Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 761 We are all family

In the Royal City of Boris, Queen Sissi brought Ni Cai and Alice to the Jeanna Manor.

First, she wanted to chat with Lady Anna and Ellen.

After all, although she is the queen, she is also from the Jeanna family.

Secondly, she wanted to meet the two here.

Opposite her, there were two elves sitting.

"Merry, Ms. Star, I'm glad you can come here." Queen Sissi showed a grateful expression: "Thank you very much."

"That's not necessary. Before Hardy left, he told us to stay outside the city of Boris. If anything happens here, we can help."

Queen Sissi smiled.

Before Hardy left, he also told her that if something really happened that was difficult to solve, he could go to the woods outside the city through Lady Anna and ask the elves for help.

After all, Hardy took away hundreds of royal guards, which would have a certain impact on the combat power of the royal family.

"There is a church of light in the town of Rhine in the northeast." Queen Sissi said, "I would like to ask you two to help me investigate the situation there."

Meili suddenly asked curiously, "Are you also Hardy's woman?"

When this was said, both Mrs. Anna and Ellen were very surprised.

The relationship between Hardy and Queen Sissi was relatively secretive, and the two did not know it.

Queen Sissi was a little embarrassed, and she subconsciously looked at Anna and Ellen.

"Don't worry, everyone present is our own people." Meili said with a smile.

Queen Sissi, Mrs. Anna, and Ellen all laughed awkwardly, then the three looked at each other, and finally laughed with relief.

Especially Ellen, she now feels more and more that it is a good thing for her to join in.

Otherwise... the consequences are unimaginable.

Queen Sissi looked at Meili and asked, "I am very curious, why do you elves have such a...close relationship with Hardy!"

These two elves are also Hardy's women, and Queen Sissi does not find it strange.

But judging from various intelligence, the attitude of the elves towards Hadi is relatively strange.

Too good.

In the eyes of outsiders, Hadi is now the spokesperson of the elves.

"Hadi is our future prince." Youmi said with a smile: "The husband of the next queen."

"Have you decided on the next queen?"

"Yes." Youmi nodded and said: "Hadi is the prince recognized by our entire tribe, and no one objects."

So that's it.

This sounds outrageous, but Queen Sissi thinks that if it is Hadi, this is normal.

He is such a magical boy.

I can become the queen because of him.

And his daughter can become the pope, which is his plan.

Now that Hadi is the future prince of the elves, it is not unacceptable.

Since everyone present is their own people, then the next words can be said freely.

Queen Sissi sighed and said, "I suspect that there are evil believers in the Church of Light who are planning something, but I don't have anyone available."

In the eyes of outsiders, the Jeanna family has many talents.

Not to mention Hardy, the greatest contributor to the Jeanna family, it is Madam Anna, who is also very powerful.

But Queen Sissi knows very well that the affairs of the Northeastern Church of Light are not something that elite people like Madam Anna can intervene in.

You must be a good hand in the true sense.

For example, the two "master" level professionals in front of them.

When they heard the word "evil believer", the eyes of the two female elves suddenly became sharp.

Now the entire elf race has a killing heart for the evil god.

If it weren't for the evil god, their mother tree would not have fallen and needed to be reborn.

"We will take over this matter." Yumi stood up. She was the youngest among the Tree Court Guards, but in terms of status, she was the most noble: "We will leave half of the people to camp in the woods outside. If you encounter any problems, you can also go to them. Just say it is Hadi's order."

Queen Sissi nodded, thinking to herself that Hadi was really powerful and could get along well anywhere.

Then the two female elves left.

Queen Sissi looked at Lady Anna and Ellen and smiled at the same time: "It seems that we can be as close as sisters in the future, and there will be no division or internal fighting in the Jeanna family."

Lady Anna smiled happily.

And Ellen was a little shy.

After returning to the secret base in the woods, Meili and Yumi immediately selected 30 people to follow them to the Rhine Town in the northeast.

Because the distance was not far, they reached the outskirts of the town two hours later.

Then they hid in the woods and rested at the same time. They continued their actions after midnight.

Because it was just a town, there were no defensive measures such as city walls. Thirty-two female elves rode shadow leopards and entered the town quietly.

The whole town was very quiet. There was no pedestrian on the streets of the town. Everyone stayed at home and slept.

The town was also dark, with only a faint candlelight shining through the windows of one or two houses occasionally.

The elves have dark vision, although it is not as powerful as other dark creatures, but it is enough in this situation.

They soon found the Church of Light.

A building that looked unusually large in the dark.

Thirty-two female elves lined up in three rows in the dark.

Meili's eyes were like two gems with green light. She said solemnly, "It does smell like the evil god."

All of them had fought with the evil god before, and they knew what the evil god's breath looked like.

"How are you going to deal with it?" Yumi asked.

Meili sneered, "What else can we do? Of course, we will just rush in and kill all those who have the evil god's breath!"

Youmi shrugged and said, "Okay, I support it."

"Three tree people will be responsible for defense and control, ten big bears will charge in the front, ten ocelots will wait for an opportunity to attack, and the rest will provide remote support."

As soon as she finished speaking, three female elves turned into tree people, ten big golden bears appeared, and ten purple leopards were gradually disappearing.


Meili pointed forward with her right hand: "Kill anyone who has the evil god's breath, and kill anyone who dares to stop and resist."

The ten giant bears rushed up almost at the same time, and broke through the gate and went in with the rumbling sound of running and the roar of the bears.

The other elves quickly followed.

An angry roar came from the Church of Light: "What are you...ah!"

The continuous screams echoed throughout the town.

Hearing such sounds, the few windows in the town with candlelight also darkened.

The moonlight was covered by dark clouds.

The screams lasted for half an hour before they stopped. (End of this chapter)

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