Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1508: It's time to close the net!

Chapter 1540 It's time to close the net! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

But Tang Yin did not rush to launch an offensive against Li Xuan. Instead, he put the electronic eye's perspective in the upper right corner of the screen, and his mentality displayed the corresponding place on the map.

Then he directly fired the flying gun and took the initiative to fall from the commanding heights. This scene made everyone lose sight of it. What is this guy trying to do? Since you voluntarily give up your advantages?

After all, Ghost Swordsman is only a mid-range character, Tang Yin, who is at the commanding heights, definitely has the best advantage. In addition, Tang Yin's ability to observe people has shown this season, and he has already taken the same anti-human caliber. These have undoubtedly proved that the position and the commanding heights are the best choice.

But Tang Yin did not do this, but took the initiative to fall from his dominant position.

The Green Machine gun fired continuously in the air, and the opportunity exposed Tang Yin's flight route to Li Xuan's ears. After all, these are the foundations of their professional players. But this also made Li Xuan a little puzzled, because Tang Yin's weapon, Illusory God, has the ability to deform, they all know that, and if Tang wants to, he can use the crossbow form with almost no attack sound to move.

Moreover, in Glory, the number of consecutive shots of the crossbow was one more than that of the revolver, just like Tang Yin flew up to the commanding heights with the crossbow before.

It was only after Tang Yin released his electronic eyes that Li Xuan discovered the figure at the commanding heights.

But because the electronic eye itself is relatively small, it has a certain concealment. In addition, Tang Yin directly let it fly to the highest point. This person Li Xuan is even more difficult to find him. So when he found that Tang Yin was at the commanding heights, Li Xuan only cared about walking through various bunkers. As a result, he was still carefully placing Tang Yin's sniper rifle here, and Tang Yin made a big splash here. And in a high-profile way.

Looking at Li Xuan, it was nothing more than a trap, but no matter what he said now, as a ghost swordsman who only has medium and short-range attacks, he has to go and see, as long as Tang Yin is chasing him, otherwise if If the opponent does not enter his own ghost formation, Li Xuan really has no confidence in winning Tang Yin.

Li Xuan has a very clear understanding of this. Although he was a little depressed about being beaten that time, he really couldn't hack Tang Yin's strength. After all, the opponent defeated him with hard power.

And this map was specially chosen by him in order to win Tang Yin.

Although this map is similar to the map chosen by Kure Taku before, there is one difference, that is, all houses in this map are accessible, and most of them use stairs that lead directly to the roof.

After all, in the face of sharpshooters, if they don't pull the opponent into the ghost formation, their ghost formation is of very limited significance. After all, the opponent's weapon can output to you through the ghost array. And the ghost formation has no bunker effect, so they are completely living targets at the other end of the ghost formation.

Not to mention the opponent's terrible hand speed and ability to interrupt spellcasting, and because of these, the most effective ways to defeat Tang Yin are two. The first is to take the lead in setting up a ghost formation to attract Tang Yin. The second is sneak attack. After confirming the opponent's position, hide aside and secretly use skills to cover him directly.

It's too difficult to attract Tang Yin to the trap. After all, the opponent can hang you from a distance. Even if you put a ghost array on the corner, the opponent has enough time to avoid it.

So Li Xuan finally chose to attack and release the ghost array, and if Tang Yin was on the roof, he could use the stairs to the roof, or in the nearby house to release his skills. If Tang Yin is on the street, he can also rely on the house as a bunker to make a sneak attack.

It can be said that in order to defeat Tang Yin, Li Xuan has already thought of everything he can think of. Even his current skill points are not just ghost formations, but pure ghost swordsman, and he has all the skills of killing ghosts. After all, Zhan Gui has a strong ability to break out in melee combat. If he fights Tang Yin in close combat, Ghost Swordsman's tactics will be better than Ghost Formation.

After all, you don't have to worry about being interrupted by Tang Yin's skills!

It can be seen that since that captain, Li Xuan has been somewhat psychologically shadowed by Tang Yin's play style. Let us observe three minutes of silence for Li Xuan.

Here, Li Xuan began to run carefully to the place where Tang Yin's flying spear disappeared, and Tang Yin was also running everywhere, but from God's perspective, Tang Yin's certain route was very strange. But these moves are very familiar to the audience.

For example, take down the roof and install a viper turret.

[ex-s Viper Turret] will fire the enemy after entering its attack range. The bullets have a certain automatic orientation, but [ex-s Viper Turret] will stop firing when attacked, and will not self-explode if it is broken.

Or put the interceptor factory directly in a room with windows.

Interceptor Factory: Produces a device that masters the "interceptor" of small air vehicles in the air. The factory will keep making interceptors to attack the enemy. The so-called interceptor is a small fighter jet, which will attack the enemy with bullets, and will also rush over to self-detonate and explode in the interceptor. After that, the factory soon made new interceptors.

Either a mechanical gun turret is secretly installed in a garbage dump, or a mechanical gun turret is flashed in another place where the explosives are piled up.

Among them, there will be a few mines buried near Tang Yin, where there are some mechanical creations. Not only mechanical creations, but wherever Tang Yin walked, he would bury a landmine in some places. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And watching him also put his half of the map location in various places, the fort audience finally made up their minds. These guys from Happy are really treating the professional game as a tower defense game.

And Tang Yin's actions are also very regular. After he finished the arrangement, the corner just flashed from Li Xuan's point of view.

Li Xuan suddenly saw Tang Yin's voice, and found that the other party didn't seem to find him. Isn't this a good opportunity to attack the other party? He directly slowed down and started running towards the place where Tang Yin had just disappeared. While running, I searched for cover everywhere. Follow closely.

Seeing his own captain like this, the audience covered their faces for a while. After all, Tang Yin's electronic eyes were still flying high in the sky, and all the actions of their captain were exposed to Tang Yin's sight.

Originally thought that Tang Yin was still looking for his own Li Xuan, but he didn't know that the clown turned out to be himself.

This path is the only path that Tang Yin did not place a trap like this on, and the purpose was to lead the opponent to his birth point. Tang Yin's birth point connects three streets. And now it's the upper road. When passing the birth point, Tang also moved directly to the bottom road. And now Li Xuan is very close to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin clearly saw in the electronic eyes that Li Xuan, who had reached the inflection point between the birth point and the bottom road, was confused by the power of ghosts and gods above the sword in his hand.

"It's time to close the net!"


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(End of this chapter)


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