Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1818: Tang Yin's mental attack

Now Qin Muyun finally understands that all his skills, manipulations, and even his intentions have been seen through by the other party. Every step the opponent takes now is in the position where he is the most stuck, but every blow from the opponent can directly hit his vitals and clearly predict his next move.


It's okay to fall in love with and kill each other with their captain for ten years, and even an opponent who has the upper hand most of the time.


Wait, love and kill each other...


Thinking of this, the photos Tang Yin posted to the professional player QQ group before appeared uncontrollably in his mind. Frightened, he immediately shook his head, trying to draw his attention back to the game again.


At this moment, Qin Muyun was already in a cold sweat, what happened to him just now? This is a professional game, and he just lost his mind! Couldn't this be Tang Yin's real intention to post that photo in the group?


But when his thoughts came to this point, the photo appeared uncontrollably, and Qin Muyun was going crazy at this moment. This Tang Yin is really not a human being, this is a naked mental attack! Are you still human?


Qin Muyun stabilized his mind and looked at Lord Grim in front of him. For a while, he saw Tang Yin's figure beside Ye Xiu. One attacked him physically, and the other attacked him mentally.


No matter what he thinks about, Qin Muyun is still forcing his concentration. After all, the guy in front of him is not someone who can desert each other. Don't look at him retiring in the middle, but he has always existed in their history of Tyranny. The opposite exists.


Qin Muyun had heard a lot about Ye Xiu and his record before he became a professional player. They also met in the final team game of the regular season this season. But it was the first time I wanted to do such a one-on-one solo. It was also at this time that he could feel it intuitively. How terrifying is this strength that makes their Tyranny team regarded as their enemy for ten years.


Is there really any chance of winning?


Now that Lord Grim has completed the close to minus nine degrees, he is completely passive in Lord Grim's Random Fight. Helpless and immature, fighting and retreating, constantly looking for a route to escape while turning the angle of view.


By the window?


The door?


That corner?


Now that the space they are in is not very big, and every possible escape, they all seem to be quite close. But even though they were all close to him, he had a feeling of being out of reach. There was no way, Lord Grim's attack had blocked all his chances of fleeing in these directions, and gave him no chance at all. In this way, under Ye Xiu's attack, Ye Xiu was directly forced into the corner by Ye Xiu at minus nine degrees.


Now Qin Muyun doesn't have enough space to move around, and he can't even perform his spear technique normally. In the face of the current situation, there was no difference in his sharpshooter's ability to disarm. At this time, Qin Muyun realized that he had made a very serious mistake from the very beginning, that is, he chose to enter this room to restrain himself.


But if he hadn't entered the house before, but had chosen the most suitable location on the roof to prepare for an ambush, he might have faced a sneak attack from Ye Xiu, who came up from the other side of the wall.


Now Qin Muyun has begun to review some of his decisions in this match, but now that he is looking back, he is suddenly stunned.


Because now he realized that in this entire game, all his moves were calculated by Ye Xiu, and his attacks could always be one step ahead of him. It was because Ye Xiu knew his ability to move and select his position, so he could always judge the direction he was going to go in the first time.

But just now, Ye Xiu burned incense and jumped out of the window to launch a sneak attack, but in the end Ye Xiu fluttered. Why is this happening? Isn't that why he finally entered directly into this room?


At that time, Ye Xiu didn't target it, or he didn't think of this possibility at the time. To put it simply, from a certain direction, that choice is unwise, but this seems to be an unwise choice, but in the end it brings some trouble to the other party.


Thinking of this, Qin Muyun suddenly felt as if he had found a chance to win. Through the analysis and summary just now, we can draw a conclusion: to play against a player of Ye Xiu's level, it is not to do everything to the best, that is to choose the best, because your opponent will only be better than you.




Although Qin Muyun had already figured out the key points, he didn't have time to make corrections, and his character finally fell. However, he also consumed 51% of Ye Xiu's health in this wave of trembling fights with Ye Xiu. Such members are not bad.


And Li Yibo in the commentary room, after careful observation and analysis, finally figured out the way of the game and started his on-site analysis of the game.


"Jiang is still old and hot. In terms of skills, Ye Xiu is still superior." Li Yibo said with emotion in his tone.


"But what about here?" Pan Sen had a question about Li Yibo's statement, signaling the director to shoot down the collapsed mountain with the previous blow. The top of the fort was smashed and rushed down again, and then the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella was opened to resist the opponent's shooting, but when it was opened again, the opponent's figure was no longer there.


In the screen displayed now, Ye Xiu immediately judged where the opponent might be and took the lead, but soon after he realized the opponent's real location, he killed a carbine.




"Here, Qin Muyun's position selection, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may not be the best. But Ye Xiu judged the opponent's position in this way, and then made this series of fraudulent acts?" Pan Lin asked.


"This momentum is not difficult to understand." Li Yibo smiled and said, "Qin Muyun's selection this time is indeed not the best, but the selection itself must be judged according to the actual situation, which is to Qin Muyun at that time. , what he had to do at the time was not only to choose a position, but also to complete it within the time when the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella blocked the opponent's field of vision."


"Oh..." Panson understood after saying that.


After all, he couldn't be sure how long Ye Xiu would use the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to protect him, plus this condition. Then Qin Muyun's current position is the best position.


"But since Ye Xiu also made the same judgment, why didn't he attack directly, instead he wanted to deceive him?" Pan Sen continued to ask.


"This is because Qin Muyun's position selection is really good this time. You see, if Ye Xiu hits in this direction as soon as he hits the ground, the angle of his movement is suitable for attacking, but Qin Muyun has a very high-quality attacking angle and vision. Ye Xiu first deceived the attack and then changed his position, that would be different." Li Yibo said.


"So it is!" Pan Sen suddenly realized x2, to be honest, this wave of analysis by Li Yibo is really excellent, and he was really convinced when he heard it.


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