Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1821: come in!

A level 40 high-level skill, and a level 20 low-level skill, the anti-tank gun will definitely not be able to judge the spiral aura in the skill judgment.

But Ye Xiu himself didn't intend to rely on an anti-tank gun to parry this big move. It was Ye Xiu who took the lead in jumping back before the anti-tank artillery blasted out, but a simple back jump made it impossible to escape the skill attack range of the Spiral Aura. So Ye Xiu couldn't fire an anti-tank gun again. With the help of the strong recoil of the skill, the distance between each other is widened, and the explosion of the anti-tank gun can also affect the spiral aura. Let it dissipate faster.

Ye Xiu, who was backed up with the help of the anti-tank gun, landed on the ground and charged towards Fang Rui again. But this time, Ye Xiu's charge was not a simple straight-line charge. Instead, he first slid a sliding shovel to the corner of the wall, then jumped straight up. The Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand turned into a ninja knife and slammed it into the wall. The ninja knife was used again in the air, swung in the air, the rope pulled back the knife, and then threw it...

Ye Xiu was just sticking to the wall like this.

This wave of operations not only made all the audience stunned, but the two commentators were a little sluggish on the spot for a while.

After all, this aisle is relatively narrow. Fang Rui's spiral aura almost covers the entire passage, and only a little bit of the wall can be walked. inhale it.

This wave of Ye Xiu's operations can be said to be very frightening, and he will be involved in it if he pays a little attention. But Ye Xiu relied on this wave of operations to almost directly integrate into the wall, sticking to the wall the whole way.

But when Ye Xiu killed Fang Rui, Fang Rui released Jin En without any hesitation, and took the lead to dodge a distance before Ye Xiu's attack. After all, this was his skill. As a wretched master, Fang Rui would of course figure out a way out for himself. This is one of the best explanations for their wretchedness.

Although he was also a little surprised by the way Ye Xiu killed him, he thought that relying on this alone to hit him was obviously not enough.

After retreating Jia and rolling, Fang Rui once again hid back into the room he had just rushed out of.

quack quack...

There was another creaking sound of a wooden door. The door that had just been blasted open by the Nian Qi cannon, Fang Rui closed it again when he went out. And now Ye Xiu is still falling in this direction, it would be embarrassing if it hit the door.

"Fairy Wood"

Faced with such a situation, Ye Xiu immediately threw out the ninja knife, inserted it into the door and pulled it, opening the door directly.

bang bang bang bang...

But as soon as the door opened, Fang Rui's attack came on the face, but facing such a situation, Ye Xiu still seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When he pulled the forbearance knife again, he saw Lord Grim move in the air again. , directly above the door frame.

Then Ye Xiu kicked the door frame hard. At the same time as it fell, the door slammed to the back, and finally Fang Rui, who was sneaking a surprise attack, frightened one, and hurriedly backed away. Almost got stuck on the nose by the door.

You must know that glory is a game with a very realistic physics engine. Since half a tube of blood can be smashed by a tree, naturally, blood will be deducted from being smashed by a door. It's just not as painful as being hit by a tree.

But although the blood deduction is not much, it is also detained, and although the blood deduction in this way is not very lethal, it is extremely humiliating.


The door slammed shut, and the two characters on both sides were one inside and one outside.

Because they are now on the first floor of the castle, and their locations are load-bearing walls, these walls will not be easily penetrated by them. It is precisely because of this that although the two are now one inside and the other outside, they are not worried about the other party launching a sneak attack through the wall.

Ye Xiu now only relies on the middle wall and has no other action, because he is very familiar with this map. The room where Fang Rui was hiding could lead to a lot of places. If you think about it now, it's like choosing to detour to the past.

Of course, if Fang Rui would take a place honestly, it would be another matter, but that was Fang Rui. It's not the opponent's style to obediently hide in an opponent and prepare to confront the opponent.

In this situation, if you want to launch an attack quickly, then break into this method directly from the front.

But the problem is that now the door of this room is opened from the outside, not from the inside. As a result, Ye Xiu couldn't think of Fang Rui's previous attack, and he could use the door as a cover. That is to say, if he launches an attack directly, because he needs to be a beat slower than the person inside the door to respond, even if the guy inside is already prepared, it is not a matter of slowing down, it means that there is already a skill waiting. own.

How to do it?

Faced with the current situation, both sides have no idea of ​​attack for a while. After all, Fang Rui's situation was the same. If he went to other places, how could he guarantee that Ye Xiu would stay where he was? After all, he was rather lewd, but Ye Xiu wasn't much better. One has no lower limit, the other is extremely wretched, and neither is a good bird.

The two sides were leaning against the wall, and neither of them meant to move.

The roles of the two stand on this wall, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are yearning for a ruler. The atmosphere between the two parties can be said to be very dignified.

In the end, both of them even started to swipe information on public channels.

One said, "You have the ability to come in!"

Another said: "You have the ability to come out!"

This is similar to the twisted dialogue of kindergarten children, which directly destroys the serious atmosphere between the two. It made the audience watching this scene either laughing or not laughing. It feels like a tangle.

But Ye Xiu wasn't too bored to talk trash here. While talking trash, he also started manipulating characters. But Ye Xiu didn't want to attack from the front, nor did he want to take a detour. Instead, I chose this aisle to jump out directly from the outside window. Then the ninja knife was used one after another, and after a few moments, he came to the window on the second floor, and then turned directly into the room on the second floor.

The audience with God's perspective immediately understood Ye Xiu's purpose. Ye Xiu was going to bring justice to the sky at this time.

Now the whole system of projection mainly displays the indoor environment, so all kinds of furniture and walls are translucent, and only the two sides are solid. This also made it very clear to the audience that Ye Xiu was now occupying the top of Fang Rui, and the horizontal distance between the two sides became vertical in an instant.

But Fang Rui on the first floor didn't notice any of these changes. Thinking about it now, he is surrounded by thoughts and energy, and he is in a position where he can accurately ambush the entrance coming in from any direction.

The Tyranny fans who saw this scene jumped, after all, because they knew very well that Ye Xiu had no plans to leave!

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