Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1828: Fang Rui in Tyranny

Although Mo Fan was only pressed against the ceiling by the sound waves, it was enough for Fang Rui. Although the time was short, it was enough for Fang Rui to fight back.


The thought qi condensed in Fang Rui's hand, and it was directly blasted out by a splitting palm, and Mo Fan on the ceiling was directly covered by the palm wind of thinking qi blasted by the splitting palm.


But Mo Fan couldn't just sit still like this. After resisting the palm of his hand, Mo Fan stepped away from the ceiling and returned directly to the ground.


But Fang Rui certainly wouldn't let go of the counterattack opportunity he finally found. Perspective Jin followed Mo Fan's figure, waving his hands to shoot several instant-fired small qigong bombs. The continuous energy bombs whizzed away at Mo Fan, but at the moment Mo Fan exploded, Mo Fan directly turned into a straw man.




Although Mo Fan relied on this skill to leave the place in an instant, Fang Rui did not stop chasing and killing Mo Fan. After all, the room was fighting like this now, even if the avatar had a teleport effect, it would not be able to escape Fang Rui. chase.


There are two exits in this room in total, but facing these two exits, Mo Fan can only look at it like this, but he can't control the character to kill it. Right now, he couldn't break out of the siege. In order to reduce the damage he suffered, Mo Fan could only keep retreating. Dodge around this small room.


This situation was almost exactly the same as Ye Xiu's last game and Fang Rui's feeling. Relying on his own wide-area skills, he attacked the entire room in a wide range, and finally forced Mo Fan's character into the dead corner of the room. At this time, Fang Rui directly launched a more fierce attack, trying to kill the opponent directly with the intensive attack.


In the last match, Ye Xiu used Fang Rui's explosive output to punch a hole in the wall. In the end, he avoided Fang Rui's attack and suppression, but the current Mo Fan? What method will he use to break the current situation? You must know that Ye Xiu had already used the method before. Fang Rui, as a top professional player, naturally couldn't agree to the method and made two mistakes in contact.


In other words, if Mo Fan wants to break through the current predicament, he must come up with a method of his own.


Seeing that Mo Fan directly manipulated one of the character's thighs, he directly retreated to the limit where he could retreat.


Fang Rui's direct attack on the Spiral Mind aura was about to smash at Mo Fan, but after all, this was a qigong master's big move.


Without any hesitation, he saw Mo Fan's hands fluttering, and quickly began to seal.


Ninja? Shadow dance!


Mo Fan directly used the 70th-level big move of a one-hit ninja, and a skill that required complex seals was directly released by Mo Fan in an instant. The next moment Mo Fan was already divided into dozens of clones, and Mo Fan, who had been forced to the point of view, was scattered the next moment.


In a small room, more than a dozen identical figures appeared in an instant, and they erupted in a small space. Such a scene is simply a nightmare of intensive phobia. Completely unable to face this scene.


"Mo Fan is trying to take advantage of the chaos to leave!" Pan Sen immediately shouted when he realized Mo Fan's purpose.


"The player Mo Fan is willing to use his ultimate as an escape skill." Li Yibo also sighed at such a scene.


And those who would feel this way did not know Mo Fan well enough. Tang Yin and Ye Xiu knew very well that Mo Fan, who came from scavenging, put his safety first and escaped first. In order to escape safely in every scavenging activity, He is willing to use any skills.

There are more than a dozen Mo Fan figures, although it is hard to tell whether it is true or false, but the heart of shadow dance can be adjusted at any time according to the owner's needs, switching avatars. In the face of Mo Fan's operation, Fang Rui can only hold on to these two exits, and all the clones can't be spared, but the problem is that Mo Fan is not stupid, and it is impossible to queue up one by one. Two doors, after all, there are so many clones, it is still okay to separate a few to harass some.


Although many fans were unexpectedly out of control, they bumped into Fang Rui's spiraling aura. And disappeared, but there are still a dozen or so.




It's a little difficult!


The Tyranny audience who had completely substituted themselves into Fang Rui's current situation began to frown for a while. There were expressions of helplessness on their faces, but Fang Rui's attacks continued, and various large-scale skills continued to blast at Mo Fanqun.


If Fang Rui was fighting against Ye Xiu before, Tyranny's fans thought that Fang Rui's style of play was too obscene, and his style of play was not strong and gorgeous. But now they finally saw Tyranny's shadow and style in Fang Rui's body.


Sure enough, people interacted with each other. When Tyranny accepted Fang Rui's style of play, it effectively improved Tyranny's defensive ability, and when Tyranny accepted Fang Rui's style of play, Fang Rui was naturally affected by Tyranny's style of play. influences. After all, even if he used defensive play, Tyranny's play was full of momentum.


And now Fang Rui showed his side of Tyranny, which directly welcomed the cheers and applause of Tyranny fans at the scene.


There was thunderous applause at the scene, and in the game, there was already a qigong light and shadow in the room. Originally more than a dozen Mo Fan, under this wave of output from Feng Rui, only a few Mo Hu figures remained.


The whole system projection can intelligently translucent the obstacles that hinder viewing in the screen, but the whole system projection of the character's skills will completely project them. showed.


And now Fang Rui can't care which one is true, which one is Jia, let alone the exit of the group's left and right connections, and he has no intention of using attacks to contain them.


Fang Rui's intention was to use this limited space to spread his skills to every match in the room, so as to completely wipe out the opponent.


Although this is the first time Fang Rui has shown his side of Tyranny, it doesn't mean that he was not prepared before, after all, this is the most brutal playoff!


He has confidence in himself. After a season of running in, Fang Rui has found a balance between his style of play and Tyranny's style of play. He has been in contact with this style of play for half a season, just to catch the opponent by surprise at this time!


At this moment, a year of precipitation, a season of running-in, at this moment, a complete explosion in this small room.


And all the audience now, even if someone throws a flash bomb in front of them, after all, qigong masters are light-type professions, and their skills are naturally dazzling white and golden lightning special effects. Now Fang Rui's large-scale skill coverage has a feeling of Zhang Jiale's hundred-fancy style of play.


In such a splendid skill coverage, if you want to clearly observe the voice of the other party, you must have extremely rich experience.


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