Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1756 The ultimate deception!


"be cheated."

Standing in front of the magic god, Zhaohua finally couldn't help laughing.

The origin catalog opened, and a piece of paper flew out from the origin catalog.

The origin catalog has no fighting power. It is just a book, which is used for preservation. It was only because Zhaohua established a contract to snatch back what was saved from Fallen Saint King Wentai. It has never been sold, because it It is a book, used to preserve knowledge.

And the real focus is not on the catalog of origins, but on that piece of paper.

No, that piece of paper is not the point. When the paper appeared, it was quickly destroyed, and the piece of paper was useless. It was the information on it that was important.

Ultimate magic.

What Zhaohua got from getting the White Feather Sacred Willow, and the secret to destroy the world from the mysterious town!

Zhaohua actually knew who created this method from the moment he got it.

It is not the ancient Indians, nor the so-called Yama people, but the method created by the magic world itself, and the magic world created the method to destroy itself.

With a crisp sound of Pu, the magic seat broke open, and it turned out to be empty inside! Nothing at all!

! ! ! ! ! !

All the rulers, including the Dark King and the Holy Lord, as well as the Heart of the Plane and the Will of the Dark Plane, all showed expressions of horror.

Although Zhaohua had lost his strength and could no longer see that far, he guessed what the master of the plane was looking like at this moment.

Zhaohua showed a proud smile, opened his hands to look at the coming plane power in the sky, and said with a smile: "Humans are not only good at deceiving and being deceived, but also very greedy."

"How could I be so satisfied!"

"Finish your own end, the wizarding world, that's enough."

The sky ladder disappeared, and Zhaohua opened his hands and fell from a height of a thousand meters. Fortunately, there was a little windworm, otherwise Zhaohua might be the first master to fall to his death.

Chirp! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A crisp sound of birdsong came from the real Shenmu well, and the colorful divine bird reappeared in the world! ! ! ! !

There was no magic god from the beginning. In order to complete the final magic and destroy the magic world, nine kinds of magic power are needed. How can it be possible for normal people, even Mo Fan, he just has too many magic powers, and it is impossible to have enough magic energy to destroy the entire world.

So Zhaohua understood from the very beginning that the magic god would not be born in the first place, because the colorful bird will use the power of the whole world to launch this final magic, which is a self-explosive magic.

Zhaohua knew the true identity of the colorful divine bird from the moment he entered the colorful Tianchi.

Every plane has a creature that can predict the future, and has the ability to perceive the flow of magic energy in the world, like the Laplace monster, and that is the will of the world itself.

The mysterious town is the place where the gods were born. It is not the master of magic that can actually fight the ultimate magic, but the magic world itself.

But it's not suicidal.

The colorful divine bird activated the nine elemental places, and the nine places suddenly shone brightly. The magic gods never appeared, and all the elemental power has been concentrated in these nine places.

Straight lines of elements are connected in the magic world, forming a huge world magic circle!

Boom! ! In an instant, the plane barrier of the magic world completely disappeared, and he was completely in contact with the three major planes!

All the rulers are stupid. The power of the three planes originally had to smash the barriers of the magic world to reach the magic world. Now they destroy themselves? !

When the plane barrier completely disappeared, the three planes were connected together with the magic world as the center.

Zhaohua closed his eyes, although he has no magic, but he can feel the breeze.

The center of the nine magical lands is the mysterious town, and the power of the three planes is also coming to the mysterious town, and Mo Fan is lying on the mysterious town.

Breaking is only the first step, and standing is the ultimate goal.

Zhaohua is only responsible for destroying the world, he never did the creation.

"Fusion magic—infinite creation—plane fusion!!"

Seeing the moment Mo Fan stood up, and the moment Zhaohua's three major plane powers were on Mo Fan, all the masters immediately understood how Wen Tai died, and what he understood before he died.

Zhaohua's magic is completely different from Emperor Xuanyuan's Human King Sword. As Zhaohua said, his Human King Sword is not used to kill people or seal them.

Zhaohua's man, Wang Jian, transmits power.

Wen Tai will die, not because he was killed by Wang Jian, but because Zhaohua transmitted his power to Wen Tai's death theocracy, so that the power of the death theocracy's cubs surpassed Wen Tai's, and he was backlashed by the death theocracy and died!

Zhaohua's sword has no attack power, but transmits power, passing all the power of the plane to Mo Fan, and the final magic of the colorful bird breaks the barriers of the planes, completely linking the three planes, plus Now that the power of the five planes is in hand, plus the power of the magic world, Mo Fan's control over the planes is beyond imagination.

Surpass the power of the master, fuse the pinnacle of magic, fuse all divine power, divine soul, and divine blood together, fuse all plane worlds, and create a brand new world!

But even adding the power of all the magic worlds is not enough. It is impossible to use only one world to perform this fusion magic, unless it is very accidental. in an annihilated world.

Death and blood are in the magic world, and Parthenon's spirit and Baiyu Shengliu temporarily borrowed to purify the spirit. Although only the power of Narcissus exists in the summoning plane, don't forget, three of them are sealed.

The light of the colorful divine bird tilts the earth and pierces the void. In the end, the magic is to end the whole world and return to nothingness, including the power of the three planes that have entered, will be returned to nothingness and re-transformed.

The world itself will disappear, and the elements will naturally disappear. The purpose of the multicolored bird to destroy the world is to obtain huge energy.


Pang, the colorful divine bird has completely disappeared, and all of Mo Fan's plane powers have also disappeared. Mo Fan sacrificed five plane powers, including his own Parthenon spirit and all the power of the magic world, leaving only Ye Xinxia His soul is in his body, although this soul no longer has the power of the soul, but it is the most important thing to Mo Fan.

Zhaohua even passed on the method of separation to Mo Fan.

Boom boom boom! ! The whole world is changing drastically. Mo Fan just launched the fusion. All he can fuse is the power of the planes. The power of all the planes is fused into one, and the gaps between the planes are fused into a huge one. the power of.

Not only does Zhaohua want to return to Ji Shao, he is very greedy.

Mo Fan merged the intervals of all the planes, and there will be no interplanetary intervals after that. All the worlds of the three major planes can come and go freely. Even the will of the plane will change.

In the end, whether they will be merged into one or separated into several, neither Zhaohua nor Mo Fan can say for sure.

But what is certain is that without divine power and divine soul, it is equivalent to losing the so-called master of the world, all the worlds will be in chaos, and all masters will have no plane power.

This is the result Zhaohua wanted.

If you fight, you will definitely not win, so turn the table over and everyone will start playing again.

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