Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 346 The pattern of the great lords

Looking at Tiao Tiao's frightened expression, Hardy understood that she was indeed frightened by the Gray Deer Man.

I have to say that Hardy in his previous life had a huge headache when he bumped into those things.

These monsters are not weak individually, they like to act in groups, and they do things very irrationally. Anyone who sees them will want to take a detour.

"Let's not talk about these disgusting monsters." Tiao Tiao rubbed his forehead and sighed: "Let's talk about other things, Mr. Hardy."

"Okay." Hardy raised his glass and gestured: "I heard that Ms. Tiao Tiao was very popular some time ago."

Because Hadi specifically told the intelligence organization in his territory to pay more attention to the affairs of the ‘undead’, information about the situation would reach Hadi’s ears from time to time.

Hearing this, Tiao Tiao smiled awkwardly.

There are indeed beautiful scenery, but generally speaking, there are still more worries.

She personally prefers to be strong and independent, otherwise she would not refuse Madam Sissi's solicitation and run out to set up her own business.

At least Alice and Nicai don't have the ambition to fight for the world.

Just having the spirit to do something doesn't mean you will succeed.

Since Tiao Tiao left Hexi County, she has become quite famous as a closed beta anchor.

Then, at the suggestion of my best friend, I created a guild composed purely of women.

I thought I could provide certain benefits for female players and create a shelter for female friends. As a result... within two months, this female guild collapsed.

Then Tiao Tiao also saw how troublesome it would be for 'units' and 'institutions' composed purely of women.

After that, Tiao Tiao opened a new guild, but this time, the number of women in her guild only accounted for about one-third.

In this way, there are people in the guild who can do things, and it can finally be opened.

In order to maintain the operation of the guild, she looked for tasks everywhere and took orders, which made her life very hard.

Why do you want to go to the front line this time? It's not to make more money.

They thought they could make a war fortune while the humans and demons were fighting.

As a result, I almost lost all my pants.

"We are almost starting from scratch this time." Tiao Tiao took the initiative to toast Hadi with a glass of wine, and then asked: "I wonder if Mr. Hardy has any place where we can serve."

Tiao Tiao now understands how wrong he was to refuse Madam Sissi and Hardy's solicitation a year ago.

Looking at everyone, even if all the supplies in the front were exhausted, he would probably be able to make a comeback soon with his two small territories.

And... if I don't find a way to make money, this guild will soon collapse.

The big muscle tyrant next to him also smiled flatteringly and said: "Sir Hardy, if you need anything, please be sure to call me."

Hardy looked at the two of them, feeling a little funny in his heart.

Both of these two people are big anchors and logically quite wealthy.

But the problem is that in the face of war, the so-called "rich" of these two people is just a drop in the ocean. If you throw all their wealth into it, they won't risk a splash.

Hardy held the wine glass, thought for a while, and said, "You should know Xixi."

When the two of them heard what Hardy said, they became obviously excited.

Among the current player community, who doesn’t envy Bian Xixi.

After embracing the right NPC, he is now a little lord.

Not to mention the title, it sounds like he is determined to gain face. He is the only one among the players. The tax revenue from this village and one city alone can make Bing Xixi a lot of money.

It's just that others want to copy Xixi's path, but find that there is no chance.

It is impossible for the great nobles to hand over their territory to an 'outsider', to the so-called 'immortal' from a foreign land.

It is difficult for them to even meet the great nobles.

Not all nobles are as easy to talk to as Hardy, and they have no distinction between superiority and inferiority.

Occasionally, after completing important tasks, he was received by a big noble, and the other party also had a condescending attitude.

Now that Hardy had taken the initiative to mention Xi Xi, their breathing could not help but quicken.

Is Hardy going to create a new player lord again just like he created Bing Xixi?

"It didn't take much effort to become my vassal. That's because I was in urgent need of talents and power loyal to me." Hadi smiled and continued: "But the situation is different now. Although I still need Great people do things for me, but it’s no longer a very urgent matter.”

Hearing this, Tiao Tiao and Da Musha looked at each other.

They understood what Hadi meant: You have to work several times harder than Bing Xixi to get the reward of the territory.

Tiao Tiao took a gentle breath and said, "Sir Hardy, please speak up if you have anything to say. We will never shirk away from anything we can do."

The big muscle tyrant also spoke up: "That's right, Mr. Hardy, please speak, we will listen carefully."

Hardy looked at the two of them and said, "You immortals will be a force that can play an important role in this war between humans and demons."

Tiaotiao and Da Mushao nodded.

Being able to be resurrected is their greatest advantage. Even after resurrection, their strength will drop a lot.

"But you lack training and you lack logistics."

Tiao Tiao didn't quite understand what Hardy meant, but Big Muscle did.

He asked with some surprise: "Mr. Hardy, do you want to recruit us?"


Hardy nodded: "I want to set up a new army, composed entirely of you 'immortals', divided into infantry, cavalry, shooters, etc. according to personal abilities. And the number of people I need is about five thousand people."

The two looked at each other and subconsciously licked their lips.

Among the players, Jialan Guild only supports about 400 people, and it is already very difficult financially.

In modern society, no one is willing to work for others in games for nothing.

Most players want to make money while playing games and use them in real life.

Take Alice, for example, and many gold miners.

Therefore, every guild formed by players is essentially a small company.

The guild leader needs to provide ‘benefits’ to the guild.

"But I don't have the ability to promote myself among the 'Immortals.'" Hardy looked at the two of them and smiled: "Both of them are big shots among the Immortals, so I would like to ask you to help me with my plan. Spread the word. As long as this is successful, I will be rewarded generously."

The two big anchors were silent for a while.

After a while, Tiao Tiao asked: "Sir Hardy, can you tell us in advance what we can get?"

"Two choices." Hadi looked into Tiao Tiao's eyes and smiled: "One is to become the lord of a small city like Bing Xixi."

Their eyes suddenly lit up.

"The other is to become an officer under my command and help me lead one of the undead armies." (End of Chapter)

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