin seemed to be very good at talking to the others in Tiny Herb, and he just shook hands.

"Don't worry about it, it's just that you and Xiaoyin are not familiar with each other. We have known each other since we were in the tenth district together, and now the Tiny Herb players on the stage have been instructed by him, so they are familiar with each other." Wang Jiexi said.

"Huh? Tang Yin also coached Tiny Herb's team members? When?" Xu Bin asked curiously, and when he came, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had already entered the realm of the gods and started busy with the team. Wang Jiexi Naturally, there will be no more evening training organized.

"When I was just playing Glory, Xiaoyin and the others asked Tiny Herb's people to fight me first and then challenge them in order to improve my strength." At this moment, Tang Rou just shook hands and Tang Rou explained. road.

"You played with Tiny Herb? Are you a professional? Wait, you met Tang Yin when you were in the tenth district. That is to say, you just played Glory, and you played against a professional team? How long did you play at that time? At this moment, Xu Bin's expression became strange. After all, a cute new player, playing pk with a professional, this picture is so strange to think so.

"Hmm... I was only in my twenties at that time, and I didn't think much of it until I changed careers." Tang Rou smiled, waved her hand, and shook hands with the next Tiny Herb team member.

"Mengxin, that profession is a sparring partner, why hasn't she been trained psychologically?" Xu Bin still hasn't reacted.

"You may not believe it when you say it. Not only did he not, but the more he beat her, the more aggressive he became." Wang Jiexi sighed when Tang Rou became more and more brave at the time. The girl they abused casually in the past is now strong enough to overwhelm them. The score is beat.

"It's luck to use the champion team to practice just after changing careers..." Xu Bin sighed.

"I just got that, don't forget who taught her skills, compared to professional team coaches. Isn't it more fortunate to have Ye Xiu's glorious textbook to teach me personally?" Wang Jiexi suddenly felt very surprised when he saw his deputy team's expression. Fun, keep breaking the news.

Xu Bin: "..." Now he doesn't know what to say, he's just curious. Why are there such lucky people in the world.

Seeing the other party's expression, Wang Jiexi didn't know what Xu Bin was thinking. Suddenly, I wanted to tell him Tang Yin's abilities and let him know what a real Emperor of Europe is. But after all, I want to ask Tang Yin about this matter, and I think that Tang Yin has already gone to Gao Yingjie, and it is too late to ask again, so I can only regret it.

Here, Wang Jiexi is still curious, or ask Tang Yin if he can tell Xu Binshi about him after the game. Tang Yin happened to arrive at Gao Yingjie's side.

At this time, Gao Yingjie still had his head lowered, even though Tang Yin had already come to him, he did not raise his head. That is, put your hand in the air. It's like an emotionless cover-up device. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"You did a good job today, Yingjie." Tang Yin, a close friend of his own little angel, couldn't help but say, "But if you only have awareness and determination now, it's not enough. After all, these are the same as hard work, but the most basic ones. Yes. You need something more."

"Senior Tang Yin..." Gao Yingjie raised his head in surprise, Tang Yin had already left when he wanted to ask more, and Qiao Yifan was next to Tang Yin...


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(End of this chapter)

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