Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 765 I'll stop him

Hardy's intuition was very accurate. In the middle of the night, the enemy did come to attack.

More than 20 elite assassins.

Although it doesn't sound very strong, in fact, such a lineup is already very powerful.

Humans are not elves. Their lifespan is not that long, and their average physical fitness is not that good. It is impossible for everyone to be a professional.

If other people were here, they might have been defeated.

But in the E.P.R's spiritual application system, there are special skills for assassins, which can use mental power to directly sense nearby magic power sources and mental power sources.

Therefore... when Hardy is in this state, assassins who are not as strong as legendary level have no secrets in front of him.

Unless they use the different dimension walking.

But that kind of special space skills are not something that assassins can master.

These assassins can use the ground shadow technique, which can be used to climb the wall... very suitable for sneak attacks.

But unfortunately, Hardy instantly cast a magic of "Appearing Dust" towards the sky, and directly pulled these people out of the shadow state.

At this time, there were soldiers patrolling on the city wall.

The sudden appearance of a figure shocked them.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

The angry shouts rang out.

Hadi didn't even need to do anything. The assassin, who was not good at frontal combat, was in a state of panic after being suddenly pulled out of the "shadow" state.

Then he was surrounded and divided by the soldiers on the city wall, and was directly stabbed to death with a spear.

Professionals have little ability to resist when facing well-trained soldiers who move in formation unless they are strong enough, at least above the mid-level master level.

Soon, a sleepy priest came over and "baptized" the twenty or so corpses to ensure that they would not be "resurrected" into undead creatures by necromancy.

After this wave of attacks, the Netherlands did not send anyone over that night.

The next morning, after both sides had breakfast, the Dutch army launched another attack.

The war lasted from morning to evening.

After leaving behind nearly two thousand corpses, the enemy retreated in an orderly manner again.

Hadi shook the Qinglin Sword in his hand, and the coagulated blood scales could not stain the sword body, and turned into pieces of blood flowers, flying everywhere.

Then Hadi returned the sword to the sheath.

He felt that this sword was quite useful.

At least it fits his fighting style in human form.

At this time, Levi came over from the side.

Compared with Hadi, he was much more embarrassed, his whole body was stained with blood, and his face was covered with blood stains.

He wiped his face and said, "Sir Hadi, the enemy is indeed forcing the city as you expected."

"As expected, if it were me, I would do the same."

"But with Sir Hadi here, they will have to pay a great price to break through this fortress." Levi's eyes were filled with admiration.

Not only him, but all the soldiers on the city wall looked at Hadi with the same look.

Hadi's fighting power was too strong, with a long sword in one hand and a spell in the other, he could cut people like cutting melons, and whoever he pointed at with the spell would die.

The enemy had more than 2,000 corpses, and Hardy alone contributed nearly 300 of them, which can be said to have greatly improved the soldiers.

If Hardy hadn't been there, the city wall defense line would have collapsed long ago.

Hardy looked at the Dutch camp in the distance and sighed: "We will have to retreat if we repel another wave of enemy attacks tomorrow."

"Why?" Levi was a little puzzled: "Our casualties are not large!"

Hadi shook his head: "But our soldiers are already very tired, and the psychological pressure is almost at its maximum. We will fight another battle tomorrow, and then retreat, give up a certain territory, and extract enough space and time. Let the soldiers have a good rest for a day or two, so that they can continue to fight, otherwise they will collapse."

Although the soldiers of the Bar Lev Fortress could hold out for more than two months under the enemy's offensive before.

But that was a small scene, and the intensity of the enemy's siege every day was much smaller than it is now.

Now the number of enemy deaths in a battle is more than the number of people in a single siege in the previous two months.

The previous battles lasted at most half a day, but now they fight from morning to night.

You can imagine how exaggerated the intensity of the battle between the two sides was.

Levi looked at the soldiers around him, then nodded helplessly.

"Sir Hardy, you go to rest tonight, I'll take turns." Levi suggested.

Hardy waved his hand: "No, I can go for a few days without rest and still maintain enough energy, just take a nap occasionally."


"You go to rest." Hardy turned back and persuaded: "I give orders as a marquis, you must obey."

"Okay." Levi smiled gratefully.

In fact, he was really tired, after all, he also killed more than 30 enemies, and fought from morning to evening.

It's just that he is not as strong as Hardy, and his physical strength is so good.

After Levi left, Hardy found an old stool and sat on the city wall.

He opened his mental power again to scout the surrounding situation.

Maybe because more than 20 assassins were buried last night and returned empty-handed, the Dutch army did not send anyone to attack overnight tonight.

When Hardy was still eating breakfast the next morning, the enemy had already launched an attack.

The bells echoed in the fortress, and the soldiers rushed out of the barracks, holding their breakfast in their hands, looking very hurried.

Levi was the same, he ran up with a long sword and shield in his arms, and a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Are the Dutch crazy? They came here without eating!"

"They may have eaten." Hardy sighed.

"How is it possible? I didn't see any smoke from their camp."

"Maybe they were eating dry food."

Levi hammered the wall heavily and asked hatefully: "These bastards are deliberately playing with time."

They have tried their best to prepare breakfast.

But this takes time.

It's not long since dawn, and breakfast is only prepared for less than half of the people.

That is to say, more than half of the soldiers can't have breakfast.

"This is a bit troublesome." Levi swallowed the white bread in a few bites.

Hadi said: "Let those who have eaten breakfast defend on the city wall, and those who haven't eaten breakfast, continue to eat breakfast."

"But we may not be able to hold it like this."

Hadi smiled and said: "Maybe we can hold it, at worst I will do my best."

Levi thought about it and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

After a while, a group of soldiers went down from the city wall.

At this time, the enemy's ladder was also set up on the city wall.

It was another battle that lasted from morning to evening.

The enemy once again left behind more than 2,000 corpses and retreated in an orderly manner.

On France's side, a large number of casualties also began to occur.

"Thirty-six people died, seventy-two people were seriously injured, and one hundred and thirty-three people were slightly injured!" Levi reported the casualty figures with a very ugly face: "Although you are here, Sir Hardy, our physical strength has indeed been greatly affected."

Hardy looked at the state of the soldiers around him and said, "Evacuate, while it is not completely dark, and while the enemy is retreating."

Levi was about to agree, but at this time, both of them were attracted by the sudden situation.

They looked outside the city wall.

A team of people appeared in the Dutch military camp, and then arranged the dead Dutch soldiers in the shape of a hexagram in front of the military camp.

"What are they doing!" Levi asked with a frown.

Hardy snorted: "Sacrifice to the evil god."

Although he had found a way to let the priests purify the corpses, they could only purify the corpses of both the enemy and us who died on the city wall.

The bodies that fell under the city wall... were all "collected" by the Dutch army.

Levi's eyes widened: "How dare they!"

Hardy saw a familiar figure standing in the middle of the hexagram formed by the pile of corpses.

It was Gustav!

"I'll stop him!"

Hardy jumped down from the city wall. (End of this chapter)

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