Full-time Summoner

Chapter 800 One against three

"Ah!!! Help me!!!"

Ming Bu Song immediately felt the extreme cold invade his body.

Cold is also a different type of poison. The essence of ice is disease. Being cold into the body is more uncomfortable than poison, because the cold will torture you little by little, like cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

Not to mention using magic, Ming Bu Song's body was completely invaded and controlled by the cold air, he couldn't even move his fingers, and he couldn't even activate the magic equipment. Mu Ningxue's ice element cultivation base was terrifying.

"How did Xuexue's ice element become so much stronger!" Mo Fan said in surprise, this is much better than solving the Drowning Curse.

Zhaohua noticed that Mu Tingying and Nan Rongni were gnashing their teeth, looking remorseful, and probably guessed that they might have given Mu Ningxue a big gift, and lost their wife and soldiers.

Shao Hegu heard Ming Busong's screams, looked at the snow-covered field and said, "Oops! It's a trap!"

Shao Hegu unfolded his magic wing tool and wanted to fly to the rescue, but how could Ai Jiangtu let him succeed? He stopped in front of him with a teleportation and said, "Want to escape?"

"Damn it! Earth and rock field! Get the hell out of here!!"

Shao and Gu have developed their own domain. It is not surprising that he has a domain, but it would be strange if he did not.

Ai Jiangtu smiled slightly, and a silver-white cubic space appeared. field? No, is there anyone who doesn't have a domain now?

The rolling stones on the ground entered Ai Jiangtu's cube and were directly crushed. In this cube, Ai Jiangtu's mental power was directly increased by one level, and the power of the space system will be stronger, and the release of the instantaneous movement will be faster.

"Damn! It turned out to be a space cube field!"

The word "dangerous" is in the lead, and it is difficult for immortals to stay.

Just when Ming Busong called out for help, the referee had already saved Ming Busong. He was as miserable as Guan Yu. He was trembling and pale, with no blood in sight, and his eyes lost focus.

Although Li Kaifeng was entangled by the curse, don't forget that Ai Jiangtu also arranged a curse in the dense plant forest. Just when this curse appeared, it destroyed Mingbu Song's dark curse and saved Li Kaifeng's life.

Ai Jiangtu still had time to command: "Li Kaifeng, Mù Nujiao, go and deal with those two people."

"Yes Captain."


Mù Nujiao had already consumed all the magic tools, and her own plants were all destroyed, so she simply gave up the arrangement and used the wind system to follow behind Li Kaifeng to deal with the girl with the mind system.

The Psychic system is very powerful, but this time it is not very useful, because this formation does not have a destruction mage. Everyone used their speed to run around, and they didn't even see high-level magic, which made the spiritual magic useless.

Psychics are not invincible either.

Evening the difference in numbers, Mu Ningxue finally let go of her hands and feet, and activated high-level ice magic.

"Pan Bing—Frozen Coffin—Heavenly Coffin!"

A coffin-like ice coffin unceremoniously smashed at Yosuke who was lost in the world of ice and snow.

With a bang, the ice coffin fell and raised the snow and ice on the ground, and Yosuke was crushed under the ice coffin. Fortunately, he was not smashed into a meat paste while wearing magic armor.

"Hahahaha! You are as stupid as that person, don't think it's okay to attack me with magic. My poison will avenge me! Poison cave - widespread infection! Revenge poison shadow!"

Although Yang Jie is already like an old dog, his limbs have been broken by Mu Ningxue's ice coffin, but he still laughs wildly. Some small black shadows flew out of his body, and rushed towards Mu Ningxue following the reaction of the magic energy.

"Huh? These things can't be frozen?"

Mu Ningxue originally wanted to freeze these poisonous shadows, but found that they couldn't be frozen, so she used wind magic to avoid them.

"Hahahaha, hide, let's see how long you can hide!"

