Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1685: key game

In terms of the remaining lives on both sides of the battlefield, Huang Shaotian is currently the one with the least blood, but this is normal, after all, this guy has not stopped since the two sides met. Tang Yin and the others also took turns to change shifts when Huang Shaotian slipped between them, but Huang Shaotian played from the beginning to the end. Huang Shaotian, who has been in high-intensity battles, has never had his character's life full, especially after their healing Soul Whisperer fell. His health was completely unrecovered, and coupled with the simple melee profession of swordsman, Huang Shaotian naturally became the target of everyone's attacks. And these directly made him the person with the lowest blood volume in the whole process.

Now that there is no way out for Blue Rain, their only hope is to meet Song Xiao as soon as possible. After all, their overall health value is not as good as Happy.

But now Xingxin's attack has bit them too close, especially Tang Yin's bullet rain, now Tang Yin has kept his hand speed above 600, not reaching his limit, but he is maintaining his hand speed Under the premise, persist for the longest time. And with this kind of hand speed bonus, Tang Yin's bullet rain can already cover all Blue Rain people with the various bullet skills of the ammunition expert. They didn't dare to run away in front of Tang Yin at all.

You must know that Tang Yin now has the skills of many ammunition experts. Freezing, rigid bombs, explosive bombs, etc., these are a great threat to them. And don't forget, there is still a real bullet rain expert in their team, and when the ammunition expert uses special bullet skills, they can send these special bullets to other professions that are also gunners.

Therefore, in addition to his own ammunition, Tang Yin also needs Zhang Jiale's. As an ammunition expert, Zhang Jiale has a unique skill to expand the magazine. This skill can increase the bullet limit of various ammo skills of the Ammo Expert.

And Zhang Jialeba gave Tang Yin all the ammunition skills, which resulted in Tang Yin's double gun bullets of various attributes never stopping. Combined with Tang Yin's excessive state and hand speed, as well as the burst shot, Scattering, Death Revolver and other sharpshooter's increased damage, and skills that increase the effect of rigidity, made Tang Yin's attack a nightmare for Blue Rain.

Tang Yin's attack alone was already troublesome, not to mention Zhang Jiale, who had never stopped playing the Hundred Flowers style, but because of this, Zhang Jiale's mana was also the fastest consuming of all.

Now everyone in Blue Rain can only bite the bullet and insist, but don't forget that there are Ye Xiu and Qiao Yifan. Although everyone is fighting, but because of Happy's tight bite, both sides are concentrated. The ghost array effect is very obvious.

But every time Yifan introduced a rule, everyone in Blue Rain would be entangled for a while. After all, it may be a loss to fight in the ghost formation, but if you want to withdraw from the ghost slash, there are some restrictions on Tang Yin's attack, which is really all kinds of troubles.

persist in!

This is the only thought in the hearts of everyone in Blue Rain right now. Although Happy's side has an advantage, it's not time to sit back and relax. After all, if they make a mistake at this time, let them find an opportunity to delay the time until their sixth person arrives. At that time, it was everyone in Happy who was depressed.

Come on!

Fans of both teams were shouting for the players of their own teams, and now Huang Shaotian's health was only 6% left!

Will he be the first to fall in this teamfight?

Blue Rain fans are still looking forward to it, because of this match, Huang Shaotian broke out too many times and created too many miracles. So even though Huang Shaotian's blood volume has bottomed out, they are still expecting some kind of reversal!

On the arena, no one would see Huang Shaotian as a dead person, because he was Huang Shaotian. As long as he hadn't died, he would always be the most dangerous being on the arena.

The sword rules the world!

At the moment when he was most red blooded, Huang Shaotian immediately began to awaken the swordsman. This skill Huang Shaotian had been waiting for for a long time. After all, as the strongest booster skill for a swordsman, it was Huang Shaotian's hope to open up the situation. As long as there is still a chance, Blue Rain will not give up, so now Huang Shaotian wants to create this opportunity for Blue Rain to take a few steps back so that he can meet Song Xiao.


Mind the hood!

At this moment, Lord Grim waved his hand, and a chanting mask appeared directly. It happened that Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, and Qiao Yifan's scattered people were wrapped in it, and Qiao Yifan took advantage of the cover of the psychic mask and started to sing directly. At the same time, it has been from and Lord Grim. It's just that what he chanted was the summoning circle.

And Ye Xiu's summoned beast is: The Flower of the Demon World!

This skill belongs to the Summoner, but it has only one level, which makes the life of the flower of the Demon Realm brittle, and the attack power is extremely poor, but his other functions are very complete.

On the other hand, Blue Rain saw Ye Xiu summoned the Flower of the Demon Realm, and knew that most of them were within the attack range of the Flower of the Ring. Everyone who didn't say it started to focus on it here.

After all, Ye Xiu's psychic hood was only level 1, but the Blue Rain team couldn't break through it immediately. There was no way that Tang Yin's attacks were too intensive.

Facing such a desperate situation, Lu Hanwen directly raised his sword to block in front of Zheng Xuan, and the body of the giant sword was in front of him, almost covering him.

And Zheng Xuan, who got the chance to breathe, directly loaded the explosive bomb that did the most damage to the plant system. UU reading www. After uukanshu.com forcibly slashed Ye Xiu's qi mask through Huang Shaotian, several bursts of explosive flames were fired.

Boom boom boom!

Just when everyone thought that the first-level Demon World Flower was just summoned and was about to go offline, everyone found that the Demon World Flower was unscathed. And now Ye Xiu has turned the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella into shield mode, and directly activates the Holy Shield technique! In front of the flower of the devil world!

Several explosive flame bombs exploded on the top of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, but now the surface of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is emitting this golden holy light, which is the skill effect of the Holy Shield technique. This series of explosions didn't even do any harm to Lord Grim, let alone the Flower of the Demon Realm behind him.

At this time, Tang Yin also used the skill Curved Shot, and the rounded bullet directly bypassed Lu Hanwen at the front, suppressing Zheng Xuan, and Yu Wenzhou continued to be greeted by Zhang Jiale's grenade.

Now that everyone in Blue Rain is being suppressed again, the vines of the Flower of the Devil have begun to spread. Seeing such a situation, Blue Rain is really annoying. I am very nervous now, and now I have one more goal.

And now Huang Shaotian, who was the closest to everyone in Xingxin, made a zigzag shake, dodging the vines trapped by the equipment under his feet, waving his lightsaber in his hand, and with the blessing of the sword set the world, his attacks became more intelligent. Just when he set his target on Yifan who started singing again, Ye Xiu suddenly appeared in front of him!

Round dance stick!

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