Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 327 None of you are willing to colonize us

Kievan Rus is very poor, and the cold is not the main reason.

But every hundred years or so, the newly rebuilt Kievan Rus will be destroyed by war again.

It’s so repeated that it’s weird.

The Elf Queen stood up and bowed slightly to the three envoys from Kievan Rus.

The three envoys also stood up immediately and returned the greeting in a panic.

This is the first time that their country has been recognized for its role in the war between humans and demons.

The Elf Queen sat down and continued: "The war between humans and demons concerns all living things in the world. If the demons are allowed to take root in this world, our future will be dark."

At this time, someone suddenly raised his hand, as if he wanted to speak.

The Elf Queen said: "There is a round button on the table in front of you, just press it."

The person who raised his hand just now immediately slapped his hand on the table and asked: "Your Majesty the Queen, I am very happy to see your face. I have a question to ask."

"Please tell me." The Elf Queen smiled.

"It shouldn't be a big problem for the demons to take root in this world." The envoy asked curiously: "The world is so big and there are so many unclaimed lands. Why do we have to fight them and leave them alone in one place?" Isn’t it enough to live in the land?”

"I think many people will think this way." The Elf Queen asked with a smile.

Indeed, many people think this way.

Even Queen Sissi nodded subconsciously.

The Elf Queen explained: "The demons are not a race in our world. The demon world is another world, and it was originally a very rich and beautiful plane."

The clear and clear voice slowly fainted in the square.

"They are born to use dark magic, but as time goes by, as their population increases. The dark magic becomes more and more abundant in their plane, and then loses balance."

The increase in dark magic has greatly affected the sunlight, and the entire world spends most of its time in darkness.

affecting crop growth.

In order to resist the harsh environment, they use dark magic to protect themselves.

Converting more in-between elements into dark magic.

So a vicious cycle begins.

Since then... their world has been in a state of semi-destruction.

"It is instinct for demons to use dark magic." The Elf Queen sighed: "They can only use dark magic, so... once they take root in this plane, within a few thousand years, our plane will also become Another demon world.”

Everyone fell silent. If this is the case, the devil cannot be allowed to stay in this world.

"Can't they change?" The envoy asked everyone's doubts: "They can learn light magic."

"In order to use dark magic more conveniently, they killed the God of Light in their own plane." The Elf Queen sneered: "Then they were cursed again, and they will never get light or warmth."

After hearing this, they already understood why the demons could not be allowed to come to this plane.

The Elf Queen continued: "Back to the topic just now, Kievan Rus has shed enough blood, and our other countries should bear more responsibilities. Therefore, we elves have decided to send a large number of soldiers to fight on the front line, and a group of Soldiers of Kievan Rus, return to the second line."

Everyone started applauding.

The spirit of the elves to take the lead is indeed admirable.

"But our elves alone are only a drop in the bucket for the entire war between humans and demons." The Elf Queen looked at Hardy: "There is an area where they have very strong fighting power, a large number of people, and powerful magic. Divisions and cavalry, but every time they fight, they appear as the third echelon. Therefore, I hope that they, who are powerful, should contribute their own strength and stand at the forefront. For this, we elves can pay a certain price. .”

The Elf Queen's gaze swept across the traditional powerful countries in the Alopa region such as France, Enoria, Kaldor, and Rova.

Queen Sissi whispered: "Let us be the vanguard? Hmm..."

While she was thinking, other countries in Aroba also looked over.

After all, Francis is the spiritual leader of the small countries in the Alopa region, and his decisions will affect the judgments of other countries in the Alopa region.

And at this moment, a man slammed the button in front of the table and stood up suddenly.

"That's right! Such a powerful and responsible country is our Inrodo. Elf Queen, you understand us so well."

Everyone was in an uproar and stared at the envoy of Yin Luoduo with their mouths open.

No... everyone could tell that the Elf Queen was talking about several powerful countries in the Alopa region.

What's going on with this guy jumping out?

But then I thought about it, and it seemed that Inrodo could qualify for these comments.

There are many people... because Luoduo has the largest population.

Powerful... The land area is not small, and it is quite warlike. Its strength is indeed not weak.

Therefore, the narcissistic Envoy Enrodo thought that the Elf Queen was praising them.

"This..." The Elf Queen looked at the Yinluoduo envoy who jumped out, with helplessness on her face: "Your Excellency, Yinluoduo's envoy, if you are willing to go to the front line, we will naturally be very happy."

"Then what price can the elves pay?" Yinluoduo asked with bright eyes.

The Elf Queen thought for a while: "What conditions do you want?"

"We hope that your country can open the border with us and allow the Inluo people to freely enter and leave the Elf Forest."

The Elf Queen stroked her forehead and said in distress: "This is unlikely. Our Elf race has never opened a border crossing with outsiders."

"You are looking down on us and discriminating against us." Inrodo's envoy suddenly shouted: "I knew it would be like this."

It was because Rodo's envoys were causing trouble and going crazy. The Elf Queen felt quite depressed.

She had encountered this kind of thing several times.

"We have no intention of discriminating against Inrodo."

"You don't open borders with us." Yinluoduo accused aggrievedly: "You are not even willing to colonize us, you just look down on us."


Everyone in the audience was shocked.

What the hell kind of logical thinking is this.

I bet you still want others to invade and enslave you.

But decades ago, the elves did have a fight with Inrodo.

Because the Luoduo border guards were causing trouble at the border of the Elf Forest, they captured several male elves who were hooking fish.

The elves naturally had to save people, so the rescue team of a hundred people directly engaged the enemy's border troops.

In the end, it only took one day to almost hit the opponent's royal city. Because the elves had no intention of invading, and they did not want to leave the Elf Forest for too long. After rescuing the male elves, they quickly retreated.

Inrodo barely offered any decent resistance.

This incident has greatly embarrassed the country, and it has been ridiculed to this day.

But no one expected that Yin Luoduo had such strange thoughts in his heart.

They actually want to be colonized.

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