Mu Ningxue didn't know when she learned the high-level wind magic wind wings, not to mention Mu Tingying and the others, even Zhaohua and Mo Fan were surprised. Didn't she just break through the high-level ice system a few months ago? Why is the high-level magic of the ice system under control now, and the high-level of the wind system, forget about the high-level magic, when will the high-level magic of the wind system be controlled? ? ?

This is faster than everyone in the national team.

Zhao Manyan said: "Goddess Mu is hanging up, she controls it so fast!?"

Mo Fan shook his head and said, "I don't know, she didn't know how to break the Drowning Curse last time."

But Mu Ningxue's Wing of Wind is the most common Wing of Wind, without Soul-Seed, her cultivation level is not high, and her own Wind-type Spirit-Seed does not increase speed, so she still cannot escape the pursuit of Vengeance Poison.

Mu Ningxue frowned, seeing that the poison could not be avoided at all, her eyes froze, she landed on the ground, and closed her eyes.

"Hahahaha! Close your eyes and wait for death, it's a good idea."

But to everyone's surprise, those revenge poisons did not attack Mu Ningxue, but lingered beside her.

Mo Fan was startled, and remembered that Mu Ningxue had used this trick when dealing with Fang Shaoli.

Seeing this scene, Zhaohua couldn't help frowning and said, "She froze herself? Even the mana and the spiritual world were frozen..."

Jiang Yu opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "Oh my god! She doesn't need to do this, even if she is out, that Yosuke will definitely be on the stage, one for two, and the rest will be left to the captain. She... If it is frozen for too long or the power is not controlled well, it may die!"

Mo Fan looked at Mu Ningxue on the stage, feeling sore in his heart. He is still too weak. If he is stronger, if he sweeps all the national teams by himself, Mu Ningxue will not have to suffer like this.

After a while, the poison of revenge disappeared, because Mingbu Song had been pressed by the ice coffin for a long time, and his magic armor disappeared long ago.

"Go away! I don't believe that woman can freeze herself for so long! I can still operate!"

The referee looked at Ming Bu Song like an idiot, and smashed the ice coffin, revealing Ming Bu Song's festered body, and even his body had been frozen into ice, with cracks appearing. It's really mentally retarded, and the lower body will be broken after a while.

He didn't feel it now because Ming Bu Song was too excited, and the nerves were frozen by the ice, so he didn't feel it. After a while, he would know what cruelty is.

Not long after the poison disappeared, Mu Ningxue's eyelashes trembled, and the frost hanging on the long eyelashes was shaken off like snowflakes hanging on a winter plum.

Mu Ningxue slowly opened her beautiful blue and white eyes, and exhaled a breath of white air. Look at the teammates who are fighting.

Great achievement, the Empress is out!

With a wave of Mu Ningxue's hand, the ice and snow that was less than half of the platform immediately turned into an extreme avalanche torrent, engulfing the remaining three members of the Japanese national team with unparalleled power.

"Damn it! It took too long!"

"Her ice element cultivation base is very high, and she condenses so quickly!"

Shao Hegu used magic tools to get rid of Ai Jiangtu, and rushed to the front of the remaining two teammates. The earth magic and domains were all displayed, and the two teammates behind them used all kinds of magic tools, and together resisted the accumulation from the beginning to the present. of ice and snow.

The power of petrification collided with the torrent of ice and snow.

Ai Jiangtu shook his head, knowing that Shao Hegu was just trying to hold on. Behind him appeared a dark red constellation, high-level curse magic, but Ai Jiangtu did not summon the evil spirit, but looked at Shao Hegu.

When seeing this constellation, Shao Hegu also sighed, knowing that it was Ai Jiangtu's subordinates who were merciful. Otherwise, if the curse system was cast out, the spiritual world would be severely damaged. It would not be cured in a day or two, and would affect the future. the match of.

Shao and Gu didn't know what to do, and said with a sigh: "Oh, we admit defeat."

Special thanks to [\u0026amp;*to the end] for the reward of 20,000 coins. Add more slowly~~wait for a few days. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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