Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1769: Murder and kill Huang Shaotian!

But now that the game has already reached such a situation, Yu Wenzhou is no longer hesitant. Anyway, they can't predict Baozi's behavior, so just remind everyone to pay more attention. As long as they are focused enough, no matter whether this guy is a god-like opponent or a pig-like teammate, they can respond in the best way at the first time.

What's more, until now, Happy's steamed bun still hasn't regained his senses, and he's even a little bit out of sync with Happy. Isn't this the best breakthrough for Blue Rain to establish an advantage in this match? Hesitation will lead to defeat, so Yu Wenzhou decisively ordered without any hesitation. He directly gave the first order of the match, that is, the Blue Rain team had a chance to invade with steamed buns.


After receiving the order, Lu Hanwen very heroically resisted Tang Yin's attack and retreated from his battle, and then directly used a mountain crash, and he was still at the farthest distance. It should be known that the longer the jump distance of this skill, the stronger the damage, but there is also a side effect, that is, the stronger the power, the longer the skill will be stiff. Therefore, under normal circumstances, professional players seldom directly hit the farthest mountain crash.

But now it's different. Now Lu Hanwen is by his side and the great **** Huang Shaotian is escorting him. So it seemed a little unreasonable to believe in Huang Shaotian, because he believed that Huang Shaotian's annoying night rain was his last move.

Lu Hanwen and Huang Shaotian have some profound tactical cooperation. We really don't know if Baozi can see this, because Baozi didn't plan to take this blow hard, but jumped back two directly and jumped out of Lu Hanwen's Collapsing Mountain. attack range. Then everyone started to turn their eyes to the Blue Rain crowd, and Baozi also realized that now he was Blue Rain's next opportunity target.

"I'm going, so many of you hit me, are you embarrassed?" Baozi said on the public channel immediately. This kind of team competition is very normal, but he is using a very incomprehensible tone. Saying it, it feels very strange.

"You guys are here to duel, do you dare to duel directly!" Steamed Bun shouted on the public channel.

Of course, everyone in Blue Rain ignored Baozi's words. They were just pretending that he was talking nonsense and continued to attack him.

"Hey hey! The Leo! You come over for a duel! Didn't you say that you were crying and shouting to duel with me?" Baozi continued to look for the public channel to output.

And this sentence directly attracted a group of people to look at Huang Shaotian.

what is happening?

Everyone knew very well that the Leo constellation Baozi was referring to definitely meant Huang Shaotian. After all, most of them were absolute fans of Blue Rain, and they were quite familiar with their players' birthday constellations.

But you tell me now, since Huang Shaotian is crying and calling for a duel with this guy? This…

At this moment, everyone seemed to smell the smell of gossip.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Ruining my reputation outside!" Huang Shaotian jumped angrily at the words of Baozi, yes, he did call a duel, but was he looking for you? He was obviously looking for Tang Yin and Ye Xiu! Crying and shouting to find him pk? dreaming ah?

"You can come over now, don't say I won't give you a chance!" Baozi's language output continued.

"Kill him for me!" Huang Shaotian shouted directly on the public channel, and now the target he wants to vent is exactly the same.

And this can't help but give people the feeling that Huang Shaotian wants to kill and silence, even many fans of Blue Rain think so.

"A cowardly Leo, kill Huang Shaotian!" Baozi continued to condemn Huang Shaotian's murder and silence on the public channel.

Huang Shaotian is so angry!

You must know that this is a team competition. It is impossible for someone to play a duel with the opponent in such a situation, but the bun in front of him seems to understand this, and grasping this point is a burst of output. All kinds of words are full of malice. It's simply but it's unbearable and unbearable!

Slash in the wind!

He saw an extremely fast flash of sword light, showing Huang Shaotian's emotions to the fullest, although Huang Shaotian would never lose his sense of seduction because of the other party's trash talk or sarcasm. But isn't the situation right now? This guy who talked trash to him happened to be the target of their current focus, so Huang Shaotian was fully fired now, and he felt that there was no problem with a wave of fake public welfare.

It can be said that this attack perfectly interprets Huang Shaotian's current emotions. Although it is only a blow to the wind, but no matter the timing, angle, speed of his shot, every detail has reached its peak. This blow can be said to be flawless.


Such a perfect attack, there is really no one in the professional league who can escape, or block it.

A ray of blood floated out after the knife light, and the steamed bun was slashed to the ground by Huang Shaotian's near-extreme slash for a while, and he looked quite embarrassed. . UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"You still have two strokes, kid." Huang Shaotian said on the public channel, Huang Shaotian's words are not flattering. As professional players, they are very fond of the distance, because the distance between the two directly affects what they use next. Skill. The steamed bun looked a little embarrassed, and it seemed that it was because Huang Shaotian's slash had no power to fight back. Although it looks very embarrassed, it does achieve the purpose he needs.

As far as the use of the Windward Slashing skill was concerned, Huang Shaotian's strike was absolutely perfect. But in a professional game, a successful offensive is like a banquet, and he must be made up of various foods, not just a single dish.

And Baozi took advantage of this very well, and Cheng relied on the wind to spread the distance. And because of the melee profession like a swordsman, if you want to continue the offensive, you have to get close, but then you will be countered by the rogue who has a medium distance. It can be seen from this that Huang Shaotian's blow to the wind and a knife to slash the interpretation is a complete dish, but after all, it can't be a meal. Huang Shaotian's operation is very accurate to grasp the name rate of this blow, but he didn't think about being accepted by this one. Later skill deployment.

But this... is Huang Shaotian really impulsive?

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