Full-time Summoner

Chapter 304 Entering the Catacombs

Unlike our country, the United States was founded for a very short time and was only established in modern times. Even the reason for their establishment is very mysterious, as if it popped up suddenly.

Zhaohua also read from history books that the United States rose because of a demonic chaos that spread to the whole world a long time ago. According to the book, the scope and extent of the catastrophe were even more serious than the previous riots in the Amazon demon country. Japan, Germany, and Italy, which were regarded as the most powerful countries, were changed from the strongest to relatively weak.

The super-level mages and forbidden curse mages of the three countries suffered serious casualties at that time, and even reached the state of being unable to return to the sky and destroying the country.

The same is true for other countries. When our country was also attacked by demons and demons, there were emperors and demons rampant, and we were unable to support them at all.

At this time, a group of forbidden curse mages emerged in the United States, the number of which was even the sum of the entire Asian forbidden curse mages at that time.

It was only later that I found out that the United States had discovered something called the Pistil of the Earth, which could help super mages break through to the realm of forbidden spells.

You know, in the oldest days, breaking through the Forbidden Curse Mage was more difficult than ascending to the sky. The simplest reason was that there were no fixed resources to help break through.

Unlike ordinary people who have Awakening Stones for awakening, there are cosmic dust for elementary to middle-level people, and veins of stars for middle-level to high-level people. There is no fixed resource assistance for breaking through ultra-levels and forbidden spells.

Ultra-order is better, because although there are few resources to break through the bottleneck of ultra-order, it is not difficult to find. As long as you find the majestic energy relative to the magic attribute, there is a high probability that you can still break through.

But forbidden spell mages can't. Forbidden spell mages represent a kind of sublimation and breakthrough. Forbidden spells are completely different from other magic. Otherwise, they wouldn't be called forbidden spells. They are powerful enough to be forbidden, a kind of detached power. .

Now the United States has discovered that the Pistil of the Earth can help a super mage break through, so that's okay. It directly increased the number of their forbidden spell mages a lot. And the secret of the Pistils of the Earth was discovered because of the American collection of Pistils of the Earth all over the world at that time.

But it was already too late, and all that could be found had already been acquired by the United States. This is why the United States is the most powerful country now, because they have the most forbidden spell mages.

Although our country is an ancient country that has existed since ancient times, it is the only existing ultra-ancient country that still retains complete civilization and inheritance. It has many ancient inheritances, and some are even inheritances of the Road of Forbidden Curses, but there are no resources. There is no way.

Although the strength of the forbidden curse mage who breaks through the earth core will be weaker than the traditional forbidden curse mage, and he cannot even complete the forbidden curse magic independently, but the forbidden curse mage is the forbidden curse mage, and only the forbidden curse mage can cause damage to the emperor level monster. Conjurer.

Zhao Hua said: "There should be a plan to visit the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns."

I can't see anything at all from these, and I still have to go there in person.

Shanshan Li Guan nodded and said: "Tonight, I will enter the Tomb of the Thirteen Yangs with students from several other countries to investigate. Only at night will the dark seal of the Tomb of the Yangs be opened."

"A Cai will be with you."

Shan Shancai snorted, if it weren't for the overwhelming military orders, she couldn't do anything about it, she wouldn't want to take on this stupid task.

When Zhaohua returned to the inn, he happened to see Liang Ri and the others eating breakfast, but Zhaohua was taken away after six o'clock. Zhaohua was also a little hungry, so he simply sat down and ate together.

Liang Ri asked, "Hey, I heard that you were taken away by the military?"

After Zhaohua finished ordering, he nodded and said, "Well, because of what happened last night, let me pay some money."

Liang Ri nodded in agreement and said, "No wonder, I heard that Ya Kejie was also taken away, and it seems that he lost a lot."

Zhaohua didn't expect his random excuse to be successful, and asked, "How much did he lose?"

Liang Ri held out a finger.

"one million?"


Zhaohua snickered, it seems that Shanshan Li Guan took the opportunity to make some money. Of course, a few million is nothing to a mage at the military command level, it should be supplemented for the residents.

Zhaohua said: "By the way, the military said that they will enter the Tomb of the Thirteen Yangs tonight for investigation. It's up to you to find anything."

How can Zhaohua not know why he has to find his teammates now, just to cover himself and put a smoke screen.

Even Zhaohua felt that Moze had the task of the Judgment Council, and to protect himself, the Judgment Council might let the wind out and say that he was the key to unlocking the seal.


In the evening, as soon as the sun went down, everyone gathered at the obelisk. Zhaohua saw Yakejie glaring at him.

He had already lost an earth spirit species, and then lost another million dollars, which made this small family that was not rich in the first place even worse.

Mage is a profession that earns money quickly and spends money faster. Whether it is the magic weapon needed for cultivation, the charging of the magic weapon, the speed-up of the cultivation level, or the maintenance and charging of the magic tool, everything costs money. A mage needs money to live every day.

Not to mention Zhaohua, Thunder Bear, Three-Tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion, Destruction Evil Dragon, Little Wind Silkworm, Blue Star Fox, Gu Suoyu, Tian Yan, seven of them have to be raised. The earth-type spiritual species didn't even know if it was enough for a week's food.

"Mud monkeys."

Zhaohua heard the voice and looked towards the source of the voice. It was three Pakistani mages who were greeting each other in not-so-fluent Chinese.

Zhaohua nodded politely and replied, "Hello."

The leading Pakistani mage said: "My name is Liu Bei, the one on my left is called Zhang Fei, and the one on my right is called Guan Yu. We like the cultural stories of this country very much."

The people in Zhaohua could also see that they really liked it, even changing the Chinese name to be so recognizable.

"Hi, my name is Zhaohua, welcome to come."

Zhaohua held out his hand for a handshake.

The mage named Zhang Fei said: "I saw you fighting with that man named Yakejie last night. It's too powerful. You're too strong. Your wind-type flash-step attack is so cool. I'm also a wind-type fighter." Mage, I thought the wind element could only be used to escape, but I didn't expect you to be able to pierce even magic armor."

Zhaohua didn't hide it either, and explained it to him. This is one of the self-defense skills that Zhaolang taught Zhaohua when he was a child, for fear that he would be bullied.

In ancient times, there were many inheritances, such as physical skills, martial arts, marksmanship, sword moves, archery, etc., but now with the rapid development of magic, it can no longer fit magic very well, and is slowly being replaced by magic tools.

Zhaohua also slowly explored before combining physical skills with the wind element. Although there is only one move, it is still very easy to use.

Classmate Zhang Fei was confused, because Bajibeng is not as simple as imagined. The key point is how to concentrate all the strength, impact, and inertia of the whole body into one point, like a bullet penetrating, otherwise it will become Hit it with your body.

Shan Shancai didn't talk nonsense when everyone was ready, and led everyone out from behind. Compared with the huge triumphal arch at the front door, the back door is much more shabby, and it is a small door that can only accommodate one person.

But this is normal, because after going out from this door, there is a monster area. Loulan New City is a bit like a guard city on the border. Going out from the front door is a sub-safety zone, and you can go to XJ after walking. Going out from the back is the monster area, a piece of yellow sand, without any protection, monsters will appear at any time and die.

"This is the entrance to the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns."

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