Full-time Occupation

Chapter 998: Misleading

"I really didn't lie," Ye Xiu said. After all, he lied to ghosts, um, ghost swordsmen are also ghosts.

"But we haven't arrived yet..." Li Xuan ruthlessly exposed Ye Xiu's lie.

"Ah? Is that so? Then you don't need to come here. It's just over, and the sanitation workers of Tiny Herb have already begun to clean and draw closer." Ye Xiu was not embarrassed to be exposed at all.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Li Xuan.

There are Baihua people, but Ye Xiu and Yu Feng are not very familiar after all, and they didn't look for him again. Instead, I just drove it all and let me say: "Don't fight yet?"

"Lao Ye, I heard your voice. Where are you two improper people? So are Xiao Yin. Don't hide. Lao Ye is here. You must be nearby. Don’t think about your conspiracies. They are all useless. That..." A swordsman jumped out directly from Lan Yu, with a series of essays showing the identity of the person who came.

"He is Huang Shaotian, everyone should focus on him soon, don't hesitate, take it away in one wave!" Ye Xiu continued to roar.

Boom boom boom boom!

And the major guilds did not hesitate at all. Ye Xiu used the voice and couldn't find who it was. But Huang Shaotian has blew himself up, so how could they get used to it. After all, if he is gone, isn't their pressure directly missing a part? Therefore, all kinds of long-range attacks swept towards Huang Shaotian.

"I TM...... Lao Ye, you shameless, you must not die!" Huang Shaotian was dodged everywhere by Ye Xiu's sudden pit, and even Lan Yu's group was forced to retreat. There was no way, although Huang Shaotian was attacking, but some of the attacks were so accurate, and I didn't want Ye Xiu and the others to leave the main force before.

Now Huang Shaotian is right next to the Blue Rain team, and many players from Blue Creek Pavilion are also within the attack range, especially the players of Tiny Herb, which is even more excessive. Various skills such as lava flasks are almost indistinguishable. threw. Just borrowing this is to fight the people of Lanxi Pavilion.

"The sad shot is Ye Xiu, everyone, don't hesitate, we are the first to set him on fire, that is the battle mage!" This is Shi Lei Ting's players said together. But it is obvious who instructed it.

"Don't be fooled by Xiao Shiqin. I have eight computers on my side. The eight vests can be changed at any time. It would be a waste of time to kill me. Please don't fall into the enemy's divorce!" Ye Xiu almost lied. Just open your mouth and come. Everyone in Xingxin's training room looked sideways. Even though they had a lot of computers, they didn't open eight stations for him. Why are you so fluent in nonsense when you open your mouth?

"Provoke a hammer, are we the enemy number?" Huang Shaotian, who was caught in the fire, stopped typing, and said directly in his voice.

"The perpetrator is Xiao Shiqin, everyone has priority to beat him." Wu Chen saw that the other party had cheated them, he also called the guild members to report the other party's vest ID.

"Don't be fooled, I'm driving ten computers here, so let's focus on Ye Xiu first!" He directly absorbed Ye Xiu's words and said.

"Is Xiao Shiqin deceiving the ghost swordsman of the void? When we haven't been to your sister's Thunder training room, where do you have more than ten computers?" Ye Xiu pointed out the loopholes in Xiao Shiqin's results.

Everyone is right, Happy and the others have never been. Everyone from Thunder has visited it. There are so many extra computers in their training room. I didn't say that the major guilds have another target to focus on fire. No way, this is the treatment of professional players in this situation...

For the duck batches mixed in the scene for a time, the several big guilds will gather fire on this one, and then fire on that one. If a crowd of onlookers who don't know the truth come here, it is estimated that there are many bosses here. But the fact is, the real boss is still resting comfortably in the middle.

Obviously, although the current situation looks a bit chaotic, everyone’s judgment is very clear. They all know what everyone’s purpose is. It’s not time to attack the Dragon Swordsman. Now the hatred of the other party will be The fire was set by the rest of the people. Now it is not the players leading the team, but the professional players leading the team. If this is set on fire, it is estimated that even the scum will be careless by then.

So now everyone is expecting someone to make mistakes, but everyone is a professional player, who would make some low-level mistakes? When none of them reported their hope, Ye Xiu's Battle Mage suddenly came out and ran to the wild map boss.

This moment made everyone happy. After all, who didn't expect what kind of things the Great God of Destruction, now the major guilds are protecting their own Great God very well, but now that another one has come out on the initiative, isn't this giving them a goal? I didn't say that a bunch of attacks attacked Ye Xiu like a tide.

But Ye Xiu didn't hesitate to move to the wild boss again.

"This guy is not going to open the boss at this time?" Someone said with surprise that Ye Xiu had stepped into the scope of Dragon Swordsman's hatred.

They didn't expect that Ye Xiu would make such a mistake as a textbook of glory. For a while, everyone was even more excited. They only thought that Ye Xiu had made a mistake in this chaotic situation. There was no need to communicate between the big guilds, and they started to go straight to Ye Xiu. Xiu launched an attack, and was about to kick Happy out of the game after a while.

But after Ye Xiu entered the range of Dragon Swordsman's hatred, the Dragon Swordsman moved, and before Ye Xiu attacked him, he was ready to stand up and give Ye Xiu one. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was also when Ye Xiu suddenly changed the direction of movement.

Is it late?

Everyone was looking forward to the actions of the Dragon Swordsman, and the Dragon Swordsman did not disappoint them, and saw the Dragon Swordsman jumping high, which was a very domineering blow to the mountain, and he slashed at the thunder... .

and many more! Thunder?

Everyone hadn't realized that Ye Xiu had already arrived at Thunder, along with the wild boss' attack. This is what Xiao Shiqin realized was wrong, Ye Xiu was using a misleading attack at this time!

He should have just attacked Ye Xiu's relationship. Ye Xiu suddenly turned the corner and attracted the Wildtu boss, making their attack reach the Wildtu boss, directly causing their hatred to surpass Ye Xiu, the guy who just entered the hatred range.

This directly forces the Thunder to be directly in front of the wild map boss, but this is a 75th level wild map boss, can it be killed so easily? Seeing the Dragon Swordsman flying up and down in the ring, other guilds also started to smash the thunder in a friendly manner.

As for the explanation, Xiao Shiqin's passage is even more useless. This time the command is at a professional level. Who can't tell? After all, this reduces the chance of a competitor. They all began to cooperate with the wild map boss to besiege Thunder...

Seeking Xiao Shiqin's psychological shadow area...


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