Full-time Occupation

Chapter 961: break out

From the beginning of the game to the present, Xiao Shiqin has been thinking about a question, why can the opponent know their position accurately? I could barely use Tang Yin's observation of them as an excuse when I was doing the main road outside before, but now in the various grenade special effects, how does the opponent's gunner know their position.

You must know that Tang Yinhe and Zhang Jiale’s Hundred Fancy style of play this time is not the Flower and Blood Scenery. The Flower and Blood Scenery is the style of the Berserkers. Zhang Jiale and their Hundred Fancy styles are all for Sun Zheping. Will leave enough room for Sun Zheping to observe his opponent. But now it's different. Now Tang Yinhe and Zhang Jiale are completely aiming at filling the space with explosive special effects.

Only Tang Yinhui should pay attention to match Ye Xiu's output environment. But to say that Tang Yin can have a panoramic view of all of them, Xiao Shiqin didn't believe it, at least from the perspective of Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou.

Although this idea was denied by him at the beginning, isn't there a word in the detective world? When all the impossible is eliminated, then the impossible is the truth. Tang Yin is indeed using electronic eyes!

After learning that Sun Zheping had joined Happy, Xiao Shiqin was studying how to crack this play. And the method he found was the electronic eye, because he also discovered that the scene of blood and flowers can see the distribution of characters in the sky.

And Tang Yin was definitely observing them through the electronic eye, and he might have used it from the beginning of the game, but he didn't find it.

With the direction, Xiao Shiqin immediately said: "Cover me!" After Xiao Shiqin finished speaking, he began to summon the air combat machine.

But to summon the air combat machine needs to read the article, so he needs someone to help. After hearing Xiao Shiqin's words, Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei did not hesitate to come directly to her, turning on two grenade and Wu Chen's howitzer.

Soon after Xiao Shiqin's reading, Sun Xiang and the others helped him block the next wave of attacks, his air combat machinery was also summoned, and he flew directly into the air. Xiao Shiqin's intention is simple. Although he has not found Tang Yin's electronic eye, Tang Yin's electronic eye is an enemy unit after all, and as long as the enemy unit appears within the range of the aerial machinery, the AI ​​will automatically attack.

At this time, Tang Yin also sent out Xiao Shiqin's actions from the electronic eyes, but now he really has no good way. After all, he will use various skills to suppress this Excellent Era person.

The two sniper rifle skills were used to support Ye Xiu, and the other skills, the gunner's skill, were too shaken, which would directly interrupt his grenade output.

If he used it and stopped the grenade, he would have no cover. At that time, he was telling everyone of Excellent Era of his position, and they came to set him on fire.

The beating of five people, even if Lao Ye guessed it, was enough.

But now the advantage is almost established. Now their blood volume is very healthy, and the blood volume of everyone in Excellent Era is less than half, then the priest is entertained by Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu, and now it is directly the residual blood, and Because he has been working hard to reply to his teammates during this period, his blue bars are also very limited.

So now that they have such a high advantage, they won't suffer directly from hitting them.

Ye Xiu also noticed Xiao Shiqin's movements. Knowing that Tang Yin's electronic eyes could not be kept, he said immediately: "Encircle and suppress!"

There is no way that e-sports can change quickly. The simpler the various instructions, the better.

Tang Yin directly fired an anti-tank shell on the aerial machinery that had just exploded his electronic eye. Then a floating shovel hit Xiao Shiqin. Ye Xiu also hoped to use the grenades that hadn't exploded to fight a wave of cover. But Tang Yin's attack was blocked by Sun Xiang who was guarding Xiao Shiqin's side.

"Finally don't hide?" Sun Xiang mocked and typed in the public channel.

"If you don't come out, just kill you like this, how big is your psychological shadow?" Tang Yin also directly exploded with speed. With so many words, it just didn't affect his operation.

Sun Xiang didn't say much. Now that he has broken the opponent's style of play, he is no more careful, and immediately starts to blast his hand speed, starting with the battle mage's ultimate move-Dou Po Shanhe!

In the face of Xiao Shiqin's attack, Tang Yin in the sliding shovel shot to the ground, flying into the game with a huge stone cone blasted from the ground. Against Sun Xiang, there was a wave of air warfare. This time it was not only Sun Xiang, but Tang Yin also added Xiao Shiqin and Qiu Fei to the attack range.

As for why they didn't run, because they were all suppressed by Ye Xiu now. When Ye Xiu initiated the command of the general offensive, he, like Tang Yin, listed Xiao Shiqin as the first target, but Qiu Fei blocked his hand. But this is the number of shells that have already blasted. It is Wu Chen's screen tactics in cooperation with Ye Xiu!

In the end, Wang Zezhu was directly submerged in Zhang Jiale's hundred-fancy style of play, and Zhang Jiale's strength not only suppressed Wang Ze, but also suppressed the opponent's treatment.

Now, not only did the audience fail to respond to this sudden change in the situation, but even the commentator Li Yibo did not respond.

After all, like before, Happy could completely directly control the entire GG suppressed by Excellent Era. Why did it suddenly become a general attack?

"It was Xiao Shiqin who discovered the way to crack Tang Yin's mechanical eye. Although he didn't know where Tang Yin's mechanical eye was, the AI ​​of the air combat mechanical could find the enemy unit. Since the electronic eye was destroyed, continue with the previous attack. The method only affects Wu Chen's attack perspective. After all, in terms of the accuracy with which Excellent Era players can deal with grenade, they have specially studied this kind of play. It is meaningless to continue." Zhang Xinjie explained.

Just as Zhang Xinjie was explaining, Tang Yin, who had no previous play restrictions, began to perform with Ye Xiu.

Tang Yin’s random shooting had just begun, and countless bullets rained from the sky, directly flooding Sun Xiang and the others, and Sun Xiang also gave the previous fights to the mountains and rivers, and the characters were covered by Tang Yin’s bullets while they were still stiff, both Xiao Shiqin and Qiu Fei was once again entangled by Ye Haoruo, who was coordinated with the screen tactics, and the younger generations were exposed to Tang Yin.

As soon as the main force of the two sides handed over, Excellent Era was taken over here. Suppress, but this is not over yet. Seeing the three people stiffened by Tang Yin, Ye Xiu threw the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand. Between became a war sickle.

The war sickle danced and drew a circle on the ground, which is the ascension formation. Directly fly three hits. The next step is the big reward for the individual moves. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and after the random shooting ended, Tang Yin's hand speed was also directly raised, and the two attacked and moved each other. But the three opponents were firmly trapped in the air, and there was no chance of coming down. At this moment, their advantages of many skills are undoubtedly displayed.

"What's the situation? Why don't Sun Xiang and the others interrupt. If this goes on, don't they have to be linked to death?" This is the thought of all the audience. And Li Yibo asked them directly for them.

"It's very simple, because it can't be done." Wang Jiexi said.

"Because the two of them are still cooperating with each other to use the shadow step when they are attacking each other..." Zhang Xinjie doesn't know how to evaluate it. You must know that the shadow step is essentially a kind of field of vision. The way of avoidance is very difficult to achieve by one person alone, but now they can achieve it at the same time, and it is still under the control of three people...


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