Full-time Summoner

Chapter 351 Intense Challenge

For the morning meeting of the Summoning Department of Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhaohua deliberately moved ahead by dozens of minutes, so when he arrived at the venue for the morning meeting, the water was so quiet that there was not even a single person there.

Zhaohua sat quietly in the corner and edge of the first row. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't even notice Zhaohua.

Seeing that there were still ten minutes left, he simply sat quietly and entered meditation.

Not long after, some summoning mages from the inner courtyard came in one after another. The students didn't dare to step on the dots to enter the venue, because the only one who could do so was Professor Luo Deyou. Don't be afraid it's fake.

"Oh, you're fine, your ranking has improved. I've been bullied by the space system, and my ranking has dropped to five hundred and sixty-five. It's really fucking."

Several girls were arm in arm, complaining about the rankings during the first half month.

"Hehe, my luck is pretty good. On the last day, I met a Chaos-type monster and was easily dealt with by my contracted summoned beast. I am now at 379."

This is the restraint of the magic system. The chaos system is very resistant to the mages of the destruction system, but it is restrained by the summoning system, but it is difficult for the summoning system to defend against the invisible attack of the space system.

The best way to deal with summoner mages is naturally to attack the summoner. Bypassing the summoned beasts and killing the summoner is a win. The space system has such an attack method.

And the final sound system is the magic system like panacea, but the sound system is relatively rare, even less than the space system, even in Zhongshan Academy, it is only a little more than the black magic undead system.

But this is also because the undead department is mainly in the ancient capital school, and the undead department is even rare in the imperial capital school.

"Huh? Look at the corner in the first row. Since when did our Inner Court Summoning Department have such a handsome guy?"

Suddenly, one of the girls found Zhaohua. Although it was in a corner, the gold would still shine even in the dark.

"Wow, so handsome, look, the eyelashes are so long. Whose family's favorite."

"Ah, it's mine. I don't know if I have a girlfriend. I want to get WeChat."

"But people are meditating, interrupting other people's meditating will make them unhappy."

"Then what to do?"

"How about, let's take a photo first, and then send it to the group to ask, it may be a transfer student transferred from another department."

"Hahaha, you should be reading comics, what time is it now, where did you get the transfer student from?"

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha, the servants and monsters can sense the signal of the mobile phone, and the middle-level mage can naturally feel that someone is secretly taking pictures of themselves. Zhaohua has already come out of meditation, and when he opened his eyes, he saw many girls taking pictures.

And there are some female students standing behind him, borrowing their seats for a group photo.

"Wow, he opened his eyes, and his eyes look good."

"Hurry up, hurry up, get WeChat now."

"You go, how dare I."

"I don't dare either!"

Zhaohua wanted to complain, although you deliberately lowered your voice, but he is an intermediate mage, so you can hear him clearly.

But fortunately, the incident of being confessed to by the whole grade when she graduated from the third year of junior high school did not happen again. It was not that the girls grew up and became restrained, but that Luo Deyou came.

"What are you doing! Don't you know what time it is!"

Luo Deyou's eyes seemed to be eating people, and his beard was flying upwards.

Surrounded here to take pictures, when it is a place of interest? A visit? How unreasonable!

"Wow, it's Luobeard!!"

"Walk around, we got the photo, and we will find him sooner or later."

"You want to rob me?"


The boat of friendship capsizes, after all, this is the river of love, and they all want to fall into it.

Luo Deyou was still very angry at first, but when he saw Zhaohua, his anger disappeared, and his voice became a little softer: "Well...Student Zhao, I will ask you to come up later and you can come up and introduce yourself first. After all, you are almost a transfer student, so that everyone can get to know you."

Zhaohua nodded, he didn't want to have a second time like that just now.

I'm so handsome~

However, even Zhao Hua miscalculated the terrifying power of the modern Internet.

Zhaohua didn't expect that someone took a video just now, and then posted it on the social platform of Sun Yat-Sen University, which suddenly made the whole Sun Yat-sen University lively.

Forget it, after all, Zhaohua was also a school grassroots back then. However, magic technology is developing. I don't know which great master from Sun Yat-sen University, after taking the video, I went through PS, added special effects, added background music, and then sent it to the magic Douyin platform with text.

‘I saw a little brother who arrived early at the school’s morning meeting, but at that time the little brother was meditating and couldn’t get WeChat, and then the professor came. Does anyone know the wechat of the little brother? I will be rewarded with a lot of money. '

The special effects and music immediately created a feeling like "your name", which has both a kind of beauty and a kind of regret.

In just ten minutes, it received millions of views, ranking first on the magic short video hot search list.

Before Luo Deyou asked Zhaohua to introduce himself, according to a certain Mr. Lin who did not want to be named. This little brother, who was meditating in the morning meeting, was named Zhaohua, a student of the Summoning Department, who had been out of school for half a year due to physical reasons, and only recovered not long ago.

Balabala talked for a while, and almost exposed Zhaohua's old background.

Of course, Zhaohua, who doesn’t play with his mobile phone, doesn’t know about these things. He uses social platforms, but he is not addicted to them. During the morning meeting, he was completely a good student, sitting quietly by the side, listening to Luo Deyou’s speech. Announce the results of the first half of the month.

Luo Deyou took out the report card. He is also from the phonology department. He didn't need amplified magic equipment to speak, and said in a low and loud voice: "In the first half of the month, the number of people who entered the top 20 and top 50 in our summoning department has dropped compared to the previous month. a little."

"In Dimensional Magic, there are only eight people in the top 20, eight people from the Space Department, four from the Chaos Department, and none from the Music Department."

"You also know that the summoning department has a certain advantage in one-on-one, but it is still tied with the space department. And in the first half of the month, our win-loss ratio with the students majoring in the space department was less than 50%. You really It is the worst class of students I have ever brought up!"

Needless to say, the meaning of being ranked in the top 20, these people are running for the votes, for the players of the national pavilion and the national government. And the top 50 is also particular. The 21st to 50th students actually want to get votes, but they think so in their hearts, but their abilities may still be lacking, but this does not mean that they have no chance at all.

It's like Mai Jiaxi, he didn't even make the top 50 last month, but now he got the spirit-seed of the thunder system, and the thunder system that he cultivated next is likely to use the power of absorbing the spirit-seed to make a sprint and be able to reach a higher level.

If the two elements have been strengthened, with the blessing of spiritual seeds or similar powers, Mai Jiaxi is likely to break into the top 20 this month.

And it is indeed as Zhaohua thought, when Mai Jiaxi submitted the challenge application in the ranking system today, Mai Jiaxi decisively challenged the 20th student ranked in Dimensional Magic, a mage majoring in the space department .

Thanks to [Momo X] [Star Time] [Tianhe Ranwu] [Xin] [.] [A foodie passing by] [Xue] [Qiuchi Zui] [You Said] [Mushouyou] [Haijiao]*2 monthly ticket support . Thank you for your support.

Thank you for the reward of [If you are well, then you will get it]. Thank you book friends.

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