Full-time Summoner

Chapter 335 The Status of the National Government Members

When Jiang Tiansheng returned home, he walked to a tombstone, which said the tomb of Jiang Shaojun. The photo on the tombstone was very young. He was probably a little older than Zhaohua when he died, and looked thirty years old.

This is Jiang Tiansheng's son. He has a son and a daughter. The son has inherited Jiang Tiansheng's talent in archaeology and his mother's talent in magic. Jiang Shaojun is a genius through and through. It's a pity that he died young.

Jiang Tiansheng said to himself: "If you are still alive, I guess you can become good brothers with that kid. Don't you always want to have a younger brother?"

Ka Ka Ka, the sound of high heels came from behind.

"Father, are you back?"

A head of wavy long hair dyed grandma gray was scattered, a red suspender skirt, and long white legs showed a perfect figure, and the red high-heeled shoes made a clicking sound when stepping on the stone bricks.

The facial features are exquisite, especially the beauty mole at the corner of the mouth is even more charming.

Jiang Shaoxu, Jiang Tiansheng's daughter, is also the sister of the dead Jiang Shaojun. Psychic mage.

Jiang Tiansheng looked at his daughter, and said with a doting and speechless expression: "Going out to play again? It's almost time to compete for college votes. Even if our family has votes, you must have good grades at the school to look good." ah."

Jiang Shaoxu grinned, took Jiang Tiansheng's arm and said, "Don't worry, I'm single-handedly invincible. No matter who it is, my peers can't use half of their magic in front of me."

Jiang Tiansheng showed a 'hehe' expression and said: "You just pretend, just Ai Jiangtu in the military area, you don't even have the strength to fight back. I just chatted with his grandfather this time, and Ai Jiangtu is already here Breaking through to a high level, it is estimated that there is a high probability that it will be successful."

When Jiang Shaoxu heard it, he hissed, breathed in and said, "That black carbon head is so scary. But it's just him, he's already half-appointed as the captain, it's normal to not win, it's normal, I don't believe it Someone in our country can beat him."

Jiang Tiansheng showed an intriguing smile and said, "That's not necessarily true."

Jiang Shaoxu was startled, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and said in surprise: "No, sir, there really are?!"

Jiang Tiansheng was speechless. He didn't study history well. He specialized in learning these useless internet things. What kind of fashion is he doing?

"Could it be that Mu Ningxue from the Mu Clan? Impossible, she is a woman who pretends to be the same as the white lotus in the prosperous age, and she is playing behind her back. It stands to reason that her cultivation base will not be higher than that of Heitantou."

"Could it be Nan Jue from the Western Military Region? But, didn't it mean that she was beaten by Ai Jiangtu in the military region competition and came from behind?"

"But I heard that Jiang Yu has been practicing in seclusion half a year ago. I'm afraid his summoning system has made a breakthrough?"

"The trash from the official family, Zhou family, Zu family, and Lu family is even more impossible. Eh? Dad!! Don't leave, who the hell is it!!"

Jiang Shaoxu is not as careless as her father said. In fact, she is very nervous about the school competition this time, and she has investigated the disciples of the magic family who have the opportunity to enter the school early in the morning.

After Jiang Tiansheng took the incense, he turned his head and left, not seeing his daughter. But Jiang Tiansheng was also very relieved, because Jiang Shaojun's tomb was far away from home, Jiang Shaoxu didn't know he was back, it was just a coincidence that she also came to visit his brother.


It has been a day and a night since everything ended, this time it was the real end, Tian Qingbai had come the day before, discussed some things with Shanshan Li Guan, met Zhaohua and then left.

Some monsters around Loulan New City, which were attracted by the battle, were cleaned up one after another, and the new city finally entered a peaceful and busy rebuilding process.

After this time, although everyone did not get Kunlong, Loulan New City has been determined to become a very important safe city in the Tarim Basin. The existence of the Dragon Core Obelisk is equivalent to the protection of a safety barrier. Not too powerful demon tribe, Loulan New City is not afraid of wind and rain.

In such a world where demons threaten the survival of human beings, having one more safe place is more important than anything else.

Zhaohua was sitting on Sanwei's back, together with Mai Jiaxi, Mo Ze and others, they were cleaning up some lonely monsters around, and cleaning the battlefield. The Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe was completely wiped out.

But as far as the Tarim Basin is concerned, this area of ​​demons with black areas, the demon tribe is the same. If a demon tribe is gone, this place can naturally breed new demons.

Even the Huangsha monster tribe is just a weak chicken tribe that can't even enter the core area of ​​the Tarim Basin.

"Zhao Hua, what is the chief executive looking for you for?" Mo Ze, as the judge of the Yaodu Judgment, naturally knows who his top boss is.

Tianqingbai, who doesn't know it?

Mai Jiaxi, Deng Le and others all looked over, and said something, they all know Tian Qingbai, after all, they are too famous, the chief of the Yaodu Trial Council, super talented, okay?

Zhaohua showed a playful smile and said: "You guys need to know? This is a secret of the trial meeting. If you know it, you may have to..."

"No need, we're not interested."

Everyone waved their hands quickly.

In fact, Tian Qingbai didn't say anything secret, but came to ask Zhaohua a question. There are mainly two questions, the first one is how to reach a deal with the Dark King. The second is, what did you get.

Tian Qingbai felt that it was impossible for this kid Zhaohua to really want nothing, but it was incredible that he could escape the perception of the Forbidden Curse Mage, even Tian Qingbai didn't know how Zhaohua did it.

But how could Zhaohua tell Tian Qingbai that this guy was so cheating, that he even tricked himself into this place.

After this series of events passed, why didn't Zhaohua know that everyone who should know about this Dark King's game knew about it. Like Su Lu, he is not from his own country, and he doesn't know it yet.

It's just that the biggest point of the whole game is the thirteenth dragon ball. Whoever finds it will belong to the dragon. Su Lu didn't find it, but he also wants it, and wants to take Kunlong away by force.

And the Judgment Council actually had its own plans, so it called Zhaohua over and used Zhaohua. In the end, I didn't expect Zhaohua to come and return the jade to Zhao with one hand, and sent the things away, leaving both sides with bamboo baskets to fetch water in vain.

Zhaohua didn't tell Tian Qingbai anything, just pretended to be crazy, anyway, you can't do anything to me without evidence.

In fact, Zhaohua was able to make a deal with the King of Darkness because of the contract paper in the origin catalog, and Zhaohua didn't get something, but what he got in the deal was not any special material or power, but intelligence information, so he was not rejected. Perceived.

What Zhaohua wanted was information about Ji Shaoan's situation in the dark plane.

The three tails eliminated the monsters one after another, while Lei Xiong was in charge of the weaker slave-level monsters.

With their strength, there is no problem in dealing with servants and little monsters. Apart from the need to pay attention when there are a large number of them, they can basically kill them in an instant when dealing with single and small-scale monsters.

"Is it near here?" Deng Le asked Liang Ri who was in front.

His two big pigs were sniffing like dogs in front.

Originally, Zhaohua and the others could go back to the Demon Capital, but Liang Ri said that they found a mirage, combined with the sudden appearance of the yellow sand monster at that time, Zhaohua suspected that the mirage was actually connected to the lair of the yellow sand monster, so Zhaohua thought, first Let Liang Ri find the entrance, and then the six of them can go to the lair of the yellow sand monster to find resources.

Now that the yellow sand monsters have been wiped out by the group, aren't those resources just for nothing!

That's why the six of them ran here in a hurry.

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