Full-time Occupation

Chapter 836: Grassroots

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The silver equipment in the alliance has made new breakthroughs, and Team Happy has finally improved.

With a lot of information in hand, Luo Ji, first of all, of course directly began to study the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The Thousand Chance Umbrella Ye Xiu had all kinds of materials at hand. After giving it to Luo Ji, the research progress was quite gratifying. Luo Ji has now figured out the underlying trigger data of part of the materials in Tang Yin's guild warehouse.

Those material combinations can synthesize those attributes, what effect will it have on the equipment, and so on. They were dug out by Luo Ji, which made Tang Yin and the others lament Luo Ji's ability more than once. If you work harder, they won't have to use Tang Yin's luck version and upgrade with orange martial arts and orange equipment as templates.

But like other teams, according to the various characteristics of the players, tailor-made the most suitable self-made equipment.

With the passage of time, on February 8, another four god-level characters completed their weapon upgrades in the new round of competition today.

This time it was a wildfire on the right hand revolver with a shot through the clouds in Samsara.

Tiny Herb God-level character Wang Buluhang's extinction star.

Lan Yu's main force, Huang Shaotian, is annoying with the icy rain at night.

And the blazing red fist of Tyranny Desert Guyan, who is now in full swing.

Of course, it was the same as before, because it was mainly composed of materials from the common area, matched with the materials of the 75 copies of the realm of the gods. But these are not the limits of these equipment, but they can only be used first, at least these equipment is always one level stronger than the seventy-fifth level of Orange Wu.

From this day on, it seems that the major guilds have accepted the fact that everyone's materials are very limited. Although they can't research the best equipment, they have also upgraded their equipment.

After that, whether it was Misty Wind’s staff, Tribulation of the Wind, the Devil May Cry of the Mountain, and the Curse of the Weapon and Staff of Blue Rain’s Sok'sar, they also carried out a wave of optimization upgrades.

Tang San's claw blood sacrifice to the soul, the scythe that sweeps the floor and incense, and the lonely shield, the wall of sighs, and other equipment have also been upgraded...

And these are all famous equipment in the glory weapon spectrum, a series of updates to weapons and equipment, once again pushing the game to its peak. This kind of explosion of level 75 equipment is definitely what players want to see most after the Glory update to level 75, and now they have finally got what they wanted.

Of course, while players are paying attention to the well-known equipment in these leagues, many people are also curious about Excellent Era who has not started playing offline games because of being out, what about their current equipment?

The spear of One Autumn Leaf is evil.

The rifle flash of life and death.

Dancing Rain's hand cannon swallowed the sun.

These are top-notch equipment in the entire professional circle, have they strengthened and succeeded now? To what extent has the success been strengthened. To be honest, they are really curious.

But there is no way, now Excellent Era is out, is there a challenge match during this time, they want to see Excellent Era's weapons and equipment, but they can't open it. However, there are a lot of analysis marketing accounts on Excellent Era's weapons and equipment strengthening direction on the Internet.

But everyone didn't pay attention to it for too long. After all, it was useless for them to pay attention to it before the challenge. Compared to Excellent Era, the upgrade of the equipment of the small and medium teams has attracted the attention of many players.

Among them, the three teams, Yueyun, He Wu, and Zhaohua, are the most prominent.

These three teams are also considered difficult brothers in this round of the league. Their rankings are between 13 and 15 and their scores are also very stable. Although they seem to be on the edge of the out zone, they are actually very stable. Safety. But that's it.

Now they are in a very embarrassing situation, because if they rank higher, whether they can make the playoffs or not, if their scores are lower, there are also entanglements about whether they can hold their seats and not be eliminated. These are also highlights. But now their position is a bit lagging, and they are still very stable.

But this way, there is no game to watch, and their home income is destined to be very limited. Not only is the home box office limited, but according to the league's statistics, they are also the least watched. This is not too bad for a club.

But these are the three inconspicuous teams, and the two teams that pay little attention to them. However, a wave of face was revealed in this equipment update. Since the speed of equipment development is not at all lost to those giants, players are very surprised. After all, the major guilds can update their equipment so quickly because of their profound background. But they?

And these players didn't know it was the major guilds that they thought had deep roots. Last year, Tang Yin had already cried for the wool. But he thought that there was no material for these teams. With their cooperation, this year, the profits were full!

These players are not very clear, they are mainly watching a lively. Seeing this scene is just an expression of my surprise and disappeared. However, the guild departments where the big teams were blocked in the toilets all directed their hatred towards Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. These two people are simply the realm of gods, oh no, they are simply the scourge of the glory game!

If it weren't for their sudden appearance, from the beginning of the trouble, to the inexplicable alliance afterwards, and finally against their tower guilds' wild boss monopoly, these two guys had come up with it.

Although the four guilds, including Yi Zhan, seemed to them to be just picking up things, but they are not the same when they unite. Even if Tang Yin and the others did not lead the team because of training, Chen Guo also took it with him. People from their guild have joined. The combined forces of the five guilds still dominate, and Wu Chen's arrival afterwards is a qualitative leap.

Another week, excluding the small stove Tang Yin opened for his team, Wu Chen took the three-quarters of the wild map boss that their five teams monopolized. These do not include the 75th-level wild map boss who is still struggling.

One can imagine how bleak the guilds of the various teams have been this year...

That is to say, with such benefits, UU reading www.uukanshu.com gave them the capital to develop self-made equipment. Compared with them, although it looks like howling and misty rain, these teams have achieved quite good results this season. But the follow-up development of their self-made equipment is very weak. I think Misty Rain is even more likely to have no grains for three consecutive weeks. In such a situation, what kind of enhanced equipment do they have?

And these are the pots of Tang Yin and Lord Grim. God knows how many guild leaders in the toilet have pierced through how many grass men with their names written...


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