Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1956: Who can bear it?

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 1956 Who can afford it? (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

But even though Ye Xiu had been smashed into the magma now, the professional players knew very well that things were definitely not that simple. Sure enough, they soon discovered that Lord Grim, who fell into the lava, also had follow-up actions. After all, since Ye Xiu dared to play loose people, he naturally understood the disadvantages of loose people. How could Ye Xiu be so easy to be cooked? Not to mention that the guy was still in the mood to talk trash just now.


The moment he fell into the magma and splashed the magma into a burst of scarlet waves, Ye Xiu had already manipulated Lord Grim to complete the seal in his hand. Because of the cover of the magma, it would be difficult for them to spot it if they weren't from a killer's perspective. And Ye Xiu completed all the seals in an instant.

Although falling into magma has become an established fact, the industry also relied on this moment to get rid of Han Wenqing's melee bunt restriction in the desert, and he can finally use the skills of other occupations after the distance.


Hearing a soft sound, Ye Xiu who was in the magma had turned into a puff of white smoke. After all, Ye Xiu's shadow avatar had only a little bit of crispy blood, and it wasn't enough for the magma to burn. Almost instantly, the figure of Ye Xiu who had fallen into the magma disappeared.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Relying on these characteristics, the skill Ye Xiu used was very obvious, it was the ninja skill that Ye Xiu often used with his teleportation skill.

And if this is a clone, where did Ye Xiu's real body go?

Snapped! Gu Dong!

I heard two voices, and the scarlet magma splashed again. The place where the waves splashed, it was better that Ye Xiu was the place where the avatar disappeared.

what's going on? Why did Ye Xiu's figure appear where he originally disappeared? Everyone who saw this scene for a while was very confused.

Of course, the position where Ye Xiu appeared now could not be where Ye Xiu's real body was originally. In this way, there is only one explanation, that is, Ye Xiu's shadow-hitting clone was interrupted by Han Wenqing, and he directly hit him back.

Playback! No matter how intense the battle is at this moment, everyone should watch the replay just now, otherwise everyone will not understand, what happened at that moment?

"Little Yin, what the **** is going on? Isn't Ye Xiu already out of the way?" Chen Guo obviously couldn't wait for a reply, so she directly asked Tang Yin next to her.

"Because of the eagle stepping, Han Wenqing stepped on the sixth foot!" Tang Yin explained.

Eagle Step... Sixth Foot!

You must know that under normal circumstances, the eagle stepping on the hexagon is already the limit of this skill. It is precisely because of this that Ye Xiu seized the moment when the Eagle Step skill ended and used the Shadow Clone. In the end, Han Wenqing stepped on the sixth foot directly and forcefully used Ye Xiu's Shadow Clone skill. interrupt.

The just-exploded Jia clones also exploded due to magma damage because Ye Xiu failed to release his skills. The real body was directly stepped on before it flashed out completely.

The sixth step on the eagle's foot was really unexpected, but Ye Xiu didn't seem so surprised.

After all, the original limit where the Eagle Step could only step on five feet was at level 70. Now that the 75th level has been opened, the level cap of this skill can be raised again. Although theoretically, even if one hit is improved, the skill introduction can still only kick five kicks, but what if there is an attribute that increases this skill on the weapons and equipment? Can this upper limit continue to be raised?

So although this scene is a bit surprising, it is not too surprising.

After all, the principle is very simple, that is, in the current equipment of Desert Guyan, there is a skill level of the eagle stepping, which allows Han Wenqing's eagle stepping to guess the effect of the sixth foot.

This is difficult for the opponent to understand when he does not see the opponent's skills being displayed. After all, everyone's equipment is silver weapon, and various attributes are hidden. You must know that since the deal with Tang Yin last season, Han Wenqing's character, Desert Guyan, has no orange equipment all over his body.

But Tang Yin and Ye Xiu understood it, but it didn't mean that the audience and the commentators understood it, but whether they understood it or not, it was the most intuitive fact that Han Wenqing broke Ye Xiu's shadow clone. For some reason, the Tyranny fans rushed forward with a burst of applause.

So the next moment, amid the intense applause at the scene, Ye Xiu waved the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella again and jumped out of the magma, his whole body rushing up like a dragon going out to sea. The remaining magma flames around the body also began to fall down continuously. A small area of ​​fire rain splashed directly.

This time, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella did not change into any form, and just smashed it directly at the deserted smoke.

However, it is not correct to say that it has not changed in any form. After all, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella without deformation is actually a weapon belonging to the priesthood. At this time, Ye Xiu could naturally use the skills of the priesthood. Many people have also seen this skill of Ye Xiu, the official knight skill of the priesthood: Heroic Jump!

In the face of Ye Xiu's successive skills, Han Wenqing is also very powerless. There is no way, he can predict that Ye Xiu will use the shadow clone to dodge, after all, this is Ye Xiu's most commonly used skills below level 20 and has the highest success rate. . It is also the most appropriate to use in such cases, and it is not difficult to use pre-judgment.

So after Han Wenqing finished stepping on the fifth eagle, he made a very targeted pause, deliberately selling Ye Xiu a neutral position, and then stepped on the sixth. It was very accurate to cut off Ye Xiu's shadow clone.

But now, heroic jumping...

This skill is not a small skill below level 20. In other words, it is Ye Xiu's professional skill in the form of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. After all, in addition to the specific class transfer skills, the skills have been awakened. In theory, all middle and high-level skills can be brought to weapons by means of skill scrolls. And it's not particularly troublesome.

In this regard, since Tang Yin and Ye Xiu appeared, the skills of each team's sparring with weapons have also changed, because such adjustments can often give opponents a surprise. But even so, there was nothing they could do compared to Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella has twelve forms, and according to their research in so many games, Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella can not only use one skill per form, but also Two, which is equivalent to twenty-four skill slots.

Twenty-four skills covering six major professional departments, such a surprise professional league player can bear it?

"Treading the Stars"

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