Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 818 The True Magic Race

In the darkness, the huge black knight, holding the mad minotaur lord, came to the outside of the city and even rushed into the forest.

At this time, the upper part of the black knight's huge body was full of holes, densely packed like a lotus pod.

But even so, the black knight was not affected too much.

He held the minotaur leader Tolkien tightly with one hand, and then stopped inside the forest.

It was also at this time that the black knight's combat effectiveness had been greatly reduced because his body had suffered too much damage, and the minotaur lord took this opportunity to suddenly remove the black knight's right arm, and jumped back and directly left the latter's clamp.

Both of them have dark vision, and can see things even in a completely dark environment.

Tolkien looked around. He did not sense any powerful spirits, nor did he find any strange phenomena for the time being, so he smiled and said, "It seems that you have reached your limit."

Looking at the huge black knight in front of him, Tolkien stretched out his hand: "You are very good. In terms of human talent, you are already an amazing individual. Submit to me, and then hand over this ability of yours. I can spare your life and make you a noble slave of our cattle people."

The black knight lowered his head and looked at his tattered upper body, then lifted the transformation magic and returned to human form.

Hadi looked at the other party with a smile in his eyes: "You are really arrogant, and your current state is not much better."

Tolkien's appearance at this time is not much better than Hardy.

The armor on his body is almost broken.

Because the appearance of the magic armor is related to its own magic, it can be inferred that the other party's magic is not much left.

This is also normal. It is not an easy thing to resist the Black Knight's "hug", and he also tried his best to "stab" the Black Knight's body along the way.

He wasted a lot of energy and physical strength.

"But at least it can deal with you in human form." Tolkien said confidently.

He has been looking at Hardy, while also paying attention to the surrounding environment.

It was quiet around him, and he became more and more confident that the opponent was already at the end of his strength.

Hardy looked to the right.

Tolkien noticed his action and laughed: "Do you think Nezan will come? He is busy now and can't help you."

Indeed... Both of them could vaguely feel that a powerful spirit was leaving quickly, and behind it was a group of spellcasters, relatively weaker spirits.

Hardy sighed: "That is to say, even if Nezan doesn't come to you this time, you will go to him after a while. You have developed special armor to resist magic."

"Haha, that's it." Tolkien said complacently: "The bone demons always think that they are the only smart people, but in fact, which race doesn't have one or two unique skills. Even the flame imps can still have a place in this world with their strong reproductive ability. They, the bone demons, think that they are the magic race second only to the evil eye, and they always look down on us. It's ridiculous."

Hardy nodded: "It's really a bit ridiculous."

"Do you agree with me?" Tolkien stepped forward, stretched out his hand to Hardy, and smiled: "Submit to me and become mine. Humans like you can indeed be called treasures."

There was a burning heat in his eyes, and a special possessiveness.

Hardy subconsciously made a bitter face. This feeling of being coveted by the same sex was too uncomfortable.

He resisted the nausea and asked, "I'm curious, you have ideas to deal with the Bone Demons, so what do you think of the Evil Eyes?"

"Evil Eyes?" Tolkien was silent for a while, then said, "It's not a race we can understand for now."

Although the Minotaur race is very confident, they still have some self-knowledge.

Why did the sun fall? It was because the Evil Eyes discovered the secret of the gods and made it public.

Then the royal family and some strong men united and used this secret to kill the sun god.

Although many strong men also sacrificed at the same time.

But if the Evil Eyes hadn't sorted out the concept of 'rules', no one could deal with the gods.

Of course, the Evil Eyes also suffered a lot of criticism and exclusion because of this.

After all, without their 'contributions', the world would not have become so dark.

"So, if I have an evil eye tribe backer, what would you think?"

Tolkien narrowed his eyes at first, then laughed and said, "Who are you trying to scare? The evil eye tribe has long been divided into four parts. They are all hiding in the wilderness and forming their own group. Why do you..."

Then Tolkien stopped talking.

Because there was a huge eyeball rising slowly in the forest above Hardy.

Tolkien turned around and ran without saying a word.

He could use enough magic resistance to bully the bone demon tribe, but when he met the evil eye tribe, he had no way to deal with it.

Everyone knew that the only opponent of the evil eye tribe was the royal family.

At this time, the minotaur army that had been chasing them before also rushed over.

Because they had to run, they just formed a long straight line.

And Tolkien just happened to see them, and the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters.

"Scatter!" Tolkien shouted loudly, waving his hands vigorously while running.

But it was too late at this time.

Before, Morado hid in the concealment magic circle and had been "accumulating magic power".

After she ascended into the air, she could attack immediately.

Bright magic glare formed in front of the eyeball, forming a magic circle at a very fast speed.

At the same time, the densely packed fleshy eyes around the eyeball were also glowing.

The magic in the air was surging wildly.

Then, a torrent of light gushed out, accompanied by countless colorful small lights!

The light of the magic torrent suddenly cut through the night, illuminated half of the sky, and hit Tolkien who was running wildly in an instant.


A faint scream sounded, and then quickly disappeared.

Everyone could see that in the bright magic torrent, a black figure was twisting, evaporating, and turning into gas!

In less than two seconds, the opponent had disappeared from this world.

At the same time, the magic torrent continued to move forward, spraying forward on the ground, swallowing up a horizontal line of the Year Monster Army in an instant, and leaving a straight, red lava ditch on the ground.

This torrent of magic power gushed all the way to the wall of the Corner City, and then it became weak and disappeared.

The sky became dark again.

Hardy couldn't help but clapped his hands twice!

Awesome, really awesome.

Such combat power, in 10,000 years, would definitely be able to destroy a city.

Then, the huge eyeball fell down, half-closed its eyes, and looked weak.

I guess Morado has also used up all his magic power. (End of this chapter)

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