Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1803: never-ending hope.

But even though the Blue Rain people are still not happy to give up, the final outcome still hasn't changed in any way. After all, the Blue Rain people's last effort is only a pale struggle. Even after many years, it may not take that long. , their struggling last effort would be summed up as "garbage time".


With home field advantage, the organization is exhausted, but they have lost both the ring match and the team match.

At this moment, most of the stands where the Blue Rain fans were in the Xiaochuan Arena had already fallen into dead silence.

They really lost like that.

Looking at the games that ended in front of them, it was obvious that the facts were right in front of them, but none of the Blue Rain fans at the scene were willing to believe this fact.

After all, this is all their Blue Rain's efforts this season. In the first round of the playoffs, they were completely defeated in just two rounds, and the second loss was a clean one.

This summer this is the earliest one that Blue Rain has ever seen, and it even makes people feel uncomfortable.

The players from both sides walked out of the competition seats almost at the same time, and had no choice to play. Now they have left their players seats, and they still walked to the stage. Wei Chen also walked together. Under normal circumstances, when winning away games, thanking the away audience with applause was his favorite thing to do.

Of course, other players may be polite in the process, but he is definitely trying to ridicule. Whether it's his expression or applause, he's mocking, but today's Wei Chen is surprisingly quiet. onto this stage.

After all, Blue Rain was the most special existence. Although he was a professional player of Happy now, he was not in the mood to ridicule the team he led in the past after winning this time.

Winning the game is enough for him now. As for the usual boring and unpleasant things, in the ruthless game of this league in the playoffs, in the face of this Blue Rain team full of his youth and affection In front of the team, he finally completely suppressed this time.

"Congratulations." Blue Rain's captain Yu Wenzhou said while shaking hands with Ye Xiu.

"Thank you." This time Ye Xiu didn't continue to mock, nor did he say anything more.

"Win the championship!" Huang Shaotian then took Tang Yin's hand and said with a very serious expression.

"Of course, otherwise what do you think I came to the professional league for?" Tang Yin said.

"Keep going, we won. If you dare to lose to others, don't blame me for laughing at you for the rest of your life." Huang Shaotian continued.

Congratulations to the opponents and thanks to the audience, even though Blue Rain lost the game today, they did not lose their demeanor, but the loss on their faces was hard to hide.

And the bitter fruit of this failure, they still need to taste the next whole summer. But they also know very well that this is far from the end, because there will be an exciting season to come, and then they will start their new journey again. Day after day, year after year, and that's how all their pros pursue their goals.

There is really only one champion forever, which is really cruel. But it's also one every year, and that's the never-ending hope.

Blue Rain was defeated!

That's it for the next day's Esports Weekly, the headlines about the playoffs.

Although it was said that Happy won this match, the protagonist of the news report this time was indeed the Blue Rain team that lost. This shows how much attention they received for their home defeat this time.

But as long as it is a game, there will always be a winner or loser. Theoretically, the probability of both sides is 50%, so it shouldn't be surprising who wins, but Blue Rain had won the away team match against Happy before, and the final score was only one point apart. That would be a complete loss of Happy. But this time at the home court, their results were so poor that they could even be ignored in the calculation of head points.

If you lose in the ring match, you lose again in the team match.

In particular, these two games were maps that Blue Rain was more familiar with, but they still didn't take much advantage of them.

Although it is said that Happy's play in this game has been thoroughly explained by the commentator, but the professional game itself is that you have a good plan, and I have the state of crossing the bridge and ladder. In the end, whose tactics can win in the end It is entirely dependent on both parties' abilities.

But today's team match gave people a sense that only the Xingxin people were in a mad show, and they directly compared the Blue Rain people.

Although it was said that the atmosphere of the match was very good, the criticism of Blue Rain after the match was still overwhelming.

After the final result came out, it was as if everyone had become a Glory expert who surpassed the professional players. Any slight flaw in the game would be regarded as evidence of Blue Rain's poor performance, and they would speak out loudly. criticism.

As the defeated side, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Blue Rain naturally had to face and solve their problems, but some of the criticisms that appeared at this time were not enough to justify what others said. To say that it is more sinful is not an exaggeration.

In such a situation, every failure seems to have to be a wave of inexplicable smears. It feels like if this is not the case, they will not be able to reflect their identity as the losers of this game.

And this is a denunciation, and the peak reached at the post-match press conference, as if this was no longer a press conference, but a denunciation meeting against the losing Blue Rain team. As for the various small notebooks held in the hands of every postseason player at the scene, the notebooks were not written with questions to Blue Rain, but were simply generous statements about their loss in this game.

Strategy, tactics, judgment, play, awareness...

These reporters stripped away everything Blue Rain could think of from every aspect, letting them just sit in the interview booth and be stabbed by them.

One knife after another, everyone was hit, no exception, even Lu Hanwen was within their attack range.

Faced with such a scene, let alone Huang Shaotian, even Tang Yin, who had not started the interview, couldn't help it. He sent messages to Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou one after another, asking them if they wanted him to throw a coin to shut up these guys. However, it was stopped by Yu Wenzhou. Even Huang Shaotian, who was about to refute violently, was suppressed by Yu Wenzhou in a timely manner.

Originally Tang Yin was still a little puzzled, but when he saw Yu Wenzhou's laugh like Mimi, he was relieved... and even began to silently mourn for these reporters.

You say it's not good for you to offend anyone, and squinting Yu Wenzhou. Don't you know that squinting eyes are all monsters?

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