Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 808: A Rage for Beauty

Nezan was very confident about the new technology of the Bone Demon Tribe.

Although it is not as good as the outer body of the Evil Eye Tribe now, as long as time passes and it is continuously optimized and iterated, it will always catch up with the "outer body" of the Evil Eye Tribe.

But what did he see now?

A very outrageous and exaggerated nightmare warhorse was ridden by an even stranger iron lump.

The body was terrifyingly large.

What was even more exaggerated was the red moon formed by magic hanging in the air.


The Bone Demon Lord floated in the air, looking at the huge evil eye in the distance and the huge black knight, and the anger in his heart quickly disappeared.

Again, strong strength helps your enemies maintain rational judgment.

At this time, Hardy and Morado also discovered each other, and the two of them slowly approached.

This is a gesture, a way to show that there is no hostility for the time being.

Nezan understood, and he waited in place while lowering the altitude of the flight.

Not long after, the two sides were less than 30 meters apart.

The distance seemed far, but considering the huge size of Hadi and Evil Eye, the distance was actually very close.

"My Lords, did you invite me to meet you here?" Nezan asked.

Hadi nodded: "Yes, it's us."

Nezan snorted: "My Lords are very powerful, and my third daughter is just a child. Isn't it a bit of bullying for you to deal with her like this?"

Although Nezan knew that he might not be the opponent of the two people on the opposite side, as the Lord of the Bone Demon and the lord of one side, he still had to have the momentum he should have.

"There's no way, who told you to come and deal with us." Hadi smiled: "So we can only take the initiative."

To deal with them?

Nezan's mind turned for a while, and he immediately understood: "Are you from the same city Basov?"

"Yes!" Hadi nodded.


Nezan couldn't help cursing in his heart.

He knew that the Lausel royal family had no good intentions, but he didn't expect that the royal family would do things so wildly.

Let them deal with such a terrible combination?

These two giant monsters, without any soldiers, can flatten his army.

Of course, that was when none of their bone demons participated in the battle. If they were considered top-level fighters, it would be hard to tell who would win.

But having said that, he really didn't want to fight these two monsters.

Even if he could win, it would be a miserable victory, and then he would be swallowed up by other forces.

"So the two lords are here to negotiate with us?" Nezan's tone softened.

Hardy nodded, then transformed from the form of Nightmare Knight and returned to his original appearance.

He made a "please" gesture to the bone demon in the sky below.

The bone demon lord looked at the evil eye not far away.

Morado knew what the other party meant, so she drove the evil eye and retreated more than a hundred meters.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, Nezan also breathed a sigh of relief.

He fell to the ground, only more than ten meters away from Hardy.

At this time, Hardy took out a small low table from the system backpack and put it on the grass.

Then he sat on the ground, took out some stored dry food and drinks from the system backpack and put them on the grass.

Now the inventory in his backpack is not much, at most it can last for another two or three months.

Therefore, he took out these really delicious ones at this time, which is a clear sincerity in negotiation.

The bone demon came closer, he looked at the "delicious food" on the table, then looked at Hardy, and said: "You are willing to take out such well-preserved and fresh food?"

"There is nothing to be reluctant about. After all, we want to make friends, right."

Nei Zan hesitated for a while, he was still a little worried, subconsciously glanced at the evil eye in the air in the distance, then looked at Hardy's smiling face, and finally he sighed lightly and walked to the table and sat down.

Hardy put a glass of fruit wine in front of the other party.

Nei Zan took a look and said: "Excuse me."

Then he waved a light green magic light.

It's a poison-removing technique... No matter if there's poison in the wine, the appearance of this magic means that there won't be poison anymore.

However, the other party's behavior is actually a bit 'disrespectful'.

Seeing this, Hardy smiled again and didn't care.

Nei Zan picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and said, "It tastes very good."

"As long as you like it." Hardy also took a sip of wine and continued, "We don't want to be enemies with you, but now there are rumors outside that you want to deal with us, so there is this misunderstanding."

Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, the two of them know it well.

It's just that some things, everyone just needs to understand, and there's no need to say it so clearly in formal occasions.

"You're not human!" Nei Zan looked into Hardy's eyes and said seriously.

This is the nth person who has questioned Hardy's racial identity.

Hardy is used to it, and he answered in a relaxed tone: "Whether I'm human or not, I'm on the side of humans now, so does racial identity matter?"

It's really not important!

Under the command of the Bone Demon Lord, there are also many capable generals from other races.

He sighed: "So, sir, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"You can call me Hardy. I hope to establish a cooperative relationship with your territory. If possible, it would be best to trade with each other."

The Bone Demon snorted: "Then what price can you pay for it!"

It stands to reason that whoever makes the request first will be at a disadvantage in the negotiation.

But that's just a general situation. Hardy doesn't think so: "Your Excellency Nezan, in fact, in my opinion, you are the...weak one."

Nezan was stunned for a moment, then knocked the wine glass in his hand on the table and made a dull sound: "Are you kidding? Mr. Hardy."

Hardy shook his head: "This is a fact! Do you think that Morado and I are the only ones in Basov City now... that is, the lady from the Evil Eye Tribe behind is the top combat power? No, you are wrong, your intelligence is not good enough ”

"I don't believe that you, a human city, can have many masters."

"At least there is me and Morado on the surface." Hardy then smiled: "And we also have a very powerful ally here. I believe you have heard of her name."


"Lord Blue Scale."

"This is impossible." Nezan's voice became louder: "She has never liked to get involved in the troubles of other races and forces. How could she help you humans?"

"Then why do you think the Royal Family of Russell let you attack us!" Hardy snorted: "Actually, he came for Lord Green Scale, do you understand?"

The Bone Demon Lord was a little confused at this time: "Then I don't understand even more. If Lord Qinglin is your ally, as a certain Prince Russell, he should like you very much and will help you. "

"Well, actually he came for me." Hardy said helplessly.

The Bone Demon Lord still looked puzzled.

Hardy grinned awkwardly: "That Prince Russell is jealous!" (End of Chapter)

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