Full-time Summoner

Chapter 561 I'm sorry to be human

Zhaohua wished he could slap this book to death, but it had already happened twice, and Zhaohua had calmed down a lot.

Zhaohua also finally understood that this book should have some special abilities, which can allow mages to awaken the summoning system, and more than that, two times before, they floated on the Holy Island above the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, and got the elf clan's small Fengcan, Tianyan, and Lan Xinghu, who has lost her elf magic and memory, knew that this book even arranged for him to encounter a dimensional summoned beast!

This book can be said to be the most awesome matchmaker, not only will it lead you to a red thread, but it will also give you a son! Sometimes I will give you a twin! ! You say awesome or not awesome!

And after Zhaohua passed through so many times, he knew that this book was his life-saving book. Especially that time in the ancient capital, Zhaohua inherited all his memories from another world, and even got a little bit of plane power.

Zhaohua understood at that time that he should have died at the age of sixteen theoretically.

This is not as simple as another self dying for himself, the power that can defeat the Dark King. At that time, Zhaolang sacrificed his own future at the price.

His natural talent is the future, and he can have the power of the future. But Zhaolang's natural talent has collapsed, and his body has become like this.

Originally, the self in another world died a lot, and Zhaohua in this world should also die at the age of sixteen.

But this book, it is precisely because of the power of this book that Zhaohua survived. It can be said that this book broke the link of fate and allowed Zhaohua to get rid of the fate of sixteen years old.

This book saved Zhaohua's life and kept him from dying. And those awakened stardust are likely to belong to the former self that should be awakened.

Wind element and fire element, that is his own magic element, the original one. . .

But if these two magic systems existed, it would endanger Zhaohua's life, so the origin directory directly destroyed them, and then used his own power to create the summoning system.

It is to save Zhaohua's life.

There is nothing to blame for Zhaohua's withdrawal from the spiritual world. The matter has come to this, let nature take its course.

Zhaohua looked at the summoning system stardust without stars. After reaching a high level, he no longer needed to dig stars. Zhaohua directly used his powerful mental power to force out seven stars, and even the control of the first level was no longer needed, because High-level mental power is enough to control the seven stars.

And Zhaohua is very familiar with the pattern of star trails.

"Forget it, although Xiao Fengcan is still sleeping at the advanced stage, Tianyan is still on the Holy Island of the Elf, so there should be no problem with it. And I have to ask Sister Feng Ling if the endless ghost city in the ancient capital took her away last time. It has been summoned, what are the conditions for summoning it at this level, and it will be good as a hole card to save your life in the future."

Zhaohua first thought about what to do. This is his habit, and he plans before doing things.

"Okay, dimension—call!"

Star trails appear, but people disappear~~


It is no longer surprising for Zhaohua to see a blur in front of his eyes, but what is a little strange is that this time he did not fall directly from the sky like the second time, but appeared on the ground.

I came directly to a forest, like a mountain, not in the room.

Zhaohua was stunned for a moment. When Zhaohua came back to his senses, he felt a little strange, because it was the first time he appeared directly near the big lake on the holy island of elves. This time, the surrounding environment changed completely. Saw huts and blue lakes.

On the contrary, I saw a ray of holy light on the ground, and the whole mountain forest was like a holy mountain, emanating holy light, making people feel that if they stayed for a long time, they might directly fly up in place.

"It's so comfortable here. It makes people feel like returning to the arms of their parents, lying in the bathtub and taking a bath. It's so warm."

Zhaohua struggled with the drowsiness of wanting to fall to the ground and sound asleep. He looked around to see if he could find the way to Sister Fengling's house. After all, the last time the man who fell from the sky knew that the Holy Island of the Elf was quite big, this time it might be Arrange yourself down the other side.

I couldn't find the way, but I could only see a huge willow tree in the distance, and this willow tree was only similar in appearance, the color was actually feather white, and those willow branches were like pieces of feathers.

This willow tree is so huge that Zhaohua can't imagine, it is bigger than the biggest tree in the demon area that Zhaohua read in the book, I saw this willow tree with white feathers going straight into the sky, the whole willow tree seems to be going to the sky. The mountains are all wrapped up.

Moreover, Zhaohua is far away. If Zhaohua's calculation is correct, the size of this tree is a bit too exaggerated. The willow tree can cover the whole monster under the tree, which is more than enough.

The big one is a bit exaggerated.

Zhaohua thought about it, and found it a little strange. Did you see such a big tree in the holy island of elves?

"Did I go to the territory of the Thousand Clan Elf Tower that I fell to the ground? Not on the island?"

Just when Zhaohua had nowhere to go and was about to take a look around, suddenly a sharp silver arrow shot towards Zhaohua's stomach.

But Zhaohua felt something was wrong, because it was not like a sharp arrow, he felt that he had been hit by something, so he looked down. . one look. . . .





"Did I come to Wanlong Valley, another sacred place in the Summoning Plane?"

Zhaohua looked at the small creature, which was also dizzy from the bump, about half a meter long, with a dragon head and four claws, each with four fingers. Isn't the long one the legendary dragon? ? !

"Huh? No, why doesn't it have scales? It doesn't have horns either. And...why does it grow hair!?"

This little silver dragon lay dizzy on Zhaohua's hands. Zhaohua looked calmly, only to find that the silvery white on this little guy's body was not dragon scales, not like a destructive evil dragon, but silvery white body hair, which felt like touching a rabbit.

This makes Zhaohua a little strange, because dragons have dragon scales, and there are destructive evil dragons, and some records and introductions in the book have scales. Because the magic resistance of the dragon clan comes from these dragon scales.

However, before Zhaohua had time to think about it, something happened. . . . . Because Zhaohua was surrounded by "big bosses" in the Elf Holy Island a few times ago, and because they were all arranged by the origin directory, he was a little slack.

A black shadow gradually enlarged, at this time Zhaohua felt deeply regretful for his carelessness!


Zhaohua looked up and saw that his mouth was protruding, his back was sweating profusely, and he was trembling all over.

Dragon head, a huge dragon head looking through the clouds, this dragon also has silver-white hair, and just now it communicated with Zhaohua through the spiritual system.

Just the dragon's beard floating around is longer than the Yaodu tower that Zhaohua has seen. It is obvious that the silver dragon can't see its figure hiding in the clouds, and it is tens of thousands of meters away from Zhaohua, but the huge dragon's head makes Zhaohua feel close at hand.

"I'm... I'm sorry for being a human!!!!"

Suddenly, the storm surged, and Zhaohua heard what he didn't want to hear the most.

"Damn you!"

"But I can't die! I'm so sorry!!!!!!"

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