Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1440: Our Undead

"We have not prepared the combat power of the Forbidden Magic Mage in the four battlefields."

The undead sea monsters, the sea monsters assembled in the three oceans, and the sea monsters pouring in from the big hole in the sky, the distribution of combat power was based on these three battlefields at the beginning, and no combat power was reserved to deal with the submarine pyramids.

In a sense, the submarine pyramid is a magical empire, and it is the revenge of the people of Atlantis.

Atlantis practiced the azure magic similar to Li Kaifeng's, which made his body mutate, becoming closer to the sea monster, gaining stronger magic power and water adaptability, making him more suitable for living in the sea.

And the Atlantis Demon God Art, the prototype of the Zhanlan Magic, was secretly spread by the Leng Yuemou Demon God, with the purpose of turning Atlantis, the sea country, into its own gods and people.

In the end, the human beings in Atlantis turned into a kind of sea monster that looked like a human but not human, and was exterminated.

Hua Zhanhong looked at those Pyramid Sea Clans rushing towards the Pearl River, planning to swim along the Pearl River to Zhucheng as if they were making dumplings. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will lead people to guard the entrance of the Pearl River."

Zhaohua shook his head, and said calmly: "No, you have your own responsibility, you left, and once the demon god Leng Yuemou appears, everyone will die."

Now that there is no Qinglong, the Leng Yuemou demon god must have someone who can deal with it. The only fortunate thing is that the country still has the head of the national army.

Although Hua Zhanhong majored in water, it was definitely not enough compared to the demon god Leng Yuemou. Even if the demon god Leng Yuemou was seriously injured because of Qinglong, Zhaohua speculated that the demon god Leng Yuemou must have regained it. The Eye of the Tide, although it may not be able to control the God's Eye at will like the Demon Capital at the beginning, and it may not be installed on itself, but it must still have the power of the Shiyuan Emperor.

Therefore, Hua Zhanhong needs to team up with several forbidden curse mages to resist the cold moon eye demon god.

And Nalan Long, the head of the Eastern Military Region, has led the mages of the Pengcheng Forbidden Curse Society to the forefront. Now that the Dragon King of the East China Sea has appeared, it is impossible for Nalan Long, who has the strength of the three lines of Forbidden Curse, to watch. He must stop the Dragon King of the East China Sea .

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is almost a little emperor second only to the Emperor Shiyuan. When Khufu came to attack the country, he ignored it and concentrated his efforts to deal with it. He knew that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was more terrifying than Khufu.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea didn't even pay attention to the anti-sea dikes and Pengcheng. With endless anger, he rolled up a sea tornado, crossed Pengcheng like a bridge, and went straight to Haiyuan Emperor Dragon in the south city.

It can't bear the disrespect of this inferior dragon to itself.

The forbidden curse mages and shrine mages of the Yaodu Forbidden Curse Association also went to Tianque Cave to jointly resist the attack of the four sub-kings, sea monsters. Meng Dao Tree's defense cannot defend against the emperor, and the Forbidden Curse Mage must take action.

The sea defense dams on the front line and the Jinyao barrier in Pengcheng cannot last for too long, and forcing out the emperor is only the most basic condition. Afterwards, to beat back the Kraken and win the battle, what is needed is to destroy the Asian Emperor who came in through the big hole while the defensive barrier and various defensive buildings are still there and before the foundation is exhausted.

Afterwards, the mages of the eastern military region in Pengcheng and the mages of the southern military region on the frontline sea defense dams were asked to retreat to lengthen the battle line.

Let the Sea-Monster lose its geographical advantage, and rely on the background of the Yaodu City and the Jinyao enchantment to fight with its back and kill more emperors. This made the Sea-Monster fearful and unwilling to suffer more losses from the emperors and retreated.

There are thirty-four Forbidden Curse Mages in Pengcheng and Yaodu plus the two military regions, and there are already fourteen Sea Demon Emperors. Although there are more forbidden curse mages, in fact the combat power of the two sides is seriously unequal.

To repel the sea monster at least half of the emperors need to be killed, and the ideal goal of Zhaohua and others is to exchange four for one.

This is the ideal goal.

This ideal goal is still based on the power possessed by Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan, otherwise, this ideal is just a fantasy.

That is to say, most of the forbidden curse mages who were still with Zhaohua just now have gone out, and it is impossible to come back, including the mages like Yuyi Ningxin who came to support.

What's more, there are now three more undead emperors and millions of Atlantean murloc warriors. These are elite warriors, even commanders and monarchs. These were not counted at the beginning.

part of the budget.

"Once the dream tree is destroyed and the geographical conditions are lost, it will be even more impossible to compete with the sea monster!"

The biggest function of the Dream Dao Tree is to allow low-level mages to play a role in resisting and destroying slaves and warrior-level sea monsters.

At the beginning, the reason why Mo Fan and Qinglong could not cause any harm to the two great emperors of Shiyuan was because the emperors could use the slave sea-monster as a meat shield, even if it was Qinglong's dragon breath, a million sea-monsters could be used as a meat shield to block it without injury .

The same is true for mages. If they lose the protection of the huge dream tree branches, they will not be able to stand in the air, and will be swallowed by endless sea monsters. Human beings cannot fly after all, and most mages have no ability to fly.

Zhaohua still shook his head, looked in the direction of Meng Daoshu, and said, "Wait."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"Wait for someone, a miracle."

Zhaohua then smiled and denied, "I'm wrong, wait for a ghost."


In the small villa in the Death Mountain in Congcheng Forest Park, Ji Shaohan was sitting on the Shenmu Emperor's coffin, shaking her calf, and it was not her appearance yet.

Yuyi Ningmeng, who was defeated by Ji Shaoan back then, is also here, as is Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning said in a deep voice: "A dark pyramid has appeared, and there are millions of Atlantean elite murloc warriors and three undead Titans with the strength of Asian emperors entering the Pearl City from the Pearl River."

Yuyi Ningmeng looked towards the direction of the black mist, and said in horror: "No wonder I feel an abnormal force of darkness. Once the sea monster invades Zhucheng and destroys the dream tree, it will be over."

Yu Yi Ningmeng looked at Ji Shaohan and said, "Should we wait?"

Ji Shaohan sat leisurely on the Shenmu Emperor's coffin containing Feng Zhoulong's corpse. If Feng Zhoulong knew that Ji Shaohan was sitting on the coffin containing his own corpse like this, he would definitely be cheating.


Yuyi Ningmeng said anxiously: "But the Feng Zhoulong you mentioned may not be able to complete the ultimate method. If you can't wait, the demon capital will be gone."

Ji Shaohan looked at Yuyi Ningmeng, who was one year younger than himself, and Yuyi Ningmeng would come to support even if he was desperate, Ji Shaohan also guessed something.

There is no way, so once Guo Xiang met Yang Guo, he missed his life, and now there is another one who missed his life.

Ji Shao shook his head silently and said, "I'm not waiting for Old Feng."

"wait for me?"

? ? ? !

Suddenly, Yuyi Ningmeng, Zhang Ning, and Ji Shao suddenly looked at the door, and a beautiful figure appeared at the door, no, more precisely, it was a ghost, or a female ghost.

"Don't forget what you said."

Empress Jiuyou! What Ji Shaoan and Zhao Hua were waiting for was not the completion of Feng Zhoulong's method, but Shayuan! !

We also have our own undead! There are not only the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, but also the Pyramid of the Kraken at the bottom of the sea. We also have our own guardian spirits!

The space is distorted, the giant dragon rises and falls, and millions of ghost soldiers appear in the endless ghost city!

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