Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 801 Hostages Arrive

The Bone Demon Lord Nazan Banagher was very upset at this time.

He looked at the parchment, then threw it aside and sighed softly.

He was sitting on a high Iron Throne, and under the steps stood several bone demons one size smaller than him.

Judging from the physical appearance, they are two men and two women!

Among the four little bone demons, the tallest male bone demon picked up the parchment and said curiously after reading it: "Father, the mission assigned by the royal family is very simple, and the rewards are also very generous. Why are you sighing?" ”

The Bone Demon Lord is relatively huge, at least two meters tall.

There were already four vertical slight cracks on the surface of his white-shell visor.

This kind of crack is somewhat similar to human wrinkles and is an irreversible surface feature.

Nezan snorted: "The royal family is asking us to die."

"How is that possible!" The male bone demon who just spoke continued: "It's just a human city with a population of tens of thousands. Isn't it something that can be easily captured?"

"You only saw the surface, my child." Nei Zan sighed: "This is also my fault. I should have taught you these dirty political tricks earlier."

The young bone demon's purple pupils were full of doubts.

"The royal family has always liked to use their power to suppress others." Nezan's tone was quite sarcastic: "Especially the Russell royal family, they are very strong, but when they encounter a strong enemy, they always like to let others go first and use other people's physical strength to defeat others. To consume the enemy, they will come back in the end and easily obtain the fruits of victory.”

"Is this how the royal family is?" The young Bone Demon's expression was shocked: "But I heard that they are unparalleled in bravery and will move forward indomitably."

"That's the Rida royal family." Nezan's tone became more sarcastic: "Then Russell put this reputation on his own head, and at the same time blurred the difference between the Rida royal family and them in public opinion. Many people were fooled. Only a small number of people can tell the difference between the two.”

The young Bone Demon subconsciously said to himself: "So that's it."

"If this human force is very weak, Russell will do it by himself, and we don't need our help." The Bone Demon Lord stood up, two meters tall, with a white exoskeleton armor: "But they If you give us this task and promise such a high reward, I don’t believe it if there’s nothing fishy about it.”

A female bone demon next to her asked: "Father, what should we do?"

"It's impossible to attack directly. We have to find a way to get out of this crisis." The Bone Demon Lord sighed admiringly: "The best way is to delay, but now the news has begun to spread outside that we are going to attack Basov City. "It's obvious that the Russell royal family is behind this and is forcing us to take action."

The four smaller bone demons had angry flames flashing in their eyes.

The Bone Demon Lord asked: "Think about it, if you were the one making the decision, what would you do?"

The male bone demon who had been silent just now said: "I think it is the lesser of two evils to fight. At least it is much easier to deal with humans than royals."

The eldest son, Bone Demon, looked at his two younger sisters, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

Seeing his two sons like this, the Bone Demon Lord showed some disappointment in his eyes.

But at this time, the smallest female bone demon said: "We can't afford to offend the royal family. We have to fight the humans, but we can use some strategies."

"What's the plan?" Lord Bone Demon asked with great interest.

"Secretly sending someone over, saying that we want to negotiate with the lord of Basov, fish him out, and then..." The female bone demon made a gesture of wiping her neck: "The next thing will be easier to handle."

At this time, another female bone demon with light green eyes said: "The lord of Basov will not be so stupid, and I heard that he is a woman. Women are more timid and cautious."

"Then what do you think we should do?" the youngest female bone demon asked.

"Actually, I think the royal family can leave this matter to us, but why don't we learn from the royal family and leave this matter to others!" The light green female bone demon said with a smile: "Fear demons, minotaurs, and even Nagas ! There are many allies who are not smart around us."

"This is a good idea." The Bone Demon Lord smiled and said, "It seems that you, the third child, are the smartest."

A female bone demon with light green eyes, her pupils curved into the shape of a crescent moon.

"In that case, Third Brother, it's up to you to handle this matter." The Bone Demon Lord smiled and said: "We must pull at least one brainless lord onto our chariot before ten days!"


At this time, outside the city where the Bone Demon Lord was located, there was a team hidden in the woods about one kilometer to the east.

The huge eyeball fell into the woods, but it was still about two meters high and could not be completely blocked.

But now the whole world is dark. As long as you are twenty meters away from here, you can't tell whether it is the woods or something else, so it doesn't matter.

Not afraid of being discovered.

Hardy has dark vision. He stands at the highest point of his body and looks towards the city in the distance.

Compared with human cities, the Bone Demon Clan's cities are taller and bigger!

But... there is no light.

The Bone Demons also have weak dim vision. They can clearly see things dozens of meters ahead in complete darkness, so they don't need much light.

It won't affect their lives too much.

"This is the city of Viano where the Lord of the Bone Demons is." Morado whispered on the side: "Bone Demons are special. As a life form, they consume very little energy, so they are the least affected among all races when the sun falls."

Hadi nodded.

Generally speaking, two dog-headed men can feed a bone demon.

And the dog-headed men can make fat food by chewing some trees and chewing some mud containing energy.

"Are you going to raid the Lord of the Bone Demons?" Morado asked.

"Yes, don't you think it's reckless?" Hardy laughed.

Morado shook his head: "People without strength are called reckless, and people with strength are called brave."

Hardy smiled and said: "You think highly of me."

"We are connected to each other, both spiritually and physically." Morado turned his head and looked at Hardy, his eyes full of tenderness: "I can feel that there is a very strong power hidden in your body. Although it is dark, it is very stable and is controlled by you."

"Well, in fact, I can still transform!" Hardy laughed and said: "When this matter is over, I have a very important magic technology to share with you, and I hope you can help me improve it."

Morado nodded repeatedly, his face full of joy: "Okay, I'll wait."

Just at this time, the gate of the city in front opened, and a group of ten people came out from inside.

"Oh!" Hardy looked over and smiled: "It seems to be a very important person. The goddess of fate seems to be on our side..."

Then Hardy found that he had said nonsense. The goddess of fate has always been on his side. (End of this chapter)

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